> ZOPE could provide the workaround but ZOPE seems really huge to
> me and an overkill for this. Or maybe it would work?

I am intenionally *not* trying to argue web vs traditional gui for your
app, but to tuck away for future apps, CherryPy2 is a lot easier than
Zope to use and programming it does not require much of a learning

Recently I did a simple app that started as wx Windows, got bogged
down, and switched to CherryPy/Cheetah running locally on the users
station.  I know more about wxWindows now than before, so perhaps
things would be different now, but at the time the gui was really
slowing my down my development.   I had a hard time getting my hands
around the wxWindows sizers.  They are simple in concept, but not easy
to learn at first in practice.

I went w/wxPython for a second app because of its printing capabilities
and the large number of controls that come with it.  Otherwise I would
use pyFltk for small apps.


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