i'm trying to log to the same file (using logging module) from different classes but i can't seem to get it to work.
File 1 is the main file which sets up the logger and then i want to also
use the same logger in another class
This is what i have
file1 ============================= import logging
class A: def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger("app_logfile") ### stdout handler ### self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
stream_hld = logging.StreamHandler()
stream_formatter =
logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s %(lineno)d %(message)s ')
file2 ============================= import logging
class B: def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger("app_logfile") self.logger.debug("creating class B")
def otherfunction(self): self.logger.debug("in otherfunction") =============================
But i get an error: AttributeError: B instance has no attribute 'logger'
I was hoping that by requesting a logger with the same name (app_logfile) i would get the setup also and could use the logger straight away. Funny thing is that the use of the logger in the __init__ function of class B works but the call to the logger in otherfunction doesn't work and results in the error above.
Class B is created after class A so the logger object exists already.
Any ideas of what i'm doing wrong and how i can achieve setting up the logger object only once?
Thanks, Benedict -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list