I'm trying to implement something very simple without using a Python
WebFramework and I need some advice. I want to send a comma delimited string
from the client to a server-side Python script. My initial plan was to use a
JavaScript function (see below) called "makerequest" that creates a
Thanks John. I now see it
John Machin wrote:
> On Jan 30, 3:27 am, Greg Corradini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've never gotten this traceback error before using mx.ODBC.
> "traceback error"?? I see no problem with the traceback.
I've never gotten this traceback error before using mx.ODBC. Any ideas about
resolving this issue? The statement and the error it generates are listed
curse.execute("Insert into FHWA_StandSamp_2008(LRS_ID_NEW)
values('040210') where LRS_ID = '0403700010'")
Traceback (most recen
I'm trying to perform a simple insert statement into a table called
Parcel_Test (see code below). Yet, I get an error message that I've never
seen before (see traceback below). I've tried to put a semicolon at the end
of the sql statement, but with no luck. Any ideas from more experienced
On 2007-05-09, Greg Corradini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm having trouble understanding why the following code evaluates as it
> does:
>>>> string.find('020914A','.') and len('020914A') > 10
Thank you Diez and Antoon for demystifing this problem. I see where I've been
going wrong.
Diez B. Roggisch-2 wrote:
> Greg Corradini wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm having trouble understanding why the following code evaluates as it
>> does:
Hello all,
I'm having trouble understanding why the following code evaluates as it
>>> string.find('020914A','.') and len('020914A') > 10
>>> len('020914A') > 10 and string.find('020914A','.')
In the 2.4 Python Reference Manual, I get the following explanation for t
Thanks for you help Grant
Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2007-05-08, Greg Corradini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm running descriptive stats on mileages from a database
>> (float numbers, about a million records). My sum returns
>> 1.#QNAN, which I unde
planation about the cause of this problem. Any ideas?
Greg Corradini
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Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Steve Holden wrote:
> Greg Corradini wrote:
> [actually, her wrote it here but I moved it to the bottom]
>> Steve Holden wrote:
>>> Greg Corradini wrote:
>>>> Hello All,
>>>> A few weeks ago, I wrote two scripts using mx.ODBC on an Access DB.
Thanks again
Greg Corradini
Steve Holden wrote:
> Greg Corradini wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> A few weeks ago, I wrote two scripts using mx.ODBC on an Access DB. Among
>> other things, both scripts create new tables, perform a query and then
>> populate the tables
Thanks for you help kyosohma,
Unfortunately, the data I'm using isn't chaning either. I've reused data
that these scripts have successfully used before, but that won't work with
them now.
kyosohma wrote:
> On Apr 18, 1:36 pm, Greg Corradini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&g
cute('An SQL Statement'), then call my insert statement in the
Python Shell and it works fine.
I just can't figure out how to reconcile this problem. Has anybody run into
this before?
Greg Corradini
View this message in context:
Hello all,
In a script i just wrote, my code calls a function createTables(), which
checks for an existing table and then creates it, and then immediately calls
selectSQL(), which selects from a different table and inserts on the table I
just created (see below).
However, I continue to get an In
Your help is much appreciated. I will give this a try tomorrow morning and
get back on how it works.
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> Greg Corradini a écrit :
>> Hello All,
>> I'm attempting to create multiple dictionaries at once, each with unique
Hello All,
I'm attempting to create multiple dictionaries at once, each with unique
variable names. The number of dictionaries i need to create depends on the
length of a list, which was returned from a previous function.
The pseudo code for this problem would be:
returnedlist = [x,y,z]
count = 0
Hello All,
I'm attempting to create multiple dictionaries at once, each with unique
variable names. The number of dictionaries i need to create depends on the
length of a list, which was returned from a previous function.
The pseudo code for this problem would be:
returnedlist = [x,y,z]
count = 0
Hello All,
I'm attempting to create multiple dictionaries at once, each with unique
variable names. The number of dictionaries i need to create depends on the
length of a list, which was returned from a previous function.
The pseudo code for this problem would be:
returnedlist = [x,y,z]
count = 0
Thanks Steve,
Once again your advice solved the problem
Steve Holden wrote:
> Greg Corradini wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm having trouble inserting an SQL selection into a new MS Access table.
>> I
>> get a parameter error on my insert statement when I
Hello all,
I'm having trouble inserting an SQL selection into a new MS Access table. I
get a parameter error on my insert statement when I try this (see below for
code and error msg). I'm not sure if 'insert' or 'update' is the route I
should be taking.
#Import Pythond Standard Library Modu
e and Insert.
Thanks to all
Greg Corradini
Steve Holden wrote:
> Greg Corradini wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Lately I've been using the mx.ODBC module to query Access (mdb) tables.
>> For
>> the life of me, I can't get the 'create table' sql command
Lately I've been using the mx.ODBC module to query Access (mdb) tables. For
the life of me, I can't get the 'create table' sql command to work. I use
this command in Oracle and I've seen other mx.ODBC users weave into their
scripts for Access. But I still can't get this simple test run belo
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