Hello all, In a script i just wrote, my code calls a function createTables(), which checks for an existing table and then creates it, and then immediately calls selectSQL(), which selects from a different table and inserts on the table I just created (see below).
However, I continue to get an Interface Error (see below) when i run it. And yet, if I allow the code to call createTables() and then manually call selectSQL() after a couple seconds, the thing works fine. In short, there's no mismatch in the number of parameters. Why would this be? I've never experienced this before. How can i restructure my code to resolve this problem? --- CODE --- def createTables(): # Drop AddScript Table try: curse.execute('Drop table ' +countyname+'ADD_SCRIPT_TABLE') conn.commit except: pass # Create AddScript Table curse.execute('Create table ' +countyname+'ADD_SCRIPT_TABLE'+ ' (TISCODE TEXT(12), STATUS TEXT(4))') conn.commit() def selectSQL(): sql = "Select TISCODE,STATUS from " +countyname+"0"+ " where STATUS = 'AS'" curse.execute(sql) a = curse.fetchall() curse.executemany('Insert into ' +countyname+'ADD_SCRIPT_TABLE'+ ' (TISCODE,STATUS) values (?,?)',x) conn.commit() --- ERROR --- InterfaceError: mismatch in number of parameters; expected 2, found none -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/mx.ODBC-minor-problem-tf3569303.html#a9971678 Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at Nabble.com. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list