On 12 Feb 2006 05:11:02 -0800, rumours say that "MKoool"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:
>I have an application with one function called "compute", which given a
>filename, goes through that file and performs various statistical
>analyses. It uses arrays extensively and loops alot. it pr
On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 10:35:37 +0100, rumours say that "Frithiof Andreas
Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:
>If one was trying to detect fanatics of any creed, a certain indicator would
>be that they have absolutely no sense of humour - they suffer from a
>yet-to-be-described variant of
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 18:27:40 -0800
Erik Max Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Terry Hancock wrote:
> > The only tuple I pronounce with the "-uh-" is "couple",
> > and I usually call that a "two-tuple" when dealing with
> > Python.
> I prefer the name _pair_ :-).
Yeah, that works too.
> > S
Dear Python users,
I'd like to split a string where 'and', 'or', 'and not' occurs.
Example string:
s = 'Smith, R. OR White OR Blue, T. AND Black AND Red AND NOT Green'
I need to split s in order to get this list:
['Smith, R.', 'White', 'Blue, T.', 'Back', 'Red', 'Green']
Any idea, how I can spl
Pythonwin is not good,if you use non Ascii characters.I had to moved to
Yes, 'some data'.decode('utf8').encode('windows-1250')
works great.
> The "=" operator in Python
...doesn't exist, since '=' is not an operator in Python (just like it
isn't, say, in VB). But, OK, you mean "assignment".
> is also quite different from many language
> people had experience like C
Yes, but quite similar to assig
I need to find a bunch of C function declarations by searching
thousands of source or html files for thousands of known function
names. My initial simple approach was to do this:
rxAllSupported = re.compile(r"\b(" + "|".join(gAllSupported) + r")\b")
# giving a regex of \b(AAFoo|ABFoo| (uh... 8
Hi all,
After many hours, I think I've found a bug in the logging module!
If you add a (stdout) StreamHandler to a logger, then detach the
terminal for that stdout, subsequent calls to log() will hang the
calling thread.
To reproduce this, write the following scripts (this was a small test
Apologies, I seem to have sent this to the wrong list. (Though now
that it's out here...any answers would be most welcome. :)
On 2/14/06, I wrote:
> Hi all,
> After many hours, I think I've found a bug in the logging module!
> If you add a (stdout) StreamHandler to a logger, then detach the
I want to visualize my disk space like http://www.werkema.com/img/scrnshot/spacemonger.gif. ie. draw the directory as a big rectangle and its size is proportionable to the file size under this directory, then draw and fill small rectangles into it to behalf the size of every files. Is there a lib/s
ziggy wrote:
> Just wondering if there is something out there like Jedit, but written
> in python ( not just supporting, but actually written in it.. )
> Nothing large like Stanzi's or Boa.. Just something quick and simple,
> with code completion, and a debugger..
PythonWin, so long as you are
ziggy wrote:
> Just wondering if there is something out there like Jedit, but written
> in python ( not just supporting, but actually written in it.. )
> Nothing large like Stanzi's or Boa.. Just something quick and simple,
> with code completion, and a debugger..
Erik Max Francis wrote:
> Roy Smith wrote:
>>A more interesting question is what do you call ()? A none-tuple?
> Yeah, that's at the point where it _really_ departs from anything
> remotely mathematical. Don't think I've ever heard the occasion to talk
> about 0-tuples in any contex
Roy Smith wrote:
> A more interesting question is what do you call ()? A none-tuple?
Yeah, that's at the point where it _really_ departs from anything
remotely mathematical. Don't think I've ever heard the occasion to talk
about 0-tuples in any context, though, so I don't think it's something
Roy Smith wrote:
> Peter Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Latin n-tuple
>>... ...
>>triplex triple
>>simplex simple
> Would a 9-tuple be a nipple?
We don't talk about that anymore since the
I just wondered whether anyone has seen this problem and fixed it. An
IDLE with no menu bar isn't much use ...
Python 2.4.1 (#1, May 27 2005, 18:02:40)
[GCC 3.3.3 (cygwin special)] on cygwin
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
IDLE 1.1.1
Steve Hol
On Feb.13 18h37, Thomas Girod wrote :
> Hi there.
> I'm trying to get a list of attributes from a class. The dir() function
> seems to be convenient, but unfortunately it lists to much - i don't
> need the methods, neither the built-in variables.
If you do something like this you should have a
Thomas Girod wrote:
> Hi there.
> I'm trying to get a list of attributes from a class. The dir() function
> seems to be convenient, but unfortunately it lists to much - i don't
> need the methods, neither the built-in variables.
> In fact, all my variables are referencing to objects of the sa
Thomas Girod wrote:
> I'm trying to get a list of attributes from a class. The dir() function
> seems to be convenient, but unfortunately it lists to much - i don't
> need the methods, neither the built-in variables.
> In fact, all my variables are referencing to objects of the same type.
> Can
Dave wrote:
> This should be simple, but I can't get it:
> How do you loop backwards through a list?
> For example, in, say, Javascript:
> for (var i = list.length - 1; i >=0; i--) {
> do_stuff()
> }
> I mean, I could reverse the list, but I don't want to. I want it to
> stay exactly
Erik Max Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (A 2-tuple is an "ordered pair" in mathematics.) If a 2-tuple is a
> pair, then it would seem to follow that a 1-tuple is a single.
Yeah, but an *ordered* single :-)
A more interesting question is what do you call ()? A none-tuple?
Dave> This should be simple, but I can't get it:
Dave> How do you loop backwards through a list?
Standard idiom:
for i in range(len(mylist)-1, -1, -1):
Contrast that with the standard forward loop:
for i in range(len(mylist)):
So, to go ba
Damjan> This is from the Slackware-current changelog:
Damjan> d/python-2.4.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to python-2.4.2.
Damjan>The bsddb module didn't build against the new 4.4.x
Damjan>version of Berkeley DB. Does anyone care? Or perhaps have
Damjan>a patch?
Erik Max Francis wrote:
> Terry Hancock wrote:
>> I doubt that helps much: I pronounce all of those words
>> (when I use them, which is not too often) as "-toopel". The
>> only tuple I pronounce with the "-uh-" is "couple", and I
>> usually call that a "two-tuple" when dealing with Python.
> Dave wrote:
> > This should be simple, but I can't get it:
> >
> > How do you loop backwards through a list?
> >
> > For example, in, say, Javascript:
> >
> > for (var i = list.length - 1; i >=0; i--) {
> > do_stuff()
> > }
> >
> > I mean, I could reverse the list,
Dave wrote:
> This should be simple, but I can't get it:
> How do you loop backwards through a list?
> For example, in, say, Javascript:
> for (var i = list.length - 1; i >=0; i--) {
> do_stuff()
> }
> I mean, I could reverse the list, but I don't want to. I want it to
> stay exact
Eric McGraw wrote:
>>Well, it turns out to be the best way to invert a string, IMO. The
>>reversed() feature returns a reversed object... not a reversed string.
>>In short, I have to fool with it again _after_ it has been inverted. The
>>slicing takes care of the job right away and gives me what I
Hi there.
I'm trying to get a list of attributes from a class. The dir() function
seems to be convenient, but unfortunately it lists to much - i don't
need the methods, neither the built-in variables.
In fact, all my variables are referencing to objects of the same type.
Can anyone suggest me a w
Thanks! I knew it was simple...
> Well, it turns out to be the best way to invert a string, IMO. The
> reversed() feature returns a reversed object... not a reversed string.
> In short, I have to fool with it again _after_ it has been inverted. The
> slicing takes care of the job right away and gives me what I want... no
> Comput
Peter Maas wrote:
> tuples are of latin origin, so one can derive the tuple words
> systematically:
> Latin n-tuple
> ---
> ... ...
> triplex triple
> duplexduple
> simplex simple
Yeah but there's already plenty
Terry Hancock wrote:
> I doubt that helps much: I pronounce all of those words
> (when I use them, which is not too often) as "-toopel". The
> only tuple I pronounce with the "-uh-" is "couple", and I
> usually call that a "two-tuple" when dealing with Python.
I prefer the name _pair_ :-).
> I s
This should be simple, but I can't get it:
How do you loop backwards through a list?
For example, in, say, Javascript:
for (var i = list.length - 1; i >=0; i--) {
I mean, I could reverse the list, but I don't want to. I want it to
stay exactly the same, but I want to start at
Grant Edwards wrote:
> Of course! What did you expect from devotees of a language
> named after one of the greatest comedy shows in TV history?
Seriously? Endless references to it until it gets painfully old :-(.
The Python language, at least, has seemed to have gotten past that point
in its h
rtilley wrote:
> Hi,
> While trying to better understand security descriptors on Windows. I've
> been examining text-based security descriptors. I have the security
> descriptors on individual lines stored in a text file. I want to break
> these lines apart based on owner, group, dacl and sac
Wolfgang Keller wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 07:50:56 +0100, greg wrote
> (in article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):
>> PyGUI is an experimental highly-Pythonic cross-platform
> How "experimental" (or useable for productivity applications) would you
> consider it compared to e.g.
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ziggy wrote:
> > Just wondering if there is something out there like Jedit, but written
> > in python ( not just supporting, but actually written in it.. )
> >
> > Nothing large like Stanzi's or Boa.. Just something quick
I am trying to use the Python MySQL APIs and have been attempting to
install the above software.
I am using MySQL 5.0.18-standard with Python 2.4.1
I get errors on the build. Some searching showed that one of the modules
I was having issues with now has less arguments in my version of python
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> I am currently seeking for pythonic alternative for XML.
> A pretty obvious one is dicts and lists. What about (Q&D):
That's like JSON: http://www.json.org/example.html
ziggy wrote:
> Just wondering if there is something out there like Jedit, but written
> in python ( not just supporting, but actually written in it.. )
> Nothing large like Stanzi's or Boa.. Just something quick and simple,
> with code completion, and a debugger..
No. The only editors with f
Of course that was the first thing I tried.
But what I meant to say was that at least one port, the python one,
didn't have the checksum validation that Paul was talking about, so I
was wondering if he knew of one that was faithful to the unix port of
Thanks much for the links, though, and al
ziggy wrote:
> Just wondering if there is something out there like Jedit, but written
> in python ( not just supporting, but actually written in it.. )
> Nothing large like Stanzi's or Boa.. Just something quick and simple,
> with code completion, and a debugger..
Is that last part a joke? "
john peter wrote:
> the fix was to specify handler.RotatingFileHandler
> does RotatingFileHandler work with Windows XP?
Damjan wrote:
> This is from the Slackware-current changelog:
> d/python-2.4.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to python-2.4.2.
>The bsddb module didn't build against the new 4.4.x version of
>Berkeley DB. Does anyone care? Or perhaps have a patch? :-)
> Does anyone have a suggestion?
Roy Smith wrote:
> Peter Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Latin n-tuple
>>... ...
>>triplex triple
>>simplex simple
> Would a 9-tuple be a nipple?
Perhaps, but if you're a dairy farmer,
Just wondering if there is something out there like Jedit, but written
in python ( not just supporting, but actually written in it.. )
Nothing large like Stanzi's or Boa.. Just something quick and simple,
with code completion, and a debugger..
> So I'm wondering if you know off-hand which windows port does this
> checksum validation you outlined.
http://www.gaztronics.net/rsync.php is one source. Just do a Google search
for "windows rsync".
> So I'm wondering if you know off-hand which windows port does this
> checksum validation you outlined.
http://www.gaztronics.net/rsync.php is one source.
Just do a Google search for "windows rsync".
I got this to work... just FYI:
s =
SD = {}
S = str.split(s, 'S:')
SD['S_ACL'] = S[1]
D = str.split(S[0], 'D:')
SD['D_ACL'] = D[1]
G = str.split(D[0], 'G:')
rtilley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Well, it turns out to be the best way to invert a string, IMO. The
> reversed() feature returns a reversed object... not a reversed
> string. In short, I have to fool with it again _after_ it has been
> inverted. The slicing takes care of the job right away and
Paul Rubin a écrit :
> rtilley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>s = list('some_random_string')
>>print s
>>print s
>>s = ''.join(s)
>>print s
>>Surely there's a better way to do this, right?
> In Python 2.4, just say
> s = reversed('some_random_string')
Python 2.4.1 (#1, J
rtilley a écrit :
> s = list('some_random_string')
> print s
> s.reverse()
> print s
> s = ''.join(s)
> print s
> Surely there's a better way to do this, right?
print 'some_random_string'[::-1]
Dave Hansen wrote:
> It's just simple slicing. Well, maybe not so simple, or at least not
> so common, but with a syntax similar to the range function. Consider
> the following (string chosen to make it obvious what's going on):
> s = "0123456789"
> s[::]
> s[3::]
> s[:3:]
> s[::3]
> s[::-2]
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 19:03:32 + in comp.lang.python, rtilley
>Dave Hansen wrote:
>> How about
>> s = "some random string"
>> print s
>> s = s[::-1]
>> print s
>That looks like Perl, but it works. Makes me wonder with the string
>module doesn't have a reverse o
rtilley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> s = list('some_random_string')
> print s
> s.reverse()
> print s
> s = ''.join(s)
> print s
> Surely there's a better way to do this, right?
In Python 2.4, just say
s = reversed('some_random_string')
Just upgraded from 3.1.4 / Apache-2.0.55, and I can confirm that both
moin-1.5 and trac-0.9.3 continued to work without problems.
Dave Hansen wrote:
> How about
> s = "some random string"
> print s
> s = s[::-1]
> print s
That looks like Perl, but it works. Makes me wonder with the string
module doesn't have a reverse or invert function?
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 18:51:11 + in comp.lang.python, rtilley
>s = list('some_random_string')
>print s
>print s
>s = ''.join(s)
>print s
>Surely there's a better way to do this, right?
How about
s = "some random string"
print s
s = s[::-1]
print s
Paddy wrote:
> Its tupple surely.
> The following shows that we are not the first to ponder this:
> http://www.jot.fm/issues/issue_2003_03/column9
> Stick tuple into the Windosw XP speech properties preview box and hit
> preview-voice, it says tupple not toople. :-)
Which only goes to
This is from the Slackware-current changelog:
d/python-2.4.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to python-2.4.2.
The bsddb module didn't build against the new 4.4.x version of
Berkeley DB. Does anyone care? Or perhaps have a patch? :-)
Does anyone have a suggestion?
s = list('some_random_string')
print s
print s
s = ''.join(s)
print s
Surely there's a better way to do this, right?
Gregory Petrosyan a écrit :
> Buenos dias, amigos!
> I have to write _simple_ gui library, for embedding into game. My
> first attempt was to use XML: isn't it cute to describe ui in such a
> way:
> Hello World!
> (some text here)
> first elem
>where are Python modules stored in Linux?
Where are eggs laid on the western hemisphere?
René Pijlman
A smart but non-technical friend would like to take an introductory
programming course, and it seems pretty obvious to me he should look
for something in Python. He'd prefer to take a college-level course
for credit. A meatspace class in the Boston, Mass., area or an
online extension course would
Peter Maas schrieb:
> But tuples mean threefold, twofold etc. and the Latin equivalents
> are triplex duplex simples.
triplex duplex simplex
Peter Maas, Aachen
Dave Hansen schrieb:
>> Latin n-tuple
>> ---
>> ... ...
>> triplex triple
>> duplexduple
>> simplex simple
> When I was in 4th grade, I was taught to count to ten in latin: unos,
> duos, trace, quatro, quinque, sex
Grant Edwards wrote:
>> Well, I hope this doesn't make me lose credibility, but I've
>> actually never seen the show! I saw Holy Grail several years
>> ago, though. But I'm very curious about this whole cheese shop
>> skit, so when I get home tonight I'm going to download it. :)
> IMO, it's not
Shouldn't that be:
srcFtp.retrbinary('get ' + file[2:])
or some similar variation?
You're also missing a block telling this where to write the local file.
LocalFile = file.open(file[2:], "wb")
LocalFile.write(srcFtp.retrbinary('get ' + file[2:]) )
(or something similar)
"Harlin Seritt"
"VSmirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> So I'm wondering if you know off-hand which windows port does this
> checksum validation you outlined.
I think rsync has been ported to Windows but I don't know any details.
I don't use Windows.
I need format, specialised for manual editing.
(And in this case a) I don't want/need to develop/find GUI forms
editors etc; b) maybe python is better for manual work? XML is pretty
nice for machines, but what about human mind: what is closer to it?)
Anyway, thanks for your help & attention.
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 16:46:26 -0500 in comp.lang.python, Steve Holden
>Dave Hansen wrote:
>> On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 23:30:25 -0500 in comp.lang.python, Steve Holden
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>"Tyoople", "toople" or "tupple" depending on who you are, where you
Peter Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Latin n-tuple
>... ...
>triplex triple
>simplex simple
Would a 9-tuple be a nipple?
Gregory Petrosyan wrote:
> Thanks for your reply.
> But isn't python code more flexible than XML? I think it's not harder
> to edit py file than xml file.
It's all about integration with tools, and while there are various
situations where avoiding tools is often better than extensive use of
Ivan Voras wrote:
> Gregory Petrosyan wrote:
>> But after reading "Python Is Not Java"
>> http://dirtsimple.org/2004/12/python-is-not-java.html (BTW I'm not a
>> Java programmer) I realised that it is actually not cute at all :) (am
>> I wrong here?)
> Don't do that :)
> Don't listen to recom
On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 22:56:06 +0100, Martin v. Löwis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jorgen Grahn wrote:
>> I was thinking mostly about /proc, /sys and related file systems. I have a
>> feeling parts of them they change quite frequently under Linux, and of
>> course under other Unices they may look com
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've seen "route" pronounced "rout" or "root" depending on the
> background and mood of the speaker, though in this part of the country
> ("midwest", though "middle" might be more accurate) the former
> pronunciation is far
> Magnus Lycka wrote:
>>>But it turns out he actually had one, which he graciously provided
>>>in response to my observation. If I had kept my trap shut, I wouldn't
>>>have it, would I?
> And, strange as it may seem, asking questions t
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 22:30:43 +0100 in comp.lang.python, Peter Maas
>John Salerno schrieb:
>> Terry Hancock wrote:
>>> So what's a 1-element tuple, anyway? A "mople"? "monople"?
>>> It does seem like this lopsided pythonic creature (1,) ought
>>> to have a name to re
On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 07:50:56 +0100, greg wrote
(in article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):
> PyGUI is an experimental highly-Pythonic cross-platform
How "experimental" (or useable for productivity applications) would you
consider it compared to e.g. wxwidgets?
And, btw; I couldn't immed
Steve Young wrote:
> Hi, I was wondering why when I use urllib2.build_opener().open(url), it
> doesn't give me the same thing as if I would just click on view-->
> source on my web browser. It gives me most of html on the page but
> leaves out lots of scripts and some of the link's urls are trun
Maybe an example will help
file A
abef | 1938 | 4bac | 0def | 8675
file B
adef | 0083 | abfd | 3356 | 2465
File A is different from file B and you want to have File A look like
File B. So do the segmentation (I have chosen ' | ' as the divide
between segments).
After that do checksums on eac
Dave Hansen wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 23:30:25 -0500 in comp.lang.python, Steve Holden
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>John Salerno wrote:
> [...]
>>>I know it comes from the suffix -tuple, which makes me think it's
>>>pronounced as 'toople', but I've seen (at m-w.com) that the first
Peter Maas wrote:
> I wouldn't mind calling (1,) a simple but I'm not a native English
> speaker so I have no idea wether it sounds ridiculous to English
> ears. If simple is too simple for you just call it simplum or simplon
> or simplex.
Heh heh, simple is weird.
How about this: one-uple, whic
Dave Hansen wrote:
> I've seen "route" pronounced "rout" or "root" depending on the
> background and mood of the speaker
I actually came up with a method that I use: "rout" for a verb, "root"
for a noun. So Route 66 is Root 66, and routing an army is rOUTing an
army. :)
Kent Johnson wrote:
> Mark Fink wrote:
>>I added the two print lines as recommended:
>>self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>>print type(self.host), repr(self.host)
>>print type(self.port), repr(self.port)
Duncan Booth wrote:
> The append method modifies the list in place.
That's the key that unlocked the mystery for me. ;)
Carsten Haese wrote:
> L is [1,2] before the append. After the append, L is [1,2,L], which is
> [1,2,[1,2,L]], which is [1,2,[1,2,[1,2,L]]] etc into infinity. L
> literally contains itself after the append.
Ah, this perfectly explains it now! I guess I was dancing around this
fact, but now that
John Salerno schrieb:
> Terry Hancock wrote:
>> So what's a 1-element tuple, anyway? A "mople"? "monople"?
>> It does seem like this lopsided pythonic creature (1,) ought
>> to have a name to reflect its ugly, newbie-unfriendly
>> nature.
>> Are we having fun yet? ;-)
> I kind of like 'mo
the fix was to specify handler.RotatingFileHandler does RotatingFileHandler work with Windows XP? john peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi! I have the following logging.conf : [loggers]keys=root [handlers]keys=roth [formatters]keys=simpleFormatter [logger_root]level=INFOhand
On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 08:52:06PM +, John Salerno wrote:
> Terry Hancock wrote:
> > So what's a 1-element tuple, anyway? A "mople"? "monople"?
> > It does seem like this lopsided pythonic creature (1,) ought
> > to have a name to reflect its ugly, newbie-unfriendly
> > nature.
> >
> > Are
Thanks for the head's up. I was so giddy with the simplicity of the
solution, I stopped trying to poke holes in it.
I agree with your philosophy of not "reinventing the wheel", but I did
notice two things: First, the link you provided claims in the features
section that rsync if for *nix systems
On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 23:30:25 -0500 in comp.lang.python, Steve Holden
>John Salerno wrote:
>> I know it comes from the suffix -tuple, which makes me think it's
>> pronounced as 'toople', but I've seen (at m-w.com) that the first
>> pronunciation option is 'tuhpl
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Avi Kak wrote:
>> Suppose I write a function that I want to be called
>> with ONLY keyword argumnts, how do I raise an
>> exception should the function get called with
>> what look like position-specfic arguments?
> here's one way to do it:
def func(*args, **kw):
John Salerno wrote:
> L.append(L) basically creates this, I think:
> [1, 2, L]
> Now, assuming that's correct, and since L points to the list [1, 2],
wrong. You just said it yourself: L is now the list [1, 2, L]
> why
> can't '[1, 2]' be substituted for the 'L' and then the list
Hi! I have the following logging.conf : [loggers]keys=root [handlers]keys=roth [formatters]keys=simpleFormatter [logger_root]level=INFOhandlers=roth [handler_roth]class=RotatingFileHandlerlevel=INFOformatter=simpleFormatterargs=('adssim.log','w', 200, 4) [formatter_simpleFo
Rick Zantow a écrit :
> bruno at modulix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
>>HappyHippy wrote:
>>>strName = 'World'
>>>print 'Hello', strName, ', how are you today?'
>>Already got an anwser, now just a coding-style suggestion: hungarian
>>notation is
"VSmirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Aweseme!!! I got as far as segmenting the large file on my own, and I
> ran out of ideas. I kind of thought about checksum, but I never put
> the two together.
> Thanks. You've helped a lot
The checksum method I described works ok if bytes change in
On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 16:03, John Salerno wrote:
> Peter Decker wrote:
> > 'L' is a pointer to a list. You are now adding that pointer to the
> > very list it points to.
> I understand that, but I guess I just don't see how this creates
> anything other than a list that refers to [1, 2], and
Aweseme!!! I got as far as segmenting the large file on my own, and I
ran out of ideas. I kind of thought about checksum, but I never put
the two together.
Thanks. You've helped a lot
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