On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 18:27:40 -0800
Erik Max Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Terry Hancock wrote:
> > The only tuple I pronounce with the "-uh-" is "couple",
> > and I usually call that a "two-tuple" when dealing with
> > Python.
> I prefer the name _pair_ :-).

Yeah, that works too.
> > So what's a 1-element tuple, anyway? A "mople"? 
> > "monople"? It does seem like this lopsided pythonic
> > creature (1,) ought to have a name to reflect its ugly,
> > newbie-unfriendly nature.
> In mathematics there's really no such entity ...

Yeah, well that's we have no name for it. And yet, there
it is.

> Of course that's still a completely valid construct in
> Python so the  question stands.  If a 4-tuple is a
> quadruple, a 3-tuple is a triple, a  2-tuple is an pair,
> then I guess a 1-tuple would be a single.  Granted  that's
> not nearly as gruesome enough a name to go with the
> special  lopsided Pythonic creature mentioned above.  I
> suggest we name it a  hurgledink.

Best suggestion I've heard yet! ;-)

Thanks all -- I really laughed reading this thread, I
really didn't expect my stupid question to get such
an enthusiastic response. :-D

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks http://www.AnansiSpaceworks.com


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