Hi DH,
Thanks for this blurb from ASPN. I am really looking, however, to do
this on a Windows machine as opposed to a Unix one at this point. This
will come in handy down the road I am sure.
Harlin Seritt
drochom wrote:
> i suppose this one is faster (but in most cases efficiency doesn't
> matter)
def stable_unique(s):
> e = {}
> ret = []
> for x in s:
> if not e.has_key(x):
> e[x] = 1
> ret.append(x)
> retur
"Stanislaw Findeisen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Does anyone know how to create file shortcuts in Windows?
> The only way I know is like:
> ---
> import win32com.client
> wScriptShellObject = wi
you assume wrong, most people DONT use it that is why it is in the
crappy state it is in
On Sat, 2005-09-17 at 04:42 +, marduk wrote:
> ... and I haven't tried this myself, but you should be able to subclass
> the builtin file object and prepare your own read() method. Something
> like
> class ProgressFile(file):
> def read(self, size = None):
> print '.',
On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 19:27 -0700, Nainto wrote:
> Hello, I have posted before about trying to find the status of an FTP
> uplaod but couldn't get anything to work. After some more searching I
> found
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/76be9a994547db4/91917c906cd
Hello, I have posted before about trying to find the status of an FTP
uplaod but couldn't get anything to work. After some more searching I
but it does
On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 20:05:04 -0400, Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (phil hunt) writes:
>> Compilers/interpreters/runtimes are black boxes: we don't (or
>> shouldn't) care how they do their work as long as they run correctly
>> and aren't too heavy on system resources like
On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 21:42:40 +0200, Irmen de Jong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>JerryB wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a dictionary for counting ocurrences of strings in a document.
>> The dictionary looks like this:
>> 'hello':135
>> 'goodbye':30
>> 'lucy':4
>> 'sky':55
>> 'diamonds':239843
>> 'yesterd
Stanislaw Findeisen:
> E:\Documents and Settings\Staszek\Progs\Python-Windows\test_1>cf.py
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "E:\Documents and
> Settings\Staszek\Progs\Python-Windows\test_1\cf.py", line 7, in ?
> shortcut.Save()
> File ">", line 2, in Save
> pywintypes.com_error
I have a class A, with metaclass M_A, and class B, subclass of A, with
metaclass M_B, subclass of M_A.
A class C, subclass of B must have M_B or a subclass of it as metaclass,
but what if I need to 'disable' the code in M_B on C ? The correct way
to do that seems to be with a M_C metaclass, s
I just have a simple question about threads. My classes inherits from
threading.Thread class. I am calling threading.Thread.run() method to
spawn a few threads to parallel some parts of my program. No thread
re-use, pooling, joining ... just plainly spawn a thread, run a routine.
So, at th
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (phil hunt) writes:
> Compilers/interpreters/runtimes are black boxes: we don't (or
> shouldn't) care how they do their work as long as they run correctly
> and aren't too heavy on system resources like CPU time and memory.
Maybe in academia. Not in the real world. Or maybe you
Ernesto wrote:
> Where is the ctypes mailing list?
GIYF (Google is your friend)
Does anyone know how to create file shortcuts in Windows?
The only way I know is like:
import win32com.client
wScriptShellObject = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shortcutName = unicode("shortcut.lnk", "utf8")
shortcut =
Artur M. Piwko wrote:
> In the darkest hour on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 10:44:34 -0700,
> York <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> screamed:
>>It seems Python cannot open/find the file "libgtkgl.so.4", but it
>>definitely lies in the lib directory:
Bas ha escrito:
> Hi group,
> I came across some of these online sudoku games and thought after
> playing a game or two that I'd better waste my time writing a solver
> than play the game itself any longer. I managed to write a pretty dumb
> brute force solver that can at least solve the easy c
You can't sort dictionaries (as implemented by hash tables), they are
unordered data types, so by definition there's no way to force an order
on them.
Robert Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > http://www.nightsong.com/phr/crypto/p3.py
> [Ed Hotchkiss wrote:]
> > Awesome. I just started Python today so I'd have no idea ... how good is
> > this encryption compared to PGP?
p3.py's functionality is nothing like PGP: it just encrypts character
thomas> ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/_mysql.so: undefined
thomas> symbol: mysql_rollback
skip> Is your libmysql.so installed in an odd place?
Oh, also, try executing
ldd /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/_mysql.so
If that shows libmysql as undefined. Find out
Someone else actually got me some help, the end result he hooked me up with was:
# function to evaluate all possible IPs
def findIPs():
ipFile = open("IPList.txt", 'w')
for octet1 in range(256):
for octet2 in range(256):
for octet3 in range(256):
for octet4 in range(256):
ipAddress = '%03.d.%03.
thomas> ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/_mysql.so: undefined
thomas> symbol: mysql_rollback
thomas> What am I doing wrong?
Is your libmysql.so installed in an odd place? Maybe the _mysql.so file
needed to be linked with -R. Try:
python setup.py build_ext --help
Hi group,
I came across some of these online sudoku games and thought after
playing a game or two that I'd better waste my time writing a solver
than play the game itself any longer. I managed to write a pretty dumb
brute force solver that can at least solve the easy cases pretty fast.
It basical
* Ed Hotchkiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-09-15 20:36]:
> But then I still get the error with the len(x) statement .. hmm
Ahh. In the future, it will help us help you, if you make it clear that
there was an error, and *paste the exact error* into your mail.
For example, I'm guessing the error you
On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 15:19 -0400, Ed Hotchkiss wrote:
> This script should just be writing every possibly IP (yea, there are
> billions i know blah blah) to a txt file. Instead of just writing the
> IP, it continues and the number goes past 4 groups. IE: The possible
> IP keeps getting 3 character
On 2005-09-16, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> One of the nasty bits in a pure-python approach is that there's
>> no way to write a literal with a fixed length. For example,
>> instead of writing 0xf7 to get an 8-bit value and 0x12345789 to
>> get a 32-bit value, you have to instantiate
In the darkest hour on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 10:44:34 -0700,
York <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> screamed:
> It seems Python cannot open/find the file "libgtkgl.so.4", but it
> definitely lies in the lib directory:
> /usr/local/lib/libgtkgl.so.4.0.0
> /usr/local/lib/libgtkgl.so.4
> Does anybody know a solutio
Ed Hotchkiss wrote:
> This script should just be writing every possibly IP (yea, there are
> billions i know blah blah) to a txt file. Instead of just writing the
> IP, it continues and the number goes past 4 groups. IE: The possible IP
> keeps getting 3 characters longer every time. And at the
"Grant Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> One of the nasty bits in a pure-python approach is that there's
> no way to write a literal with a fixed length. For example,
> instead of writing 0xf7 to get an 8-bit value and 0x12345789 to
> get a 32-bit value, you
On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 14:57:15 -, Grant Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>What I would really, really like are fixed length integer types
>so that I can manipulate 8, 16, 32 and maybe 64 bit, 2's
>compliment values. I've seen some pretty good "user-space"
>pure-python implimentations,
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Colin J. Williams wrote:
>>With numarray, help gives unhelpful responses:
>>import numarray.numarraycore as _n
>>c= _n.array((1, 2))
>>print 'rank Value:', c.rank
>>print 'c.rank Help:', help(c.rank)
> c.rank returns a Python integer object.
Thanks to
JerryB wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a dictionary for counting ocurrences of strings in a document.
> The dictionary looks like this:
> 'hello':135
> 'goodbye':30
> 'lucy':4
> 'sky':55
> 'diamonds':239843
> 'yesterday':4
> I want to print the dictionary so I see most common words first:
> 'diamond
I have a dictionary for counting ocurrences of strings in a document.
The dictionary looks like this:
I want to print the dictionary so I see most common words first:
This script should just be writing every possibly IP (yea, there are billions i know blah blah) to a txt file. Instead of just writing the IP, it continues and the number goes past 4 groups. IE: The possible IP keeps getting 3 characters longer every time. And at the end of the last loops do I some
Ok, I've figured this out.
>>> import os, time
>>> date = '10 August 2005 at 17:26 BST'
>>> format = '%d %B %Y at %H:%M %Z'
>>> os.environ['TZ'] = 'Europe/London'
>>> time.strptime(date, format)
(2005, 8, 10, 17, 26, 0, 2, 222, 1)
Works (unsuprisingly) as advertised at the bottom of this page:
Well I don't want to start yet another thread on IDE's. I've googled
and all of that an am aware of most of the IDE's that are out there. I
am curious if there is someplace where statistics have been captured on
what IDE's most people are using. Since IDLE ships with Python I
assume a lot of peo
So I opted actually to stick with MySQL since I got hooked up with a DB free and It's more of a standard.
I'm looking at documentation, and wondering why not just use _mysql which is built in, versus the MySQLdb module? I don't get this ...
Yes and it's called python-config...
Sorry for the noise.
The article states that their method calls for them to have much more
than normal access to many more people in the clients organisation than
is normal; from the CEO to the receptionist.
The specification stage can take a year without the customer seeing a
line of code.
And they deliberately "write
I am trying to build an executable that link against python
libraries. If I only link to python lib I get thoses errors(*). This
machine is a gentoo AMD64. I installed python by doing 'emerge python'
and my USE flags uses 'zlib'.
I am wondering if there is a 'python-config' like scrip
Don't change the account IIS is running under - that is a pretty big
security issue waiting to happen.
Change the authentication model for the web site to Basic, then logon as
you. That will cause any execution to be in the security context you are
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Yin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am writing a script that monitors a child process. If the child
> process dies on its own, then the parent continues on. If the child
> process is still alive after a timeout period, the parent will kill the
> child process. E
Magnus Lycka wrote:
> Steve Horsley wrote:
>> Or, as I found out yesterday, cursor.execute('commit') afterwards.
> The correct way to do it is to close the cursor object, and
> then do "db.commit()". Don't rely on a cursor object to work
> across transaction boundries!
> See e.g. www.thinkwar
Hi everybody,
I am trying to run VPython on FC3. The installation was fine. But when I
"import visual", an error occurs:
>>> import visual
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in ?
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/visual/__init__.py", line 15, in ?
import arr
How do I influence the platform type during install? Could you look
at this and tell me what I'm doing wrong? It's still using
information from get_platform instead of using my preference.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] pyosd-0.2.14]# python setup.py install
chuck wrote:
> The browser windows do. Why not the editor windows?
> I hate to complain but is there any way to get IDLE to run in more of
> an MDI mode? Having the floating windows everywhere is rather
> confusing to me.
IDLE is open source, so you may want to consider contributing to it
Colin J. Williams wrote:
> With numarray, help gives unhelpful responses:
> import numarray.numarraycore as _n
> c= _n.array((1, 2))
> print 'rank Value:', c.rank
> print 'c.rank Help:', help(c.rank)
c.rank returns a Python integer object.
if you pass in an object to help(), help figures out w
Colin J. Williams wrote:
> Python advertises some basic service:
> C:\Python24>python
> Python 2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on
> win32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>>
> With numarray, help gives unhelpful respo
Ernesto wrote:
> The .dll file is a shared library file that is associated with a
> programming interface for a semi-conductor chip. The chip drivers come
> in two different flavors: One is a .dll (for Windows) and the other is
> a shared library file for Linux. The name of the Linux file is
> "
Python advertises some basic service:
Python 2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
With numarray, help gives unhelpful responses:
import numarray.numarraycore as _n
I create a setup script for distribute my application, but I have a
problems with the exe package.
When I create the package with:
python setup.py win bdist_wininst
and execute if after, it'll copy the data file specified by data_files
directive into the C:\python23\python23\lib\site-package\my_l
it simply does not work! Try supernumbers([2,1,4,5,3]).
Awesome, I'm checking both out right now, trying to get it setup - thanks.
On 9/16/05, Christoph Haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 11:00:46PM +0200, ionel wrote:> I'm looking for a thread-safe database.
> Preferably an embedded, sql database.>> What are the best choices in ter
I am writing a script that monitors a child process. If the child
process dies on its own, then the parent continues on. If the child
process is still alive after a timeout period, the parent will kill the
child process. Enclosed is a snippet of the code I have written. For
some reason, unless
Ernesto wrote:
> What's the best resource for finding out how to write a wrapper
> module for a shared library file *.so* in Linux?
If you have only the .so file, not the source, you can use ctypes.
I work always with it without problems.
Samuel wrote:
>I have been searching for an answer for almost two hours now and have
>not found an answer. I want this code:
>for i in range(3):
> print i # or whatever
>To produce this output:
>How can I print a word without appending a newline character? Appending
>a ","
Terry Hancock wrote:
> This is actually the use-case for an "LRU cache"="least recently used
> cache", which is probably already implemented in Python somewhere (or
> even as a fast extension). I'd do a google search for it.
reposted, in case there are more people who cannot be bothered
to read
Thomas Jollans wrote:
> I guess questions like this come all the time here ... well:
> I a looking for a python IDE for gnu/linux that :
> - has decent sytax highlighting (based on scintilla would be neat)
> - has basic name completition, at least for system-wide modules
> - has an integrated de
On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 20:36:02 +1000, Steven D'Aprano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 18:07:28 +0100, phil hunt wrote:
>> On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 21:56:06 +1000, Steven D'Aprano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>>Are you saying that the recursion done by "serious" languages is a fake
Neal Becker wrote:
>>I am embedding Python with a C++ app and need to provide the Python
>>world with access to objects & data with the C++ world.
>>I am aware or SWIG, BOOST, SIP. Are there more?
>>I welcome comments of the pros/cons of each and reco
Terry Reedy wrote:
> You cannot tell whether a function object will act
> recursive or not just by looking at its code body. Trivial examples:
I was thinking last night that maybe it would be useful to be able to
define a function explicitly as a recursive object where it's frame is
reused on
Is there any python tool to generate a schema from xml ??
Sweet, time to play with python for a whole day today :P
On 9/16/05, Gary Wilson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ed Hotchkiss wrote:> def ZeroThrough255():> x = 0> while x <= 255:
> if len(x) == 1:> mySet = '00' + str(x)> elif len(x) ==
> Hi,
> I am embedding Python with a C++ app and need to provide the Python
> world with access to objects & data with the C++ world.
> I am aware or SWIG, BOOST, SIP. Are there more?
> I welcome comments of the pros/cons of each and recommendations on when
> it a
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>But there is a difference: writing assembly is *hard*, which is why we
>>prefer not to do it. Are you suggesting that functional programming is
>>significantly easier to do than declarative?
> I think you mean imperative. Y
On Friday 16 September 2005 06:03 am, Laszlo Zsolt Nagy wrote:
> You are right in that holding a reference will have a better time
> complexity. But holding a reference makes it impossible to free the
> object. :-) As I said, my list has a maximum length. I just can't store
> any number of image
On Friday 16 September 2005 09:41 am, Terry Hancock wrote:
> > (Terry Hancock formulated this plainly, he prefers dumb ways because
> > he wants to solve problems, and he doesn't like to perform gymnastics
> > with his brain. We have to accept those attitudes. But I believe that
> > this is the eff
On Friday 16 September 2005 08:35 am, Michael Sparks wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > But there is a difference: writing assembly is *hard*, which is why we
> > prefer not to do it. Are you suggesting that functional programming is
> > significantly easier to do than declarative?
> But there
On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 15:49:15 +0100, Ernesto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's the best resource for finding out how to write a wrapper module
> for a shared library file *.so* in Linux?
I thoroughly recommend pyrex ... it was a joy to use:
You don't define what you mean by "a lot". Python can read
a tremendous amount of information from files in a very short
amount of time so I wouldn't try to prematurely optimize this.
Just read the information and see how long it takes. If it
is really a long time, then look for alternatives. It
If these were the lines what would the output look like?
>From your example it doesn't appear that any of the lines
would be eliminated.
Larry Bates
Reem Mohammed wrote:
> Hi
> Suppose we have data file like this one (Consider all lines as strings )
> 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6
> 2 2 2 5 5 5 6
> 3
Ernesto enlightened us with:
> What's the best resource for finding out how to write a wrapper
> module for a shared library file *.so* in Linux?
The extension documentation on the python website.
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment
Terry Hancock enlightened us with:
> This is ludicrous sophistry. The technical reason for having ANY high
> level languages is "psychological". Computers are happier with binary
> code, over ANY language that must be interpreted.
Computers aren't happy. They couldn't care less about the programm
I've successfully used this toolkit to implement AES encryption in
a recent project.
-Larry Bates
Robert Kern wrote:
> Ed Hotchkiss wrote:
>>What's the best module for encryption with python, anyone out there
>>using python and encryption together?
On 2005-09-16, Raymond L. Buvel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Grant Edwards wrote:
>> I give up, how do I make this not fail under 2.4?
>> fcntl.ioctl(self.dev.fileno(),0xc0047a80,struct.pack("HBB",0x1c,0x00,0x00))
>> I get an OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int
>> ioct
Markus Weihs wrote:
> Hi!
> I tried your script and got the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "pie_chart.py", line 302, in OnPaint
> self.OnDraw()
> File "pie_chart.py", line 336, in OnDraw
> segment.Draw(self.angle, self.rot, self.explode)
What's the best resource for finding out how to write a wrapper module
for a shared library file *.so* in Linux?
The browser windows do. Why not the editor windows?
I hate to complain but is there any way to get IDLE to run in more of
an MDI mode? Having the floating windows everywhere is rather
confusing to me.
> Hi,
> I am embedding Python with a C++ app and need to provide the Python
> world with access to objects & data with the C++ world.
> I am aware or SWIG, BOOST, SIP. Are there more?
> I welcome comments of the pros/cons of each and recommendations on when
> it ap
Thierry Lam wrote:
> I'm trying to use the os.walk() method to search all the directory from
> a root directory and display their contents. For example, I want my
> output to be like the following:
> directoryA
> stuffs.c
> stuffs2.cpp
> directoryB
> asd.c
> asdf.cpp
> Any ideas how to do
On Thursday 15 September 2005 04:38 am, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
> is for me a biased view of the problem. Justified only by the fact that
> at the beginning of functional programming (sixties) nobody cared about
> the efficiency. Now, such languages as Clean, or good implementations of
> Scheme a
Harlin Seritt wrote:
> I am looking for a module that will render html to console but
> formatted much like one might see with Lynx. Is there such a module
> already out there for this?
Michael Sparks wrote:
> The problem that these sorts of approaches don't address is the simple
> fact that simple creating a formal spec and implementing it, even if
> you manage to create a way of automating the test suite from the spec
> *doesn't guarantee that it will do the right thing*.
> As
According to pp 134 of "C: A Reference Manual", it's better to use
eps*2 in your code.
Those python pie chart add ons are not very useful. For my specific pie
chart, I have some 6-8 items to show up and some of them occupy only
2-5% of the pie. This cause the names and percentages to overlap each
You can use python's re.sub function. But also look into full fledged
template engines like Cheetah.
import re
the machine with bing
10% of boo is foo
h3 = re.sub("", "%(\\1)s", h1)
house="something awfull"
tree="something beautifull"
print h3
I tried your script and got the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "pie_chart.py", line 302, in OnPaint
File "pie_chart.py", line 336, in OnDraw
segment.Draw(self.angle, self.rot, self.explode)
File "pie_chart.py", line 46, in Draw
I'm trying to use the os.walk() method to search all the directory from
a root directory and display their contents. For example, I want my
output to be like the following:
Any ideas how to do it? Currently, I can only print all the fil
> I get: "ValueError: time data did not match format: ..."
I'm running Linux in London, and I don't get that error.
Python 2.3.5 (#2, May 29 2005, 00:34:43)
[GCC 3.3.6 (Debian 1:3.3.6-5)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import time
>>> date_str
Thank you very much.
I have searched in python's documentation, and I am sure that python
doesn't provide an epsilon.
Based on your comment, I finally realized that IIS is running under the
IUSR_ account. So I changed the priveleges on this account on my test IIS
server as related elsewhere in this note. So now I'm getting a different
1326, "LogonUser", "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password"
Ed Hotchkiss wrote:
> def ZeroThrough255():
> x = 0
> while x <= 255:
> if len(x) == 1:
> mySet = '00' + str(x)
> elif len(x) == 2:
> mySet = '0' + str(x)
> else:
> mySet = x
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 18:07:28 +0100, phil hunt wrote:
>> On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 21:56:06 +1000, Steven D'Aprano
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Are you saying that the recursion done by "serious" languages is a fake?
>>>That it is actually implemented behind the scenes by
I am embedding Python with a C++ app and need to provide the Python
world with access to objects & data with the C++ world.
I am aware or SWIG, BOOST, SIP. Are there more?
I welcome comments of the pros/cons of each and recommendations on when
it appropriate to select one over the others.
> "Thierry" == Thierry Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Thierry> Let's say I have the following data: 500 objects: -100
Thierry> are red -300 are blue -the rest are green
Thierry> Is there some python package which can represen the above
Thierry> information in a pie chart?
Working on a CLI application that uses python package. The memory
consumed is around 200 Mb. Heap size allocated is 512 Mb. But still I
am getting outofmeomory exception due to which the JVM is killed.
Working on Windows 2000.
Any idea what could cause this?? There are no more system exits in our
Currently I'm working on a project in which I have to display a
window on each of the monitors connected to the PC. I've been looking
around for a way to detect how many monitors are connected to the
machine (windows box) and how to force a window to launch at specific
monitor, without luck
Where is the ctypes mailing list?
Giovanni Bajo has put together a Pyrex release incorporating
patches to address the Python 2.4 distutils compatibility
problem and the GCC 4 lvalue cast problem.
Thanks to Giovanni for filling a gap until I can get back
to working on Pyrex agai
elif os.name in ("nt", "dos", "ce"):
# emacs/Windows
What`s the right statement here?
1 - 100 of 140 matches
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