Does anyone know how to create file shortcuts in Windows? The only way I know is like:
--------------------------------------------------------------- import win32com.client wScriptShellObject = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell") shortcutName = unicode("shortcut.lnk", "utf8") shortcut = wScriptShellObject.CreateShortcut(shortcutName) shortcut.TargetPath = <FULL PATH TO TARGET FILE> shortcut.Save() --------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, this causes problems with Unicode characters: (1) If there are Unicode characters in target file name, not all of them get correctly copied to the shortcut's "target" attribute, thus producing an invalid shortcut. (2) If there are Unicode characters in shortcut name, not all of them get correctly copied, thus producing a shortcut with a name different than desired. (3) If there are Unicode characters somewhere in the path to the shortcut itself (above the shortcut name component), then they also get corrupted, which effects in an invalid (non-existent) path and errors like this one: --------------------------------------------------------------- E:\Documents and Settings\Staszek\Progs\Python-Windows\test_1> Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\Documents and Settings\Staszek\Progs\Python-Windows\test_1\", line 7, in ? shortcut.Save() File "<COMObject <unknown>>", line 2, in Save pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, 'WshShortcut.Save', 'Unable to save shortcut "E:\\Documents and Settings\\Staszek\\Progs\\Python-Windows\\test_1\\Te\x9a\xed me c\xfd z\xf3lazcseL\\link do vecer Z\xd3LAKe e\x9a\xed bla.lnk".', None, 0, -2147024893), None) --------------------------------------------------------------- The original path to shortcut file referenced in error description above contains Polish and Czech characters, and it was: --------------------------------------------------------------- E:\Documents and Settings\Staszek\Progs\Python-Windows\test_1\Těší mě čý żółąźćśęŁ\link do večer ŻÓŁĄKę ěší bla.lnk --------------------------------------------------------------- As it can be seen, some of those national characters in the error description string are escaped using the \x.. sequence, while others are simply "flatten" (like first "e" in "Te\x9a\xed", or "lazcse"). So it seems as if WScript.Shell object in Python didn't fully support Unicode?... Or perhaps it does, but one has to know how to activate it. Any help would be appreciated. I am using standard Windows console cmd.exe in Windows 2000, Python 2.4, and Mark Hammond's Python for Windows Extensions build 204. +-------------------------------------------------------+ | When replying, please replace "my_initials" in the | | From: address field with my initials - that is, "SF". | +-------------------------------------------------------+ -- Enter through the narrow gate! (Mt 7:13-14) --