Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet Guideline : for file service to puppet client

2011-07-05 Thread Marc Fournier
Excerpts from sanjiv.singh's message of Tue Jul 05 10:05:41 +0200 2011: > Hi All, > I am facing performance degrade of both puppet master and puppet > client, when my manifests are designed for serving more and more files > (flat file, jars,wars/templates). > > what could be the best approach to h

Re: [Puppet Users] Apache module for RHEL6

2011-07-07 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, Excerpts from Vorik's message of Tue Jul 05 10:31:54 +0200 2011: > > What is a good module to manage Apache on RHEL6 that is known to work? > I want to be able to create vhosts, nothing that fancy. > > Currently, I'm trying camptocamp-apache. Unfortunately, the readme > file only states h

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetmaster setup with separate CA server configuration help

2011-07-20 Thread Marc Fournier
Kevin, I'm not sure I perfectly understand your setup but I reckon your problem is that ... Excerpts from linuxbsdfreak's message of Fri Jul 08 14:48:19 +0200 2011: > [...] > Following are the nginx/puppet.conf configs of loadbalancer01 > -

Re: [Puppet Users] Grouping user and ssh_authorized_key in one virtual class.

2010-04-20 Thread Marc Fournier
> The way I did it was to realize the user, then realize the sshkey and > then realize something else. I just want a nice package where I can > say: > > class user::ops inherits user::virtual { > realize( > User["bill"], > User["richard"], > ) > }

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: getting a list of rules out of iptables

2010-04-21 Thread Marc Fournier
Seph, Ken, Thanks for your patches on this module ! I love the --comment idea. I will definitely pull this asap. > You shouldn't need the 'before' in the 'iptables' resource. Not quite > sure why its not executing, but how about this ... I do know why it's not executing: unfortunately this ipta

Re: [Puppet Users] RHEL 6

2010-04-27 Thread Marc Fournier
> Quick question: Has anyone tried Puppet on the RHEL 6 beta? We have > to start gearing up at work to replace our RHEL5 servers with RHEL6 > to resolve a bunch of long running issues we have, and I didn't even > want to download the iso until I knew someone else had given it a > whirl with cobb

[Puppet Users] Re: GSoC - Introducing myself

2010-05-06 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > My name is Carla, and I am one of Google Summer of Code 2010 students > selected to work on Puppet this summer. My proposal is to develop > types for management of virtual machines, initially focus on Xen and > KVM. Cool, I'm looking forward to check out your work ! Just wondering if th

Re: [Puppet Users] temporarily editing sudoers

2010-05-09 Thread Marc Fournier
On Fri, 7 May 2010 10:10:16 -0700 (PDT) John Philips wrote: > > But this way, /etc/sudoers can't be managed by Puppet, because It > will be overwritten by puppet. You could have your script set the > immutable attribute on the sudoers file.  Then puppet won't be able > to change it. > > chattr

Re: [Puppet Users] puppet-module-apache

2010-05-12 Thread Marc Fournier
> > I've open-sources Digg's apache module: > > > > > > I know this isn't much more advanced than what I've seen a lot of > > people using. Here's my proposition, though. Let's get all the > > disparate "apache" modules out there merged together into

[Puppet Users] common module [was: puppet-module-apache]

2010-05-17 Thread Marc Fournier
> Since I'm almost convinced that people will keep on doing their own > apache modules and there will hardlly be a monstre module good for > every use [...] I've been thinking about this and about the various attempts to start a "common modules" project that we have seen in the past. I believe t

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Writing a properly-formed custom type (configxml)

2010-05-18 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > I've split configxml into a provider and a type and it appears to work > properly now. > In more detail, I rewrote "attributes" as a property. > All logic is moved into an eponymous provider in 2 methods: > "attributes" and "attributes=(value)". Just wondering if you are planning to publ

Re: [Puppet Users] using puppetforge modules

2010-06-07 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > My question is this. Are the modules intended to be used with the > author-modulename naming convention? If so, did I do something wrong > or is there something wrong with the camptocamp-apt module that is not > allowing this? This module was indeed made to be used as "apt" not "camptoca

Re: [Puppet Users] Could not run Puppet configuration client: undefined method `keys' for nil:NilClass

2010-06-11 Thread Marc Fournier
> I'm getting this error message quite often on the puppet clients. I > don't know what it means. Restarting puppet often helps and the > messages will go away, but suddenly it will come back again. Any > thoughts? This a ruby error. Could you run puppetd with the "--trace" option ? This should p

Re: [Puppet Users] managing php pecl modules

2010-07-08 Thread Marc Fournier
On Thu, 8 Jul 2010 10:25:52 -0400 Jon Charette wrote: > Does anyone have a module that handles pecl effectively? More a side note, but if you happen to be using debian or a derivative, you might want to checkout dh-make-php, and use the dh-make-pecl script to build regular .deb packages you can

Re: [Puppet Users] puppet agent 2.6.0 runs very slow

2010-07-26 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, In your bugreport, you mention: File: 120.92 Do you have a File resource with "recurse => true" on a directory with many files/sub-directories ? In this case puppet will stat each of these files/directories, which can be quite time-consuming. Cheers, Marc -- You received this message

Re: [Puppet Users] Help with setting facts for MySQL replication

2010-07-28 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > Can anyone share how they configure MySQL for this kind of thing using > puppet given that multiple servers may be replicating different > databases and all servers require a unique ID? This all boils down to each host having different options in it's my.cnf file. There is an official a

[Puppet Users] puppet meet-up, Zürich, 17-18 septem ber

2010-09-11 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, Next friday & saturday, the FrOSCamp[¹] conference will take place in Zürich/Switzerland, alongside Fedora's annual FUDCon[²]. The Swiss Puppet User Group will be giving a workshop[³] for beginners on saturday afternoon, as well as holding a hackfest[⁴] where we plan to work together on pu

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet Camp Oct 1-2 at SFSU

2009-06-12 Thread Marc Fournier
Hi, > > I look forward to all the people who manage module collections > > putting in their ten cents of approach and design. Woot! Bring on > > the merge fest! > > Yes, something I forgot to mention: I'm totally open to other people > interested in this project to join, commit, and maintain t

[Puppet Users] Re: POLL: Migrating web changes across load-balanced servers

2009-06-17 Thread Marc Fournier
On Mon, 15 Jun 2009 08:41:31 -0700 (PDT) drmikecrowe wrote: > > Hi Tim, > > That's very close to where I am now, except we use mercurial instead > of svn. :) > > However, I'm more searching for non-same hosts (i.e. no SAN). I'm > basically asking the question of puppet managed ( file > { so

[Puppet Users] Re: HTTP as a source for files

2009-07-01 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > I've been looking into having Puppet deploy some larger files and I'm > noticing that it ties up puppetmasters quite a bit and can often > result in a timeout if the file is too large. Before I submit a > feature request for a http method for file sources, I would throw it > out to the

[Puppet Users] trouble with passenger and 0.25.0beta2

2009-07-16 Thread Marc Fournier
Hi, I'm currently trying to get my puppetmaster work in passenger, but have not succeeded so far. Passenger itself seems to work (a small "hello world" app runs fine), but when I point a puppet client (0.24.8) to it, I get: info: Retrieving plugins err: Could not call fileserver.list: # err: /F

[Puppet Users] Re: trouble with passenger and 0.25.0beta2

2009-07-16 Thread Marc Fournier
> usually you can get some info by point a browser at your puppetmaster Thanks, I didn't know that ! I was turned away by an ssl certificate error, thinking that my browser had no client cert and that was not an issue. There is indeed quite useful things there: Error message: undefined metho

[Puppet Users] Re: trouble with passenger and 0.25.0beta2

2009-07-17 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > The backtrace shows you're using passenger 2.2.1, try removing that > gem and reinstalling 2.2.2. Thanks for pointing that out, John ! The sort of obvious thing I tend to zap when obnubilating over a problem... So I finally sorted this out. After reinstalling passenger 2.2.2, I got the

[Puppet Users] Re: Change Management Practices.

2009-07-17 Thread Marc Fournier
Hi, > In the course of training and consulting with Puppet, the question of > change management best practices has come up over and over again. On > the edges, we have small teams that can get away with simply version > controlling their code using an SCM as an incremental backups while > rollin

[Puppet Users] Re: Yum issues

2009-07-29 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > We have majority of RHEL5 servers in our environment. I have noticed > in the process of trying to deploy puppet, that i am getting errors > when yum is trying to install packages. Most of the time it works > flawlessly, however sometime the following will be reported: > [...] > Does any

[Puppet Users] Re: tidying up

2009-08-25 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > I've got a nice little VirtualBox test VLAN with a puppetmaster and 3 > nodes, and I use it for trying out new classes before they go to the > real puppetmaster for testing. > > After a few months of playing around, my poor little puppets are > running all sorts of rubbish; NFS, network

[Puppet Users] puppet @openexpo in Switzerland

2009-09-21 Thread Marc Fournier
Hi, Next wednesday and thursday, a few puppeteers will hold a small booth at OpenExpo in Winterthur¹. If you're somewhere around northern Switzerland/southern Germany/western Austria, you may want to drop by and exchange a few ideas with us. If you're new to puppet, we'll have a couple of demos

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet Camp Schedule Posted

2009-09-21 Thread Marc Fournier
> (I'm working angles to see if we can get presentations > streamed/recorded. +1 for this idea :-) --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to puppet-

[Puppet Users] Re: managing debian alternatives

2009-09-24 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > there any reason not to configure debian alternatives this way? > > file { > "/etc/alternatives/java": > ensure => "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java"; > } I do the same thing this way: exec { "update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun": unless => 'test $(readlink /etc/alte

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppetmaster config

2009-10-15 Thread Marc Fournier
Douglas, > I'm getting really really frustrated with puppet. I also had a tough time configuring the client and the server part on the same host. I finally settled down to completely seperate the 2, by starting puppetmaster with "--confdir=/etc/puppetmaster". I then have a super simple puppetm

[Puppet Users] Re: Problem distributing facts/or debugging

2009-10-15 Thread Marc Fournier
> but the other article is quite interesting because I > was going to use the enviroment for customers .. so instead of > development I would use customer01 Beware that distributing facts and libs in modules doesn't work from environments before 0.25. Marc --~--~-~--~~

Re: [Puppet Users] Debian preseed values for puppet deb package

2009-12-09 Thread Marc Fournier
On Mon, 07 Dec 2009 17:09:41 -0500 Joe McDonagh wrote: > It would be nice if we could preseed the puppet installation package > with some values. This way during boot up, preseeding > debian-installer, I could also preseed the puppet package to start in > a certain environment. Beyond that you

Re: [Puppet Users] vmwaretools

2010-02-11 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > hi, i am trying to run /usr/bin/ -d, but i was > end with exec timeout. I cannot find any think on google. Have anyone > experience with this? I don't know what the -d switch is for, but AFAIK is an interactive script which waits for user inpu

Re: [Puppet Users] vmwaretools

2010-02-11 Thread Marc Fournier
> should be without asking. When I > run it in the bash It ends in a minute, without asking any thing. Ok, I suppose this is the part where it compiles a kernel module, which can indeed take a while. You have a "timeout" parameter which can be used in this case: exec { "/usr/bin/vmware-config-

Re: [Puppet Users] Magazine article comparing CPU usage of Puppet vs. Cfengine

2010-02-26 Thread Marc Fournier
> The version of CFEngine he is running is 3.0.1b3 > (released ??? Jan or Feb '09, sometime, maybe?) > > The version of Puppet he is running is 0.24.7 > (released 16-Dec-2008) > > So, even though this article was just released, I think it was > written a year > ago. The author said these were th

Re: [Puppet Users] ssh_authorized_key - same key, different accounts?

2010-03-01 Thread Marc Fournier
On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 12:58:51 -0700 Alan Sparks wrote: > Puppet 0.24.8... I am trying to use ssh_authorized_key to create > passwordless logins for a couple of accounts. The important thing to > note is I'm trying to get the source ("r...@somehost" below) as part > of the key, and the same key ne

[Puppet Users] puppet booth at

2010-03-22 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, This short notice to inform folks from Switzerland & vicinity that we will be holding a small puppet booth at OpenExpo, which takes place in Bern next wednesday an thursday. If you happen to be around, come and find us at the open-source village[¹] ! Cheers, the guys behind [¹] h

[Puppet Users] how to define variables in "module" scope ?

2008-09-29 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, I have a bunch of variables that are used in several classes and definitions, all part of the same module. As these variables are defined automatically based on system facts, I would like to avoid having to declare them in each node that uses classes or definitions from my module. Where

[Puppet Users] Re: how to define variables in "module" scope ?

2008-10-02 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > > I have a bunch of variables that are used in several classes and > > definitions, all part of the same module. > > > > As these variables are defined automatically based on system facts, > > I would like to avoid having to declare them in each node that uses > > classes or definitions

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet Augeas Plugin

2008-10-16 Thread Marc Fournier
>>> hmmm. looks like a patch from Marc Fournier attempts to address the same >>> thing and I'm not sure both are necessary (and they conflict in some >>> cases). I suppose it depends on what behavior is appropriate. >>> >>> Marc's patch wi

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet Augeas Plugin

2008-10-16 Thread Marc Fournier
>> The patch I sent indeed focused on the need for this workaround. The >> behaviour of Joel's patch is definitely better. > > > So.. to verify... you are good? Sorry, I wasn't very clear. Yes Joel's patch works fine for me. Marc --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You receiv

[Puppet Users] possible bug in yumrepo type ?

2008-12-12 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, I used to have something like this: yumrepo { "foobar": [...] gpgkey => ["file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/key1", "file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/key2"], } Which as expected used to generate files looking like this: [foobar] gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/key1 file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/key2 It

[Puppet Users] libselinux ruby bindings

2009-01-07 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, Any idea how to get these ruby bindings installed on machines other than fedora >= 10 ? It seems to be required for using selinux with puppet 0.24.7. Thanks ! Marc --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G

[Puppet Users] Re: libselinux ruby bindings

2009-01-07 Thread Marc Fournier
> > Any idea how to get these ruby bindings installed on machines other > > than fedora >= 10 ? It seems to be required for using selinux with > > puppet 0.24.7. > > repackage it from the srpm? didn't do that yet, however i'll have to > do it for centos some time. so would be nice if you can in

[Puppet Users] Re: libselinux ruby bindings

2009-01-09 Thread Marc Fournier
> The Fedora Infrastructure folks are keen to use the SELinux support > and have a mix of Fedora and RHEL boxes. And some of them happen to > sit in the same offices as Dan Walsh, the libselinux maintainer for > Fedora and RHEL. I believe that they're inquiring about enabling the > ruby binding

[Puppet Users] Re: Fosdem 2009

2009-01-20 Thread Marc Fournier
> Just wondering if anyone else from the Puppet community will be at > FOSDEM and want to meet up for an informal discussion about puppet and > facter. I'll be at FOSDEM too. I won't be missing Raphaël Pinson's talk on Augeas. +1 for meet up & informal discussion :) It seems the Fedora devroom

[Puppet Users] trouble diagnosing exported resources

2009-03-11 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, I want to use exported resources (namely sshkey) and with the following code, each node gets his own ssh key written into /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts, but not the others ones. This is with puppet 0.24.7 on redhat. node 'node1' { @@sshkey { "node1": type => rsa, key => $sshrsakey

[Puppet Users] Re: trouble diagnosing exported resources

2009-03-11 Thread Marc Fournier
On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 09:49:47 -0400 Todd Zullinger wrote: > Marc Fournier wrote: > > I want to use exported resources (namely sshkey) and with the > > following code, each node gets his own ssh key written into > > /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts, but not the others ones. >

[Puppet Users] Re: Experiences with RHN Satellite?

2009-03-17 Thread Marc Fournier
> how do you then download *all* the packages installed on the 400 or so > servers from redhat, to seed your local repo ? You can download the DVD images of the releases and loopback-mount them somewhere under apache's DocumentRoot

[Puppet Users] Re: apache2 template

2009-04-03 Thread Marc Fournier
Hi, > anyone have an apache2 virtualhosts template they like and would like > to share? > > For example I would like to provision quickly > > > > > > and have the docroots be in > > /home/vhosts/ > /home/vhosts/ >

[Puppet Users] Re: iptables anyone?

2009-04-22 Thread Marc Fournier
> About to start looking at managing iptables on our CentOS 5.2 systems, > anyone know if a type/solution already exists for this? Have a look at It's work in progress (and currently stalled). It works for me on a dozen redhat 5.x hosts.

[Puppet Users] Re: camptocamp puppet-iptables constantly applying changes?

2009-05-04 Thread Marc Fournier
Hi, > The same set of rules are applied on each run. I used numbers as the > names to sort the rules accordingly since iptables rules' order does > matter. Has anyone been using this module/plugin? I havent tried > using a-z for the names of the rules, and there are no specified > dependencies o

[Puppet Users] Re: undefined method `+\' for false:FalseClass

2009-05-26 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > The first couple lines look like: > > err: Could not create 01 localhost spoofing in: undefined method > `+' for > false:FalseClass /var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/type/iptables.rb:451:in > `initialize' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/type.rb:1129:in > `new' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/type.rb:1129

[Puppet Users] Re: Extras .... denizens of the Puppet ext directory

2009-05-29 Thread Marc Fournier
Hello, > I've been meaning to do this for ages In the Puppet tarball is a > directory called "ext" that contains some extras that aren't exactly > mainline but could be useful to people. You can see it's current > contents at: > >

Re: [Puppet Users] facter's zpool_version errors using zfsonlinux

2013-05-07 Thread Marc Fournier
Excerpts from treydock's message of 2013-05-06 20:04:16 +0200: > Has anyone run into an issue with zfsonlinux >= 0.6.1 failing to work with > the Facter zpool_version fact? I get the following error "Could not > retrieve zfs_version: undefined method `captures' for nil:NilClass" which a > bug r