> --
> Warron French
>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 4:41 PM, Denmat wrote:
>> Here's what puppet docs say.
Here's what puppet docs say.
One single .pp for complex modules are a nightmare. Better to separate into
smaller chunks.
> On 19 Feb 2016, at 07:51, warron.french wrote:
> JCBollinger, in my training clas
No, it is the same for the this test. You do need to have a resolvable IP
address for each interface IP it finds or it will error. For example I had
to add hostnames in my /etc/hosts file for my vagrant IPs (,
That maybe the error you're seeing there, "cannot interpret as a
ew to ruby/erb so
> I'm not sure the correct way to pass a generated string to a function
> within the same structure...
> On Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at 3:10:55 PM UTC-6, denmat wrote:
>> Sorry, rushing around on trains. Try this:
>> irb(main):0
Sorry, rushing around on trains. Try this:
irb(main):002:0> require 'resolv'
=> true
=> "localhost"
On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 7:54 AM, Denmat wrote:
> Sorry, ignore my suggestion. That won't work.
Sorry, ignore my suggestion. That won't work.
> On 26 Nov 2015, at 06:57, Dayton Jones wrote:
> I'm writing a template to populate a file - easy enough...
> What I want is to to grab the list of interfaces, get the ip assigned to that
> interface and then do a lookup of the ip to get the d
> <%= @int_name = @int_ip %>
Maybe this would work better as a custom fact though?
> On 26 Nov 2015, at 06:57, Dayton Jones wrote:
> I'm writing a template to populate a file - easy enough...
> What I want is to to grab the list of interfaces, get the ip assi
Thanks for going to the effort of providing it and making it available in the
first place. Good job :)
> On 19 Aug 2015, at 19:44, Craig Dunn wrote:
> Hi all,
> For anyone that is interested, I've decided to officially bring to an
> end the hiera-gpg[0] project and will not be maintaining
The way I see it you have two options.
The hiera function like you said or a profile/parent class that you can use to
do the lookup.
class profile::provisioning (
class {someclass: server => $server}
Then common.yaml has only
May not be the best solution but you can specify the command to run when
starting a service, you could use that instead.
service {blah:
start => 'test && service blah start'
Alternatively you might want to put logic in the init file, into a facter value
or some other way.
Also you could consider wrapping these in a flock to prevent actions piling up
behind each other - like described here:
Many other examples on the net.
On 2 May 2015, at 04:15, Tim Dunphy wrote:
>> In addition to Peter's exce
Yes, I think it's a good way to go, Alfredo.
I would normally have a hierarchy like the following.
- secrets (e-yaml-gpg)
- nodes
- environment
- roles
- common
Gets by in most setups. You'll still need a site.pp file but in can just have:
hiera_include('classes') (pretty sure that's the call, n
As of 3.1 this functionality has been deprecated and replaced by 'future
parser' in 3.2.
See release notes for full detail.
> On 14 Mar 2015, at 19:05, wrote:
One thing to consider is using hiera e-yaml gpg based on certnames. You can put
secrets (db passwords etc) here and they are matched to the SSL certname. In
this configuration an attacker can change their role/profile but still cant
access secrets for a particular node that doesn't match its cer
You need:
for details.
> On 26 Nov 2014, at 17:43, Jegadeesh Kumar wrote:
> source => "puppet://modules/files/etc/motd"
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G
Hmmm. Not sure but here's what I would do..
I would ensure all rpm packages and any gems relating to puppet and facter are
uninstalled, then install again from whatever package manager you prefer.
It feels like an unclean gem/rpm issue.
> On 9 Nov 2014, at 7:51, Schofield wrote:
> Afte
You don't need to disable lint entirely, you could just disable that check
> On 8 Nov 2014, at 9:43, Tim Mooney wrote:
> In regard to: [Puppet Users] Re: creating hashes from other hashes, Luke...:
>> Huh, at first glance that to
Firstly, you're using http rather than https - but in any case, don't expect
any web pages to appear when you hit the url in your browser. You should try
running your puppet agent against the master.
I know you've said you have read the docs but PuppetLabs do offers great
documentation. Ma
That $::hostname is a fact.
The $:: represents something in the top scope.
It will resolve to the hostname of the node running to
that depends on your manifest and if they need to talk to a puppet master
or you are just doing a puppet apply (masterless).
Have a look at the Vagrantfile docs on puppet provisioners and you may get
inspired. Also you can pass in 'puppet_node' names and facts at run time
(with a puppet maste
Try $config_file = 'value'.
You need to assign the value.
> On 22 Sep 2014, at 11:53, David Logan wrote:
> Syntax error at '=>'; expected '}' at /etc/puppet/modules/time
You receiv
And they call themselves evil?? It's a slap in the face to evil doers
everywhere ;)
> On 12 Sep 2014, at 7:49, Matthaus Owens wrote:
> and
> to evil32 for revoking their colliding key.
But thanks for the heads up.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Okay, could be a couple of things here:
Environments still require normal module layout. You have 'profile' set in
Check modules section here:
Also when using environments you have to set --environment test when doing
You might like to read this:
Also this:
If you provide relevant puppet master puppet.conf and directory structure we
may be able to help further.
This one from RIP works ok for me:
> On 23 Jul 2014, at 5:47, Atom Powers wrote:
> I use a script that checks if the puppet client is running and parses the
> lastrunreport for last run time and if any errors
Hi Roger,
Yes you can copy the critical node configuration into the spare node's.
However, it really does depend on what that critical node does and any special
requirements it has. It may have services that might need to be managed across
one by one. Or it may require one node to be shutdown
I've just been working with it and noticed that warning too.
I believe it will require an update to puppet.rb in vagrant - and be patched to
work with the older versions.
Haven't looked too closely yet.
> On 1 Jul 2014, at 23:26, Sergey Arlashin wrote:
> Hi!
> Does anybody use pup
Hi Peter,
This is master side only:
> On 19 Jun 2014, at 23:29, Peter wrote:
> Hi List,
> Does anyone have any suggestions on this? I was hoping that someone may have
> gotten it working or at least agree that there is
Stick it in quotes?
> On 27 May 2014, at 16:01, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm facing a strange problem with Hiera, where a trailing 0 (zero) is cut off
> a value, for example:
> myclass::version: 1.10
> resolves to 1.1 when the class is applied on an agent.
> The agent runs Pu
You need to include the puppet logging in you rspec file.
I can't remember what that is off the top of my head but I'm pretty sure this
will help you along the way.
> On 8 May 2014, at 0:42, choffee wrote:
> Am I doin
I'll see if I can answer this before my train hits the underground..
Check for gems and multiple versions of puppet.
Run your puppetmaster without apache, ie, stop apache and run puppet master
--no-daemonize --debug. Run your agent against that.
Apache shouldn't be that much of an issue,
And further to that I also did a quick skim and found you use augeas for a few
resources that can probably be better executed with simpler resource types (I'm
looking at you yumrepo). Augeas is costly from my understanding.
Also to get a good view of where the costs are in your manifest yo
Yes there is at least one way. I have been using tags to achieve this like so:
$default_a = { tag => 'do_a' }
$some_hasha = hiera('a')
$default_b = { tag => 'do_b' }
$some_hashb = hiera('b')
create_resource(resource_type, $some_hasha, $default_a)
create_resource(resource_type, $some_hashb,
Or place those values in hiera.
> On 15 Feb 2014, at 0:12, Johan De Wit wrote:
> If you need information from the client, then you should think 'facter'.
> Or you could write a custom fact, or use external facts.
> http:/
Puppet doesn't run in any specific order unless you tell it to.
Look at for the learning
Basically you can use 'require' declarations to get order:
file {'/tmp/thing':
require => File['/tmp/that']
This says, the 'thing' fi
What's the code on that line?
> On 6 Feb 2014, at 4:04, Gavin Williams wrote:
> /home/vagrant/modules/glassfish/manifests/create_domain.pp:41
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Puppet Users" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop recei
The puppet list allows you to posts jobs to the list.
You needs to include [JOBS] in the subject line so people who aren't looking
can skip it.
> On 4 Feb 2014, at 0:20, Jason Antman wrote:
> Thanks to both Chris and Peter for their tips/advice.
> I'm familiar with the ThoughtWorks DevOps
Two things, look at disabling detailed-exitcodes and use --hiera_conf to
declare the path to the hiera.yaml file.
That should get you further.
> On 22 Nov 2013, at 3:43, MM wrote:
> So I had this confuse error message when running puppet via Vagrant puppet
> provisioner with Puppet 3.3.
Take a look at r10k.
> On 13 Nov 2013, at 4:02, dkoleary wrote:
> Hey;
> This may be more appropriate to the git group but, I suspect people here
> would have run into similar situations more than the git users have.
> I'm working on a proof
It isn't finding the file name declared as your hostname.
Two things here I would suggest.
1. Use certname instead of hostname. Hostname can easily be changed but
certname a little harder.
2. Use puppet master --no-daemonize --debug (on the master) and look for the
hiera log output.
In an
In this case I would call puppet from cron and pass the environment var there.
There maybe better alternatives.
On 24/09/2013, at 4:03, kay kay wrote:
> I would like to use additional puppet environment for "fast response"
> configuration and run it every minute. For that I've create
Start puppet master in --nodaemonize mode
puppet master --nodaemonize --verbose (or --debug)
That might give you an idea of your problems.
On 23/09/2013, at 3:32, V wrote:
> HI
> I have installed puppet on a RHEL 6.x machine.
> When I try to start the puppet master service,
Do you have stdlib module installed?
On 12/09/2013, at 1:12, David Thompson wrote:
> On 9/11/13 8:54 AM, jcbollinger wrote:
>> Lack of response? This is a volunteer community forum, not a
That looks a weird way of using facts. In my opinion that kind of detail should
be in your puppet code, not your fact code.
What I would push out as facts are things like:
> v_ntp__ntp_conf=default
And then use puppet code to manage the 'if $::v_ntp...' (Notice top scope there
for the fac
Is pentaho in a different module path on the two environments? Is the code
exactly the same or does it contain extra code for the environments that
doesn't compile?
On 10/09/2013, at 0:14, Eduardo Terzella wrote:
> Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find class pentaho for
> srvdev206.cia.stefani
I believe the librarian can manage a specified directory. You can add that
directory to your module path in your puppet.conf.
That help?
On 09/09/2013, at 22:02, Jason Antman wrote:
> We currently have one git repository for our modules/ directory, which is
> mostly homegrown, but includes a
Hi all,
We are currently looking for a Systems Administrator (Linux and a tiny bit
of Windows (MSSQL)).
Our clients are large building developers that use our product for document
storage and workflows.
Main deal is supporting that you will be supporting the main application
(JAVA) and doing all
Run --debug --evaltrace on the agent run and check the output.
It will give you an idea of what is taking time. But sounds networky - dns?
On 13/08/2013, at 2:05, Tony McMahon wrote:
> Hi - I'm new to puppet, but I'm managing to use it to keep ~130 linux
> servers to a standard conf
Try loading rack in the ruby irb console.
The other thing is depending on your version of puppet an passenger you will
need a particular rack version. Do a gem list and see if you have more than one
rack gem installed and remove any that may have been recently upgraded.
Can be a bit fiddly
Did you see this in the log?
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?
Who are you running it as?
On 04/08/2013, at 21:31, Alon Nisser wrote:
> Stage[main]//Apt:
You're describing puppet 'masterless'. Depending on the complexity of your code
(use of stored configs for example) you should be able to apply a manifest with
'puppet apply' on your laptop.
You may have to change your existing manifest to make it more useable without a
master but there ar
Hi, depending on your code you can look at a few options.
When an agent connects to the puppet master you can supply a --tag var that you
can then inspect and make changes in your code paths.
The other thing you can do is add --environment and use the environment
features that puppet has to loa
Well depending on what your code looks like I would say;
Install packages - unlikely
Restart services - more likely.
Notifies or subscribes to config files may or may not restart services -
depends really..what you doin?
On 19/06/2013, at 8:13, KC1987 wrote:
> Hi.
> First off my situa
You sure that a grep for 'mount' through your manifest finds nothing?
Looks a bit odd to me.
On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 5:26 AM, Brandon wrote:
> I'm maintaining part of a rather large puppet config and at a loss to
> figure out where the following errors are coming from during a puppet
The default is atime, maybe you could try mtime?
tidy {delete_old_yaml:
path => "/var/lib/puppet/reports",
age=> '1w',
type => 'mtime',
recurse => true,
matches => ["*.yaml"],
Your filesystem might be set to noatime - yo
Hi Dan,
so first you will need to layout your puppet directories like so:
├── manifests
│ └── site.pp
└── modules
└── my_module
├── files
│ └── my_file
├── manifests
│ └── init.pp
└── templates
└── a_template.erb
In site.pp above you
Hi Dan,
You are more than welcome to post here. You will also find there have been
loads of questions already asked and answered on this list - so the archives
are a wealth of knowledge too.
Things to help:
Try to break down the things you are having trouble with into a simple test
That should work. Can you provide a bit more info? Versions of puppet and
Can you also provide the output from your run with --debug?
Make sure the user is removed before you run again.
On 21/05/2013, at 22:39, wrote:
> Hi,
> I a
Hmm, this?
> exec { "/root/ && rm -f /root/":
On 19/05/2013, at 21:01, flip wrote:
> Hi,
> i want to deploy a build script, run it and delete if afterwards.
> To deploy and run, i use this:
> file { "/root/":
> ensure
isplay which line in the yaml file is the problem ?
> On Wednesday, May 15, 2013 6:29:45 AM UTC+1, denmat wrote:
>> Funny this should come up as I got the same error just today.
>> Incorrect YAML file was the culprit. Error is non-descriptive though.
So can't help you specifically here, but if you take httpd/passenger out of the
picture does it work as expected(ie, stop httpd and run the puppet master
--no-daemonize --verbose)?
On 16/05/2013, at 0:28, Mike S wrote:
> I am having an issue adding new clients to puppet. The maste
I haven't worked out a pure git way but Jenkins, git export, rsync are a good
solid combo :)
On 15/05/2013, at 14:51, devzero2000 wrote:
> Sorry for the top posting.
> Imho, i think this is a question that could be asked on the git mailing list.
> Best
> 2013/5/15, Alex Harvey :
>> Hi
On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 11:59 PM, przemol wrote:
> I have included it in my first post:
> /etc/puppet/environments/env1/
> **manifests/site.pp
> node default {
> hiera_include ( "classes", [] )
> }
> On Tuesday, May 14, 2
What's on that line?
On 14/05/2013, at 22:02, przemol wrote:
> etc/puppet/environments/env1/manifests/site.pp:2 on
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Puppet Users" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
Compile to other languages? No.
Compile to pure ruby? No.
Use masterless? Yes.
However, it is not the same as using the master - exported resources won't
work, but things like hiera will still work.
Google returns many write ups on the matter.
On 14/05/2013, at 13:28, hmf888..
No, puppet is not transactionable. There is also no simple way to do it in
puppet and running noop first is no guarantee that the run will succeed.
Version control may help you out to 'roll back' but it would be messy depending
on changes. Traditional methods of snapshoting disk or backup/r
Well that kinda makes sense for the top scope variable on the master to return
like that. Your options would be like any other fact/var you want to query on
the client, no?
On 02/05/2013, at 22:38, Dan White wrote:
> Reference:
Sorry, I don't do much windows so can't be of much help but how does running
the install command from the windows command line go? Does that install okay?
On 03/05/2013, at 0:08, Klavs Klavsen wrote:
> On windows server 2008 - it works perfectly.
> Den torsdag den 2. maj 2013 15.41.35 U
Run the master in no-daemonize and debug. You will see how it searches through
your hierarchy that way.
Also you can use the command line on the master to query hiera. See puppet docs
for details.
On 01/05/2013, at 2:46, lth wrote:
> I'm using puppet 3.1 and I want to figure
No, not directly. Compilation takes place on the master and so that is where
these tests would run.
What you need is a fact or use an exec. The fact will tell the master what the
client has; an exec will run on the client where the test will execute.
On 26/04/2013, at 3:50, K
Hi Max,
Making the module directory structure is pretty easy and will serve you well as
you develop your manifest.
mkdir -p /etc/puppet/manifests/jdk/manifests
Then copy your jdk class into init.pp in that new directory.
Alternatively you can add the import clause into site.pp to find your jdk
None that I know of - its the same as putting includes in site.pp. Education
and review are your best bet.
(That said, very verbose rspec tests may pick it up for very specific cases -
but it would be a bit of work.)
On 12/03/2013, at 23:31, Rudy Gevaert wrote:
> Hi,
> We have b
You can run the master in debug mode and it will show you where puppet is
looking for the hiera files.
Give it a whirl,
On 04/03/2013, at 22:49, Jonathan Gazeley
> I'm setting up Hiera in my multi-environment puppetmaster for the first time.
> I've written /etc/puppet/hier
You could try the ruby gem uuid. That would give you a reasonably unique cert
name. You would then run a scan/probe to verify current certs against current
nodes and remove unused certs from the master.
The nodes are just rebuilt with a new uuid and register. Wouldn't worry about
SSL dir cleani
Couple of questions:
What version of puppet?
What section of the puppet conf do you have those options declared (should be
in [master])?
On 08/02/2013, at 20:24, Heena wrote:
> inventory_active_record
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
I believe that this is supposed to be installed on the puppet master - and
since you can't run puppet master on windows you are out of luck.
On 16/01/2013, at 11:21, PuppetUser wrote:
> So give me any other solution to install cloud provisioner tool to open
> source windows
Smaller directories? :)
But seriously Puppet sucks at distributing large directories (you should see
posts to the list going back years on this topic). If you look at the file type
resource docs (
can see you can change the checksum
You can use a yum makecache exec and require it in your php package section (or
whatever relies on that repo).
I've previously put all my repo calls in a 'stage' that ran before 'main' stage
(see puppet docs for details). That worked well for local repo mirrors - was a
slow down for other
Options are as follows:
set your $PATH.
Add a path to a file in your /etc/profile.d/
Symlink binaries to /usr/local/bin
If you use the RPM provided by stealthmonkeys (not the cannabis site ;) ) it
will do this for you.
On 08/01/2013, at 4:35, DJames wrote:
It's a bit hard to answer your problem because your issues appear more complex
than you have described.
For the record I've used the PuppetLab module on github to install Razor
previously and it works. It does require access to the Internet however. That
leads me to the question, what is
First thing I would is check where I think this node is declared and stick a
notify there to spit out a message on the run.
node nodename {
notify {"some message and maybe a $var or $::fact
Then use that same kind of message to trace through your code and find out the
path your node t
Couldn't he run --noop as a scanner for hosts out of compliance and then when
one is found, run normal puppet run (obviously you don't have to run in noop
and just run normal runs and monitor reports).
That way management can see that non compliant host are being made compliant (
a much mo
I think you should start here,
You will need to declare your client node definition in either the sites.pp or
more normally nodes.pp.
node foo {
include squid
puppet apply - applies a local manifest
puppet agent - talks to m
I'm pretty sure there is a template directory config option in puppet conf
which would default to /var/lib/puppet/templates (you'll need to verify
this because I can't at the moment).
If so you should be able to pass that on the command line like so,
puppet agent --templatedir
Of course yo
That address won't resolve very nicely. What is the publicly resolvable address
for your node? Have you allowed 443 in your security groups to your node?
On 19/12/2012, at 9:11, lalit jangra wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an RHEL based EC2 instance where i have downloaded puppet 2.7 us
Cron would be your best bet. You can manage cron jobs via puppet.
kdo wrote:
>anyone have any smart ideas around scheduling puppet client runs during
>specific times ? such as outside of office hours ?
>any options that can be set in the puppet.conf for example ?
>You received this m
Not from within puppet but there are external ways (ssh, MCollective ). From
them you can schedule action.
You can run puppet again (as compilation is done on the master not the client).
The facts are sent to the master at the start of the run and puppet can't do
anything with them midstre
I would be glad to meetup in Melb.
On 05/11/2012, at 9:58, Stephen Johnson wrote:
> Hi
> I currently in Australia, as im the instructor on the Puppet Fundamentals
> * courses in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and just wondered if anyone
> fancied meeting up and talking about puppet, hiera,
Interesting setup. Sometimes providers block uncommon ports. Can you get to
8140 over your 3/4g? If not, try running on 443 (change puppet.conf or apache
If none of these work check the docs for timeout settings (can't remember of
On 26/10/2012, at 3:55, Steve wrote:
> I
While Craig maybe right, are you sure it's not a typo? Are you trying to find a
file in the mymodule module or in nginx module?
Normally you would try to keep files required by a module in the module that
calls them.
On 09/10/2012, at 5:11, Craig White wrote:
> Seems like you need to edi
Yes, unpack the bin and set up a repo or use exec's to download, unpack and
install - easier to setup a repo though.
On 28/09/2012, at 0:06, Carsten Øland Madsen wrote:
> In a node I have (centos):
> class { 'java': distribution => 'jdk' }
> And when I run it I get:
> err: /Stage[
Hi all,
There is something amiss with what I am doing. I believe the following
should work.
puppetlabs_spec_helper (0.3.0)
rspec (2.11.0)
rspec-core (2.11.1)
rspec-expectations (2.11.2)
rspec-mocks (2.11.1)
rspec-puppet (0.1.4)
├── manifests
│ └── init.pp
├── Rakefile
└── spec
├── classe
filesystem! So your test would always pass.
So maybe a format and touching a file in the hdfs would work? Sorry don't work
with Hadoop any more so cant test.
You can have a look at the following:
That was last approach (can't remember how I
Cobbler can put the desired repo in /etc/yum.repo.d - but I have in the past
explicitly cleared that directory (from the cobbler post install (kickstart
really)) and managed the repos via puppet only.
First thing puppet did was install the right repo. It was the cleanest way I
Not sure if I can help but just have couple of questions.
How long does it take to do a 'find' on the directory or a 'stat'?
Have you tried running the client with --verbose --debug --evaltrace
Are you trying to set any permissions inside that directory elsewhere in the
Is tomcat6 included elsewhere in your manifest?
Can you grep for 'include tomcat6' and check?
On 14/09/2012, at 4:17, PaulS wrote:
> This is my /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
> Can anyone see why nodes
> 5051,5052,5010,5110,5116,5102,5117,5118,5121,6012,and 5052
> would grab/i
On Friday, September 7, 2012 11:02:54 AM UTC+10, denmat wrote:
> Hi people, here is a job that we have open in the US.
> *First I want to stress:*
> *You must be a US Citizens to be eligible to apply.*
> The official description is below, but here is my take on it.
Hi people, here is a job that we have open in the US.
*First I want to stress:*
*You must be a US Citizens to be eligible to apply.*
The official description is below, but here is my take on it.
We run Linux where possible, but we have some Windows servers where needed.
We use Puppet and Cap
> end
> end
> ...
> ...
>> What's on line 83 of your init.pp?
> zabbix_host { "${::fqdn}":
> ensure => present,
> template => $zabbix_template,
> group=> 'Linux servers',
See inline:
On 21/08/2012, at 23:14, "Sergey V. Arlashin" wrote:
> Hello!
> I have a custom function which requires a ruby gem which I have in my
> deb-repository.
> If the package is installed beforehand manually the function works well. But
> if I want to install the package with puppet
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