
I think you should start here,

You will need to declare your client node definition in either the sites.pp or 
more normally nodes.pp. 

node foo  {
  include squid

puppet apply - applies a local manifest
puppet agent - talks to master


ratotopi <arbind....@gmail.com> wrote:

>I have two box with centos 6.3 and centos 5.8 running  puppet master 3.0 and 
>puppet client 2.7  respectively. I can make master work when I use "puppet 
>apply" on it and it works fine but I have not been able to do that with 
>client, I cannot make it work, when i run the following command in client it 
>shows the following output
>puppet agent --test --server='puppet.xyz.com'
>info: Caching catalog for puppetclient.xyz.com
>info: Applying configuration version '1356631880'
>notice: Finished catalog run in 0.06 seconds
>and on master when i give the following command it works
>puppet apply -e "include squid"
>/Stage[main]/Squid/Package[squid]/ensure: created
>Finished catalog run in 39.18 seconds
>Puppet master has the init.pp files in 
>/etc/puppet/modules/squid/manifests/init.pp which contains following lines :-
>class squid {
>case $operatingsystem {
>        centos, redhat: {
>        $service_name = 'squid'
>        $conf_file    = 'squid.conf'
>package { 'squid':
>  ensure => 'installed',
>service { 'squid':
>  ensure => 'stopped',
>  enable => 'false',
>  require => Package [ 'squid' ]
> }
> }
>What else do I need to do to make client work. I have searched internet and 
>they show different command and some of them not even work what should I do to 
>learn puppet and make it work. Thank you for your input.
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