Hi all,

There is something amiss with what I am doing. I believe the following
should work.

puppetlabs_spec_helper (0.3.0)
rspec (2.11.0)
rspec-core (2.11.1)
rspec-expectations (2.11.2)
rspec-mocks (2.11.1)
rspec-puppet (0.1.4)

├── manifests
│   └── init.pp
├── Rakefile
└── spec
    ├── classes
    │   └── testthis_spec.rb
    ├── defines
    ├── fixtures
    │   ├── manifests
    │   │   └── site.pp
    │   └── modules
    │       └── testthis
    │           └── manifests -> ../../../../manifests
    ├── functions
    ├── hosts
    └── spec_helper.rb

$ cat manifests/init.pp
class testthis {

     notify{'this notify is alive': }

$ cat spec/classes/testthis_spec.rb
require 'rspec-puppet'

describe "testthis" do
  let(:node) {'fake'}
  it { should contain_notify('this notify is
alive').with_content(/notify is alive/)}

$ rake spec
/usr/bin/ruby1.8 -S rspec spec/classes/testthis_spec.rb


  1) testthis
     Failure/Error: it { should contain_notify('this notify is
alive').with_content(/notify is alive/)}
       Could not find class testthis for fake at line 3 on node fake
     # ./spec/classes/testthis_spec.rb:7

Finished in 0.02659 seconds
1 example, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/classes/testthis_spec.rb:7 # testthis
rake aborted!
ruby -S rspec spec/classes/testthis_spec.rb failed

Tasks: TOP => spec
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

It is weird because I have another test that works(which I wrote!) but
this simple one does not - hence there is something fundamentally
wrong with my understanding of how this works.


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