If PSPP were crashing every second or third time I was using it, I would
very much like additional debugging information. If getting the
information required using GDB, I wouldn't be able to do that on Windows.
On 6/5/2015 4:52 AM, Harry Thijssen wrote:
> BTW in the GTK3 build I am workin
The information that Michael posted suggests that a Windows library
named ntdll.dll is crashing. When I google "ntdll.dll crash" I see that
this is a common problem and a lot of the advice makes it sound like
it's an issue on the user's computer. For example, this link:
What software program produces a .dta file?
On 6/11/2015 10:36 AM, ftr wrote:
> Hi,
> PSPP can it open a dta data fiel ?
> I have nothing found, but maybe I did not look at the right place.
> Regards,
> ftr
> ___
> Pspp-users mailing list
> Pspp-us
On 7/10/2015 12:26 PM, Harry Thijssen wrote:
> you can find it in the start | all programs | pspp menu
Start | All Programs | PSPP | Manual
Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
science + technology = better workers
+815.588.3846 (Office)
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On 7/10/2015 2:01 PM, news wrote:
> | Start | All programs | PSPP | Manual
> I thought the help button sends you to that place ?
I don't know what Help does, but Windows users should be able to
navigate to that location. Because it's a single PDF file, you're also
free to put the Manual on your
You should go to http://pspp.awardspace.com/ and pick the latest 32-bit
download (top-most on the left-hand side of the "Downloads" table of
Right now, the link you want is:
but th
I agree with Frank, I'm not able to visualize your dataset. You might
be interested in an ICC but I'm not sure (or sure of which one) and I
don't think that PSPP does that calculation (it's an option in
So, if you have several correlations, I recommend that you co
That sounds frustrating. PSPP should fix this issue, but my advice is
to use another program for entering the data and then to read it into
PSPP. I would use a spreadsheet and then save the data as tab-delimited
and read it into PSPP.
On 9/30/2015 6:06 AM, Bigger, Richard wrot
I don't know the answer to your question; mostly likely it's a bug if
PSPP fails to function like SPSS. If so, it would be good to create a
bug report: http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=additem&group=pspp
But there's a way to use syntax to do something similar. You need to
open a syntax
This was discussed when Windows 7 reached end of life (EOL) and you
could search the mailing list archives and find those emails.
And I have bad news. As I recall, there are components that PSPP (or
PSPPIRE) uses that no longer support Windows 7. By "no longer support" I
mean a long time ago,
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