The information that Michael posted suggests that a Windows library
named ntdll.dll is crashing. When I google "ntdll.dll crash" I see that
this is a common problem and a lot of the advice makes it sound like
it's an issue on the user's computer.  For example, this link:

starts with issues like drivers and suggests trying the program in safe
mode.  This link:

lists a long series of tests to do (some of which seem dubious... I
wouldn't bother with #11, replacing the cable connecting your hd to the
mb).  Some of these might help.  Seeing if the problem occurs in Windows
safe mode seems pretty easy to test.


On 6/7/2015 2:45 PM, Harry Thijssen wrote:
> Hi
> I can't reproduce this problem with this syntax and a test dataset I
> made myself.
> Have fun
>     Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2015 18:43:33 +0000
>     From: Michael Broderick <
>     <>>
>     To: "' <>'"
>     < <>>
>     Subject: Regression with PRED and RESID
>     Hi all. I'm running into a problem when trying to save predicted
>     values and residuals in linear regression. Here is my syntax:
>               /DEPENDENT=         Total_scaled_score
>               /SAVE= PRED RESID.
>     I'm running PSPPIRE 0.8.4-g267362 on a 32-bit Win7 virtual
>     machine. Here is the error output:
>     Problem signature:
>       Problem Event Name:                        APPCRASH
>       Application Name:                             PSPPIRE.exe
>       Application Version:                 
>       Application Timestamp:                     553e33bd
>       Fault Module Name:                          ntdll.dll
>       Fault Module Version:                        6.1.7601.18869
>       Fault Module Timestamp:                  55636303
>       Exception Code:                                  c0000005
>       Exception Offset:                                00052c99
>       OS Version:                                         
>     6.1.7601.
>       Locale ID:                                             1033
>       Additional Information 1:                  0a9e
>       Additional Information 2:                 
>     0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
>       Additional Information 3:                  0a9e
>       Additional Information 4:                 
>     0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
>     Has anyone else had this problem?
>               Mike
>     *********************************
>     Michael Broderick
>     Director of Institutional Effectiveness
>     Charter Oak State College
>     55 Paul Manafort Dr.
>     New Britain, CT 06053
>     (860) 515-3885
> _______________________________________________
> Pspp-users mailing list


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