
I don't know the answer to your question; mostly likely it's a bug if
PSPP fails to function like SPSS. If so, it would be good to create a
bug report:

But there's a way to use syntax to do something similar. You need to
open a syntax window (File > New > Syntax).  Let's say you want to run
frequencies on variable X for those cases where variable UNIT = 2. You
type (or cut-and-paste) the lines below into the syntax window:

select if( UNIT = 2 ).
freq / X.

It's important to run these as a unit and, unfortunately, you need to
repeat the "temporary." and "select if..." syntax for each analysis
because the temporary selection only works for the next procedure. I
usually generate the syntax for the statistics from the dialogs, then
paste it, then add the "temporary" and "select if..." commands manually.

You can do the same thing without temporary, but the dataset (in memory)
is permanently altered by "select if..." unless it is preceeded by
"temporary" ... But if you don't save the datafile, then that might be
more convenient. 

You might also be able to use "split file" to achieve a similar effect
where parallel analyses are completed.

I hope this helps!


On 11/3/2015 2:22 PM, Armita Atabaki wrote:
> Hi all,
> firstly, thank you for your quick response on my previous question!
> I use this version of PSPP
> (*pspp-085+20150910-snapshot-64bits-setup.exe (24.3 MB)
> <>*)
> with the operation system Windows 7 (64bits) downloaded from this
> website
> I have a problem with filtering cases by variable. When I click on
> data/ select cases/ filter by variable and then, choose for example
> “unit = 2” no cases are selected. Am I doing something wrong here? I
> thought it should be quite similar to the equivalent SPSS command
> which works like that…
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Cheers,
> Armita
> ________________________________________________
> *Dipl.-Psych. Armita Atabaki*
> Universität Mannheim | Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
> Lehrstuhl für ABWL, Personalmanagement und Führung
> Schloss | O 236 | 68161 Mannheim |Tel +49 621 181-1511
> E-Mail:
> <>
> cid:db24021ade6945839206f515112bf11c@Open-Xchange
> _______________________________________________
> Pspp-users mailing list


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