Re: Mean +infinit

2024-08-19 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Good evening, this problem does not occur if I run a linear regression on my computer. I use pspp 2.0.1 - gb7907d . There seems to be a problem with some residuals, too. The lowest residual is -8E+307 = -8*10^307 and the highest residual is 1E+308 = 1*10^308. What strange numbers. Neverthe

Re: LOGISTIC REGRESSION & significance of the model

2024-08-16 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Hello, Mr Hammer, yes, it is true. As far as I know, PSPP does not provide the significance test for the full model. You have to calculate it by yourself. Kind regards, Am 16.08.2024 um 10:47 schrieb Andreas Hammer: Hello, Do I see correctly that PSPP does not output the significance of the

Re: Factor Analysis Promax

2024-04-15 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
same order, the results were the same. One factor was also inverted, hence, the loadings and correlations had to be multiplied with -1. But this is not a problem. Kind regards, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 15.04.2024 um 14:09 schrieb Hammer: Hello Mr. Walter, thank you for your exlanation. Until

Re: Factor Analysis Promax

2024-04-13 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
uncorrelated factors the sum of squared loadings of a factor indicates the proportion of variance explained by a factor, but not with correlated factors. Kind regards, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 13.04.2024 um 22:20 schrieb Andreas Hammer: Hello, The manual specifies Promax as a rotation method for the

Re: virustotal warning

2023-12-29 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
I did not get this warning. Am 29.12.2023 um 08:44 schrieb Friedrich Beckmann: Hi Oliver, we sometimes have these warnings. Maybe here it is similar to here: Cheers Friedrich Am 28.12.2023 um 20:24 schrieb Dr. Oliver

Re: virustotal warning

2023-12-28 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Hi, neither my antivirus nor my anti-malware program found anything when I scanned this file. Am 28.12.2023 um 20:08 schrieb ft gmail: Hi, After downloading version 2.0.0-pre3gfa60c8 from

Re: PSPP: means and sums, by group, using the menus

2022-05-07 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
you can search for PSPP tutorials e.g. on youtube. Kind regards, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 07.05.2022 um 14:33 schrieb someone: Hi Dr. Walter. Thanks very much for responding. Unfortunately, two issues: I saw that method, however for some reason it doesn't work in my data set. When I bring u

Re: means and sums, by group, using the menus

2022-05-06 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
command and execute it. If you need training on how to analyze your data with PSPP, then I recommend you to take a course on data analysis with PSPP or IBM SPSS Statistics or you can search for PSPP tutorials e.g. on youtube. Kind regards, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 07.05.2022 um 01:15 schrieb someo

Re: Interaction term in PSPP

2022-02-20 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
addition to ANOVA results in GLM. Am 20.02.2022 um 08:53 schrieb John Darrington: Alternatively, you can use the /DESIGN subcommand of the GLM command. J' On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 07:22:27AM +0100, Dr. Oliver Walter wrote: You can do it the same way as in SPSS: Use the syntax command &qu

Re: Interaction term in PSPP

2022-02-19 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
You can do it the same way as in SPSS: Use the syntax command "compute" to build an interaction term by multiplying your regressors and then put this interaction term into your regression model. Am 19.02.2022 um 15:22 schrieb Ana Messler: I am wondering whether you know if PSPP can do an intera

Re: PSPPP for windows

2021-09-04 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
R is an alternative. Or jamovi which is based on R but has a graphical user interface like IBM SPSS Statistics / PSPP. Both are free of charge. Kind regards Am 04.09.2021 um 16:24 schrieb Julia Klausli, Ph.D.: Thank you for the update. I guess it means ultimately needi

Re: Install and run..

2021-04-22 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
There is a test build targeted at 32bit windows platforms here: This one seems to be better than the last windows version which I wrote about several days ago. The black DOS windows doesn't pop up when I use this version. But the problem with Adobe Acrobat Re

Re: need urgent help for advanced statisrics

2021-04-05 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
is to code your categorical predictors properly (e.g. dummy or effect coding). Another statistical software you could use is jamovi. It has modules for multifactorial ANOVA, ANCOVA and multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA) and builds on R: Kind regards, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 05.04

Re: Experimental Microsoft Windows binary

2021-03-31 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
the new PSPP version created by John Darrington. But because it doesn't seem to work correctly, I uninstalled the new version and re-installed the old one. Kind regards, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 31.03.2021 um 15:21 schrieb Alan Mead: John, Thanks for looking into this. Your Windows binary

Re: partial eta squared for ANOVAs in PSPP?

2021-03-29 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
No, I don't think so. But you can calculate it on your own: η²_partial = SS_effect / (SS_effect + SS_residuals) given these sums of squares in a PSPP output. Kind regards, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 30.03.2021 um 04:34 schrieb Julia Klausli, Ph.D.: Quick question, does PSPP computer partia

Re: Experimental Microsoft Windows binary

2021-03-27 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
it it was empty. I switched back to my former version. But nevertheless, thank you for your first trial. Kind regards, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 27.03.2021 um 13:58 schrieb John Darrington: Recently people have been asking about w32 builds for the latest pspp git snapshots. I've prepar

Re: Is Logistic Regression Calculated Dependent Variable Average Supposed to Equal to the Actual Average?

2021-03-24 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
l derivative of log Likelihood to 0 -> P(Y=1) = M(Y). Kind regards Dr. Oliver Walter Am 23.03.2021 um 18:39 schrieb Ricardo Mejias: Unlike for linear OLS regression, PSPP logistic regression does not produce a calculated dependent variable, which I need for my project. When I use t

Re: PSPP for windows.

2021-03-05 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Thanks for all the effort Harry. Yes, indeed. Thank you very much, Mr Thijssen. Kind regards Dr. Oliver Walter

Re: Some Non-parametric tests

2020-04-29 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
uot;Crosstables". Please click on it. In the window which will pop up you should click on "Statistics" at the bottom. Another window will pop up and you can choose "Spearman's correlation" at the bottom of a list of possible measures of association. Sincerely, Dr.

Re: PSPP-BUG: pspp 1.3.0-gc5cf5c:

2020-01-17 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
this is bug 56819. Kind regards, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 17.01.2020 um 21:43 schrieb Harry Thijssen: OK. I guess that Harry will release a new build for Windows when he can, and then we'll find out whether it fixes the problems. It's difficult for me to debug W

Re: PSPP-BUG: pspp 1.3.0-gc5cf5c: Output of linear regression if data set is split into groups

2020-01-16 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
he problem of permanent crashes is fixed. Kind regards, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 16.01.2020 um 18:00 schrieb Ben Pfaff: This is a bug. Thanks for reporting it. PSPP is supposed to at least provide a header between sets of results when SPLIT FILE is in use, although some procedures can do better

pspp 1.3.0-gc5cf5c often crashes spontaneously

2020-01-12 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
crashes without warning, it just closes. This version is almost not usable because of the permanent crashes. Kind regards, Dr. Oliver Walter

Re: SPV reader and writer support is now on master

2020-01-04 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Thank you very much. The possibility to open spv files is a useful feature. Dr. Oliver Walter Am 29.12.2019 um 08:02 schrieb Ben Pfaff: I just pushed support for SPV files to the master branch of PSPP. This means a number of new features: * There is a new program "pspp-output"


2019-11-15 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Non so se si parla italiano qui. Ho tradotto il Suo messaggio: I tried to download pspp-1.2.0-1.dmg on a Mac with a operating system compatible with 10.13. 6 High Sierra. The installation was successful but the program closes continu

Re: 2-way ANOVA tests

2019-06-02 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Hi, the GLM command is implemented in PSPP. Hence, PSPP is able to perform ANOVAs with more than one fixed factor. There are also subcommands for the type of the sum of squares and the model (e.g. with or without interaction terms). But I do not know how reliable the results are. GLMdependen

Re: Pspp 0.7.8 for windows 7

2018-12-13 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Thank you, John. I use the .exe files for installation. Am 13.12.2018 um 17:54 schrieb John Darrington: On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 05:07:17PM +0100, Dr. Oliver Walter wrote: PSPP 0.7.8 was released in May 2011: But I

Re: Pspp 0.7.8 for windows 7

2018-12-13 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
good reason to try to use the latest versions. -Alan On 12/13/2018 10:07 AM, Dr. Oliver Walter wrote: PSPP 0.7.8 was released in May 2011: But I don't know how to handle this kind of files. Am 13.12.2018 um 15:56 schrieb Alan Mead: I don't see that 0.

Re: Pspp 0.7.8 for windows 7

2018-12-13 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
PSPP 0.7.8 was released in May 2011: But I don't know how to handle this kind of files. Am 13.12.2018 um 15:56 schrieb Alan Mead: I don't see that 0.7.8 was a release: and it must be ancient (0.8.0 was released in 2013). You are m

Re: Bootstrapping on single variable

2018-12-13 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Yes, it is. You can save predicted values and residuals. It would be nice if PSPP could compute standardized or even better studentized residuals and prognostic intervals for predicted values as well. Partial and part correlations, indices for multicollinearity (variance inflation factor at lea

Wish list ... it's Christmas time

2018-12-13 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Agree. I would like to have a menu for the nonparametric tests for independent samples such as the Mann-Whitney test. The syntax is already implemented, but there is no menu for these tests in the GUI. Post hoc tests for ANOVA would also be a nice feature, at least Bonferroni. Agglomerative hie

Re: Confidence interval is mathematically equivalent to hypothesis test

2018-10-14 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Am 14.10.2018 um 09:41 schrieb John Darrington: Which is why I suggested using one of the CDF functions. There is no T function, but there is a F function, which I think is the same if you set DF2 to 1. But you probably know better than me about those details. Perhaps IDF.F (0.05, N -1, 1) is

Re: Confidence interval is mathematically equivalent to hypothesis test

2018-10-14 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Am 14.10.2018 um 08:46 schrieb John Darrington: AGGREGATE OUTFILE * MODE ADDVARIABLES /BREAK=g /Mean = mean(V) /sd = sd(v) /n = n(v) . compute ci_upper=mean + sd/sqrt(n). compute ci_lower=mean - sd/sqrt(n). list. Sorry for interrupting, but this doesn't give a 95% (or 9

Re: Confidence interval is mathematically equivalent to hypothesis test

2018-10-13 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
The results of any analysis are printed in the PSPP output and are generally not saved in the dataset. Am 13.10.2018 um 16:04 schrieb Werner LEMBERG: SORT CASES BY var1 [var2]. SPLIT FILE LAYERED BY  var1 [var2]. T-TEST /TESTVAL=0     /VARIABLES= dependent variables    /MISSING=ANALYSIS    

Re: Confidence interval is mathematically equivalent to hypothesis test

2018-10-12 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
I don't think that PSPP can produce bar charts with confidence intervals or something similar (bar charts for means aren't the best idea anyway).  I think it is only possible to split the data file to compare groups and then calculate confidence intervals for the mean for these groups. Comman

Re: Confidence interval is mathematically equivalent to hypothesis test

2018-10-12 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
It seems to be a mixed ANCOVA with a within-subjects factor called "Location", a between-subjects factor called "Group" and a covariate "Age". I think that the GLM command in PSPP is not able to compute such an analysis. GLM can only compute between-subjects designs in PSPP (cf. PSPP manual, p.

Re: Confidence interval is mathematically equivalent to hypothesis test

2018-10-12 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
-tests isn't a bad idea either, though, and maybe providing syntax for how to reduce it to a z-score would help the original requester (though I don't think they have another mean or value to compare it to). On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 9:33 AM Dr. Oliver Walter <mailto:o.wal...@psychom

Confidence interval is mathematically equivalent to hypothesis test

2018-10-12 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
ation variance t = (mean - mü0)/ (sd/sqrt(n)) : test statistic for testing if mu equals the value in the null hypothesis, mu0, X normally distributed with unknown population variance If mü0 is not contained in the confidence interval, the hypothesis test is significant. Dr. Oliver Walter

Mann-Whitney U test

2018-06-15 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
, 1 and 2 appropriately when you work with your data set. Kind regards, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 15.06.2018 um 13:07 schrieb Paloma Rohlfs Dominguez: Good morning, I need to apply the non-parametric test U Mann-Whitney by means of the PSPP, but I do not find this test on PSPP. Please, what can

Re: error opening a pspp file

2018-02-04 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
As I wrote at the beginning and in my answer to John Darrington: The problem had to do with umlauts in German variable names. These umlauts were there where you see question marks in the variable names, variable labels and variable codes. Am 04.02.2018 um 22:19 schrieb Ben Pfaff: On Sun, Feb

Re: fixed data file

2018-02-04 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
eb" . The variable name need not to describe completely the item content, but should remind you and other users of the data file what is represented by the variable. You can describe the variable in more detail by the variable label. Good night. Dr. Oliver Walter Am 04.02.2018 um 21:28 schri

Re: fixed data file

2018-02-04 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
d. J' On Sun, Feb 04, 2018 at 05:27:27PM +0100, Dr. Oliver Walter wrote: Dear Ms Kahf, PSPP does not seem to like variable names which include German umlauts (Umlaute) such as ?, ? or ?. I tried to fix your data file and seem to be successful. I send it to you a

Re: fixed data file

2018-02-04 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
management apart from using German umlauts either. Good luck. Kind regards from Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 04.02.2018 um 15:18 schrieb Meimuna Kahf: hello everyone, yesterday i worked for the first time with pspp and i inserted all my data for a seminar into pspp. A just

Re: Can't install PSPP 1.0.1 on windows 7

2018-01-16 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
for assistance. Kind regards from Kiel, Dr. Oliver Walter Am 16.01.2018 um 10:13 schrieb Nadja Baumgart: Hello, I tried to install the PSPP version 1.0.1 on a windows 7 computer. First I used the windows installer “pspp-20170909-daily-64bits-setup” from “”. T

"Matrix in" command for REGRESSION

2017-09-13 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Dear all, I noticed yesterday that the "matrix in" subcommand does not seem to be implemented in the REGRESSION command as it is in the commands for factor analysis. Hence, this kind of syntax does unfortunately not run in PSPP DATASET ACTIVATE DataSet1. REGRESSION   /MATRIX IN (DataSet1)  

Re: Windows: Help system testing needed.

2017-09-08 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
-helper.exe ? This file is in the installation directory of pspp. For me this is: C:\Programme\PSPP\bin\gspawn-win32-helper.exe Does the online help then work for you? Regards Friedrich Am 08.09.2017 um 13:30 schrieb Dr. Oliver Walter : Dear Friedrich Beckmann, no, it doesn't work (se

Re: Windows: Help system testing needed.

2017-09-08 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Dear Friedrich Beckmann, no, it doesn't work (see the screenshot attached). I use version GNU pspp 1.0.1-gecad37 on a Windows 10 computer.  This feature didn't work in former versions of pspp, either. Kind regards, Oliver Walter Am 08.09.2017 um 12:31 schrieb Friedrich Beckmann: Hi, ther

Re: PSPP0.11 NOT on source forge

2017-08-15 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Yes, indeed, David Thambu. In addition: Although I appreciate very much the new functions of PSPP, it would be nice to have a submenu for the tests for "Two independent samples" (especially the U test) in the menu "non-parametric tests" of the GUI (now we have a submenu for "K independent tes

Addition: Exactly the same histograms in R

2017-08-06 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
classes). So, another aspect in addition to the necessary distinction between histogram and bar chart is the choice of an appropriate number of classes. Kind regards, Oliver Walter Am 06.08.2017 um 14:37 schrieb Dr. Oliver Walter: Dear Sir or Madam, I've just read your message in the

Re: histogram oddities

2017-08-06 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Dear Sir or Madam, I've just read your message in the PSPP list. One problem is that your data are discrete with a small number of categories, but histograms are most useful for continuous data. For discrete data with a small number of categories, a bar chart is more appropriate. I attached yo

Re: DATEDIFF, Julian

2017-04-14 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
t is literally impossible. It actually came across as unreasonable and a bit bad tempered. Again, I hope pointing this out does not anger you, but those are the facts, which I cannot alter. -Alan On 4/14/2017 11:51 AM, Dr. Oliver Walter wrote: Alan, please do not doubt my statements. Mr

Re: DATEDIFF, Julian

2017-04-14 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
27;ve already answered his question? -Alan On 4/14/2017 11:05 AM, Dr. Oliver Walter wrote: Is it possible that you deal with this special problem of one user not via the mailing list, please? I already answered Mr Braxton. Thank you. Oliver Walter Am 14.04.2017 um 18:01 schrieb Alan Mead:

Re: DATEDIFF, Julian

2017-04-14 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Is it possible that you deal with this special problem of one user not via the mailing list, please? I already answered Mr Braxton. Thank you. Oliver Walter Am 14.04.2017 um 18:01 schrieb Alan Mead: Sorry, here the the URL I forgot to include:

Re: Any chance of matrix input being implemented?

2017-04-10 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Dear Mr Verhage, you are right. The matrix input command has not yet been implemented in PSPP, as far as I know. It would be a nice feature to have. In the meantime you could work with R. It seems to be possible to do a factor analysis based on the covariance or correlation matrix in it. Kin

Re: Error in computation of Mann-Whitney-U Test seems to be identified

2017-03-07 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Thank you, John. Maybe you or other developers think again about including the non-parametric tests like the Mann Whitney U test in the GUI as well. Some people may not know that PSPP can do these tests. I'm looking forward to the next release of PSPP. Kind regards, Oliver Walter Am 07.03.2

Error in computation of Mann-Whitney-U Test seems to be identified

2017-03-06 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Dear Prof. Nuszbaum, you were right: There seems to be a problem and I think that I found it. The missing data subcommand /MISSING=ANALYSIS does not seem to be working properly. Although it should exclude cases with missing data for each analysis (hence, it is called ANALYSIS) it does not do i

Re: Error in computation of Mann-Whitney-U Test

2017-03-05 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Yes, this would be helpful. By the way: Walter is my family name. Oliver Walter Am 05.03.2017 um 07:34 schrieb John Darrington: On Sat, Mar 04, 2017 at 11:14:33PM +0100, Dr. Walter Statistics wrote: I cannot confirm your objection, John. I checked it again, now with a published da

Re: Pspp-users Digest, Vol 128, Issue 3

2017-01-19 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Ok, thank you for the syntax and its explanation. But please don't mind that for me - just a simple click, paste and modify guy - this syntax is not easy to have in mind if I would like to match files in a hurry. Then I will use R Commander instead. There I have only to click and it works. :-)

Re: Pspp-users Digest, Vol 128, Issue 3

2017-01-19 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
I also use the syntax in the way, you described, Alan. Hence, it is an argument in favour of implementing some important commands in the GUI. This morning I liked to merge some files but because the command is not implemented in the GUI and not easy to understand in the manual, I stopped using

Re: Selecting cases using the "IF" Function

2017-01-18 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Hi, I think that you are unfortunately right. In the Graphical User Interface (GUI) this option is missing. I missed it yesterday and this morning, too. But there seems to be the possibility of "select if" by writing a syntax file. On page 130 of the manual you can read: "13.4 SELECT IF SEL

Yes, indeed, thank you very much for your tremendous work.

2016-12-11 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Carry on. Kind regards from Germany Oliver Walter - Original Message - From: Tauseef Omer To: Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2016 4:22 PM Subject: thanks thank you providing the software for free.

Re: Ich kann keine Werte für meine Variablen eintragen

2016-11-23 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Hallo, Frau Krebber, ich bin Deutscher und verstehe, was Sie schreiben. Leider kann ich Ihnen nicht bei Ihrem Problem helfen, da ich keinerlei Kenntnisse zu Mac Computern habe. Deshalb schließe ich mich John Darringtons Ratschlag an, daß Sie hier Englisch schreiben sollten. Dadurch wird die Ch

Re: PSPPire on Windows: Increase the number of decimal places ofregression analysis

2016-08-01 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
Dear Yoshi, yes, indeed. It's Ctrl + R on an English keyboard. Sorry. Sincerely, Oliver - Original Message - From: Yoshi Tsuzuki To: Dr. Oliver Walter Cc: Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 12:42 AM Subject: Re: PSPPire on Windows: Increase the numb

Re: PSPPire on Windows: Increase the number of decimal places ofregression analysis

2016-07-28 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
What I want to obtain is 6 decimal places results on the Output Viewer window. Thank you for your further help. Sincerely Yoshi -Original Message- From: John Darrington [] Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:51 PM To: Dr. Oliver Walter Cc: Yoshi; pspp-us

Re: PSPPire on Windows: Increase the number of decimal places ofregression analysis

2016-07-26 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
You have to put the command in the syntax editor of PSPPire and execute it. It works. Sincerely, Oliver - Original Message - From: "Yoshi" To: Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 9:05 AM Subject: RE: PSPPire on Windows: Increase the number of decimal places ofregression analysis Thank

@Britanni Baldwin: GLM, ANCOVA in PSPP

2016-03-29 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
ariables (one set per IV), put all of them (minus 1 per set) into a regression analysis, add your covariates and do not include interaction effects. This is ANCOVA. Sincerely, Oliver --- Dr. Oliver Walter Gabelsbergerstr. 27 24148 Kiel Germany - Original Message - From: To: Sent

Re: PSPP - calculate effect size (Organisation CIT)

2016-01-26 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
y PSPP (except other coefficients of correlation and contingency). Sincerely, Oliver Walter ---- Psychometrie Dr. Oliver Walter Statistische und forschungsmethodische Dienstleistungen Gabelsbergerstr. 27 24148 Kiel Deutschland / Germany Tel.: +49431/7802809 --