Dear Ms Rohlfs Dominguez,

you are right that the Mann-Whitney U test and other nonparametric tests for two independent samples are still not implemented in the GUI of PSPP although you, me and others have been asking for it for several years. But fortunately, the U test can be computed if you write the syntax

/MANN-WHITNEY = x  BY y (1 2)

in a syntax window / file of PSPP.

x stands for your dependent variable.

y stands for your independent, grouping variable.

1, 2 stand for the codes of the two groups.

You have to replace x, y, 1 and 2 appropriately when you work with your data set.

Kind regards,

Dr. Oliver Walter

Am 15.06.2018 um 13:07 schrieb Paloma Rohlfs Dominguez:
Good morning,

I need to apply the non-parametric test U Mann-Whitney by means of the PSPP, 
but I do not find this test on PSPP. Please, what can I do?

Thank you very much in advance,
best regards,


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