s M$ might have made changes to NTLM.)
Any pointers will be highly appreciated.
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Please ignore my prev post.
If anyone is interested in the solution:
I managed to get something called apserver working for me which acts as
NTLM client to MS Proxy and acts as a local proxy server on Linux
On Sat, 2004-09-18 at 23:27, vaibhav kulkarni wrote:
> Hello,
> I need some help on saving tracks of a CD-ROM..
Try xcdroast.
Pune GNU/Linux
data is
available on BSD.)
Is there any other way of getting this data?
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kmail has this. You have to set "filter mails if they are greater than
size x bytes" option. (Can set x to 0 if you want filtering for all
While downloading mails it throws a dialog showing email headers and
allows you to choose mails to download as well as delete them.
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I am trying to mount UDF formatted CD-RW on Redhat 9. It seems mount
only read-only.
Google search (as yet) has shown only some vague information on this.
Can anyone provide some pointers?
Pune GNU
"Dispelling the Kernel Compiling Myth"
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an a solution.
Wonder whether anyone using video cards (pixelview or otherwise) get the
same behavior and has some solution.
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List Informatio
This is very useful. Thanks for posting.
I was thinking of switching to Tata Indicom FWP
Just wanted to check how well its modem works on Linux.
Is anyone using the above regularly? How's the speed etc (as compared to
dial up)? Any other issues related to using it on Linux?
d etc.)
Also came across conflicting information about whether TRAI has mandated
that the set top boxes to be used for DTH will be compatible across
various providers. (Guess, it has to be like that.)
Any information/pointers would be of great help.
One way I know is to set your eth0 (or whichever network) device as
"trusted". Once can use redhat-config-securitylevel for this.
>i tried to install NFs on RedHat Linux 8.0
> but while mounting it gives an erro
automatically on the fly without having a separate pass for dependency
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Suspect I need to tune lirc_gpio parameters properly or "pro 2" may have
some different hardware than "pro" that is not supported by lirc/bttv.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:
spect something wrong with module parameters of lirc_gpio.
I am trying to tweak them with no luck till now. Otherwise, it may be
that my hardware is not be supported by the driver.)
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mai
(commercial or free)
softwares on above lines or any other open source initiatives related to
Indian classical music.
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> Check out kmid, kmidi, timidity.
These are more of players. I am looking for synthesizers.
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Thanks a lot. Will check these out.
On Sat, 2005-07-02 at 11:07, Kapil D. Pendse wrote:
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find any
tools as yet.
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Some of us may want to participate in this survey
or the appropriate one from this page.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing
> Any one has tried it? Can any one tell me which application to use. I got
I liked tvtime when I tried it.
Normally I use only radio. Like gqradio
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-m
I use the type called Metro Ethernet from Tata Indicom where you don't get
router at your premises. You just get the cable that you can simply connect
to NIC.
They didn't give any choice in this regard, neither did I care to ask for
options. But I am happy with this option since I don't need to
across something as
powerful as that on Linux. (Wait before shooting at me. I'd appreciate any
pointers for equivalent Linux tools. But please do take a look at amazing
transition effects available in SSMM before deciding that it is equivalent!)
> Follow up: Later reconnections failed. It seems the earlier post
> (April 2006) by Mayuresh on this topic was accurate. There is no
> empirical measure of when connections will be successful. The hack is
I was able to resolve this. Had posted this follow up in Jun 06. See if it
b if you need with GUI tool like
I used this once to rip songs from a VCD where the selection of end points had
to be very precise.
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ointers on this if
anyone can provide.
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help in this regard.
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Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.
nnecting to one of them
randomly. Somehow the other one gets selected more often and rejects the
connection. Since it is random, even the correct AC gets selected sometimes.
One may have to wait anywhere between 2s to 2hrs for that to happen.
Specifying ACNAME expl
ol (system-config-network in my case) or in the network
configuration scripts under /etc. I have to put the ACNAME found using
pppoe-discovery there for connection to work.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Gr
stalling I was never able to
reproduce those magic steps and the place where to specify the ACNAME again -
neither did I care to.
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List Informat
get people with networking knowhow on the line. I'm sure
it will be hard to get answers to above class of queries from any ISP's
customer service.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-ma
> Also looked for firmware upgrade. But surprisingly the h/w version 7 which
> I happen to have got is not there in their list at all. (Everything from
> 1.0 to 6.0 is there and then there is directly 8.0).
I am thinking of returning this unit and getting WRT54GL which is Linux based.
No, I am no
. Same story
on eBay. Don't know whether it's a good idea to order it w/o trying it out.
May be if I go to Mumbai I'll take a look.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@
cables with 3 RCA jacks. Composite signal should need only one -
yellow - jack. Anyway, that is not so much of interest...
> well, in mumbai if you go to lamington road mumbai... there are stores
That's pretty general ... Anyway thanks for the help.
> many years I have gone there, but if you ask near the Lamigton road
> police station about the Connecronics cable shop, people will tell you
> where it is. These guys make cables and may be you might even get a
> ready made cable the one you want.
Thanks a l
gives a
lot of comfort which wasn't there with WRT54G v7 I had earlier.
Thanks everyone for the help.
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List Information: http://plug.o
device:440): Windows driver couldn't initialize the
device (C001)
Will appreciate any kind of help, pointers. Please let me know if any more
information about the h/w / error messages etc is needed.
On Friday 01 June 2007 23:03, Mayuresh wrote:
> I am not able to get the wireless lan card work with the following
> configuration:
> Acer Aspire 5573 laptop
> chipset: Atheros AR5007EG (reported so on Windows)
For information those who have got / plan to buy above h/w:
hat above
products offer. Also the application software bundled with above products
makes them costlier.
Please do post if anyone knows about such devices or combination of devices
(such as capture device + separate wifi ad
list and my own smooth expereince with Linksys
router. But this card uses Brodcom chipset and requires ndiswrapper. Not a
big deal, though given other things are equal I'd prefer to go with a card
with native drivers.
t; motherboards that seem to have
built in IR transmitter and receiver headers. But couldn't find a vendor for
these motherboards or any information about what kind of devices connect to
these headers.
Will appreciate any inform
SMS service not
working with Idea cellular phones. I tried registering it on an Idea phone
and it worked fine.
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ted in future as these clients are under heavy development.
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tried such
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Send 'hel
there are many cards with composite out as
well along with DVI/HDMI?)
Would appreciate any advice or pointers.
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of the big issues and
something as simple as and maybe obvious as education. ..."
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Sub $100 Linux phones.. for 3G - whenever it happens ...
Looks like in general 3G phones are going to be cheaper? (Why?)
to every step
they say dutifully and finally tell them it doesn't work. Only after going
through all this customary routine they would send a technician who will do
his things only on Windows and would typically realize the problem is
elsewhere on the line and rectify.
far as switching is concerned.
Any layer where X servers reserved keystrokes can be overridden etc.?
A related question: I can avoid this problem altogether by not starting X at
all if I have a framebuffer client for a specific application I want to use.
I am looking for a dvi
tually check out
the code and extract the strucure using a script (or extend CVS code to
provide suitable command!).
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List Information:
Looks old news by date. Hadn't heard though.
If not anything else, at least the nightmare of accessing IE-only websites
should end if this happens.
> >
> > This site is clearly a joke.
> >
> > Rahul
> >
> > --
> > __
> Its spoof.
> Swapnil
I agree. I think I should have realized that. I fell for it for a
One can vote for favorite distro, desktop manager, applications under various
heads, programing/scripting language, gadgets etc.
Pune GNU/Linux Users
d not see
clear feedback about its functioning well on Linux.
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(let's bash ISP on some other
thread for that ;-) it does not get reconnected automatically. There is no
mechanism to keep retrying till the connection is re-established. (This used
to happen so when I had a pppoe based connection.)
sible. (One can also reverse engineer the java
scripts on login page to figure some things out.)
ISP does not offer scriptable interface. Their technical people confirmed
Thanks everyone again.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
act that it has to run as root. I feel it's unnecessary. Not sure what is
inside the tool that requires root privilege. It wasn't at least obvious to
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
the same OTS product
with some superficial customization.
Surprisingly both haven't bothered making use of those randomly generated
strings on every visit to the page to force the user to login using browser.
That's good for us though security pundits may perhaps feel o
for Linux from
ISP. But not sure.)
An aside, it perhaps has nothing to do with the authentication method, but
other things happening at their end, but since then break in the connection
lasting several hours has become almost a twice a week feature.
ons of these two (and other) authentication methods disucssed?
Will be perhaps a useful technical discussion on this list. Enlightening for
many of us.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
o view/edit those
Also are you specifying user as which you want to connect up front on command
line i.e. sftp u...@host etc.?
You can also watch the message log on server side to know potential reasons.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
ity to start from scratch by formatting OS/apps partition leaving
your data partition untouched.
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Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
ather seeking to wrap such apps under squid.)
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
peed of 256kbps for download of even a SINGLE file (and not multiple
files simultaneously).
To the extent I searched around, it looks difficult or impossible. I think it's
a reasonable consumer expectation, though do not know about its feasibility.
ving different chunks on different connections
thus increasing throughput. 2. File downloaders that break the downloads into
a no of pieces exist. What if they download chunks on both connections
simultaneously etc.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
e latter for at least whatever it
works on.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
' countires followed by China, Russia when I observed
just now.
Is it that, not too many in India download or it has anything to do with the
bandwidths in India i.e. the torrent clients might be choosing peers with
better speeds etc.
Pune GNU/Linux
zed though I do not set any limit on
it. Share ratios remain between .2 and .3. BTW, this observation puts my
original question in this post in a different perspective. How come the torrent
mechanism doesn't fully utilize my (for example) upload bandwidth? May be, if
utilized, that will be
of contribution can be volunteered by open source enthusiasts
in the technology bits and how can it all be organized. Can some concrete
proposal be made and taken to the Govt. on behalf of various LUGs and such OSS
related groups...
Pune GNU
ut charges,
whether there are unlimited plans, reliability of the speeds for TV viewing
You also need their client software to watch TV. (Again not sure whether it
will work on Linux.)
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
here be a common system-wide
component to do that?
PS: This all originated from my attempt to use devanagari in a latex document.
I was able to do it using xelatex and unicode package - but for issues with
letters like above. Basically xelatex doesn't have the above mentione
the fly. Just that the
component that does this work should be a part of system-wide font mechanism
rather than application's worry.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
plication developer do? Worry himself about ligatures? Will be
interesting to find out from internals of some of the apps.
In any case a good design should dump the issue to fonts system and not the
application. Not sure whether it's done that way given the observations in
last mail.
are of
(The curiocity about why should this not be done at system level, instead of
application in some way or the other having to worry about it remains.)
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
> How to write "varyavar" (read in marathi) using SCIM mr-itrans?
During this mail thread I realized the following things that I wish to
Correct rendering of a letter depends on the following factors:
1. Availability of Unicode for a certain letter
This is usually not a problem as t
(though their website
states Windows as a requirement).
I'm considering switching to this after my current isp subscription is
over. If anyone tries this new isp please do post experience.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
UG within our
neighborhood (within India that is) - "Punjab Linux Users Group"!
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
use Linux, or popular embedded devices such as mobile phone models that
run Linux could achieve some impact.
Apart from that, some Linux magazine vendors (such as LFY) may be invited
to put up a stall, if that's feasibe.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
ory addressable by the processor.
A 32 bit processor can address maximum of 4GB of virtual memory. So if you
have 2GB RAM, you can use at the most 2GB of swap. (How much you'd like to
is still a different question.)
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 08:10:07PM +0530, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 February 2010 19:54:50 Mayuresh wrote:
> > A 32 bit processor can address maximum of 4GB of virtual memory. So if you
> > have 2GB RAM, you can use at the most 2GB of swap. (How much you'd li
chaos breaking of language
grammar rules may cause.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
you might just want to take a look.)
(Accessing the attachment may require registration.)
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
n 1 windows fit on one screen if you want to
view 2 applications simultaneously. Besides, it's highly configurable, has
a very small size and memory footprint.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
A survey:
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 11:16:16PM +0530, Mehul Ved wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Mayuresh wrote:
> > A survey:
> > http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/what-each-distribution-best
> Causing flamewars?
> just kidding.
It could. But may be not, as it is not
If you used to be KDE fan though were disappointed by releases over last 2
years this may bring a good news for you:
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
Interesting browser usage trend stats:
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
too, may have some way of doing
this through command line.
(Suggesting command line program because you are trying to write your code
means perhaps you want this ability to be integrated with some of your own
programs. At times it may be easier to wrap an existing CLI tool instead
of writi
it addresses a different issue, not this.)
Web searches show bash to have "-d" command line option that disables
cache, though I didn't find that working on my bash version 4.0.
The compatibility mode of bash with classical sh (+B option) also does not
seem to disable cache.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 08:57:16PM +0530, Kulkarni Shantanu wrote:
> * Mayuresh [100410 19:58]:
> > Now the "solutions" I know and am not particularly happy with are:
> >
> > 1. Use hash -r to remove the cache.
> >
> > 2. Open a new session every
hould perhaps keep it to general topic of EVM security and
measures to overcome them rather than targeting a particular country's
election system.
Anyway, felt, it could be a good research and prototype building topic for
students to take up as college project.
some of which may
cause data integrity issues. Worse if such issues are hard to notice.)
- Generation of a "valid" xml file that will be loadable correctly on
e-filing website.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
nd if you manage
to overcome that, you have to run around looking for a Windows machine to
the job :-(
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ere they just need to ascertain it works (and don't need
to redevelop things from scratch.)
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IT Dept - perhaps its internal macros etc - undergo
some revisions like any piece of software would over time.)
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