This is quite off topic but may be of interest to quite a few of us.

The cable subscription rates have gone as high as Rs 422 in some areas
in Pune. Just wonder if anyone has tried / knows about DTH options

Did some googling and got only this much info:

Zee, Star and DD are having this service. Couldn't get much information
about rates, how to contact retailers etc.

Set top boxes seem to have a wide price range from @3000 all the way up
to 10000.

Some articles claim that in future DTH could be used for two way
communication as well (i.e. on demand TV, internet/broadband etc.)

Also came across conflicting information about whether TRAI has mandated
that the set top boxes to be used for DTH will be compatible across
various providers. (Guess, it has to be like that.)

Any information/pointers would be of great help.


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