I am looking for a device that will allow me to capture an A/V signal (such as 
from a camera or digital set top box) over home wireless network.

(N O T E: I'm not talking about TV tuner cards.

Came across following 3 products which look quite good from the specifications 
and the reviews over web:
    Sony LocationFree Base Station LF-B20 (Wireless)
    Pinnacle PCTV To Go HD Wireless
    Sling Media Slingbox Pro

Does anyone have any experience with getting this kind of a product work with 
Linux? The reviews say, they work only on Windows. (But I do not see why that 
should be the case if the video content is being put over a network for 
access through some standard protocols.)

Secondly, all of these products are very costly. Pinnacle is 15k+. Prices of 
others were not available in INR. But their USD prices appear in the same 

I can settle for a "poor man's version" of these with bare minimum "A/V signal 
capture over wifi" functionality. I mean I don't particularly look to operate 
remote control of my set top box through the infrared emitter while sitting 
in some other part of the world etc. - some such exotic features that above 
products offer. Also the application software bundled with above products 
makes them costlier.

Please do post if anyone knows about such devices or combination of devices 
(such as capture device + separate wifi adapter etc) that can work.


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