> Do you have a travis or jenkins for woden in Pharo 7?
This is on my big todo list. In fact I need the travis to be able to
support Windows. During the last months I have been rewriting the core of
Woden 2 in order to improve stability and reduce dependencies. By using
Lowtalk for the math libr
> FFI - Not sure
> Alien - Not sure
> NativeBoost - Yes
One thing is receiving a callback from C. In this case, NativeBoost is the
one with the worst end-user API.
Another thing, is being able to embed the VM in a C application, and then
call the VM explicitly from the application. In this case,
> Ronie is working on unifying all the api and proposing one syntax
> mechanism for
> - nativeBoost back-end
> - FFI
> and may be Alien
I had a skype session with Eliot the last. He taught me about the callback
mechanism and I am actually going to use Alien for the callbacks, by
Hi Nicola,
Sorry for not answering before. I have to improve my mail filters.
As for the shadows, currently only the spotlights can cast shadows. I have
yet to implement shadow mapping for directional lights. As for point light,
I won't be implementing them in the near future, because they are ve
Hello Nicolas,
Thanks for pointing this bug. I just fixed it in Woden-Core-RonieSalgado.64
. Can you try again?
2015-01-28 10:40 GMT-03:00 Nicolas Lusa :
> v := RWView new.
> e := (RWPyramid new) element.
> e on: RWMouseButtonDown do: [ :ev |
> ev element shape color:
I think that we should have a Pharo-bugs mailing list that gets notified
for each bug that is filled in fogbugz
2015-03-21 4:54 GMT-03:00 kilon alios :
> Bottom line is that reporting a problem in the mailing list first makes
> much more sense because
> a) Way more likely to get an answer
> b
), writing a graphics engine for Vulkan is similar to writing a graphics
driver or developing for consoles. All of this requires heavy support for
pointers a la C.
Best regards,
Ronie Salgado
2015-04-16 1
Hello Mr. Lusa,
Sorry for not answering earlier, I added the missing support for the
rotations by adding some methods that changes the internal scene node
orientation. I also did a small refactoring in the support for orientation,
because I received email with an implementation of quaternions that
Hello Merwan,
Currently is not possible because the only way to represent rotations is to
use a matrix. I have to add support for quaternions, which gives me an
opportunity to also add Euler angles.
When I add support for Euler angles, you wil be able to do what you want
Currently, you ha
Hi all,
Sorry for answering very late, I am busy in ICSE where tomorrow I have to
defend my poster for the Student Research Competition. The topic is
profiling over the OpenCL bindings.
We are looking at the code of OpenCL and VirtualGPU done by Ronnie.
> What we have understand until now :
> - O
fficient. Be
careful when using them.
Best regards,
Ronie Salgado
2015-06-12 8:09 GMT-03:00 cheikhou :
> Hello.
> I use OpenCL package developed by Ronie Salgado package to program on GPU.
> When I initialize an array with ByteArray class and load data to GPU memory
> it works
> sounds interesting, but what is the context of this? Is this built
> into Pharo, what version? Or what library?
Those methods are not built into Pharo. They are present in the OpenCL
bindings ( http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~ronsaldo/OpenCL ), and I don't think
they are very efficient in my opi
I would like to know how I could load .png image into pharo, and being able
to access to their pixel data for manipulation or display it.
Ronie Salgado
Thanks, It works very well.
Ronie Salgado
2013/11/22 Sven Van Caekenberghe
> Hi Ronie,
> On 22 Nov 2013, at 19:00, Ronie Salgado wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I would like to know how I could load .png image into pharo, and being
> able
Dear Volkert,
I just updated the configuration of Roassal 3D for it to load the baseline
version of NBOpenGL, with the changes made. Its currently only been tested
under Linux, so any feedback its appreciated.
Ronie Salgado
2013/12/19 Volkert Barr
> Dear Ronie,
I am proposing the following as a student:
Project idea
Name: Unified Foreign Function Interface
Skill level: Advanced
Possible Mentors: Igor Stasenko / Esteban Lorenzano
Name of the Student: Ronie Salgado
Because NativeBoost has problems with portability and cannot be used
There are not news yet, but I will try to take a look on this. This is
actually anoying, so I will find a workaround soon.
2015-06-17 18:16 GMT-03:00 Natalia Tymchuk :
> Are there any news?
> > On 06 May 2015, at 13:00, Alexandre Bergel
> wrote:
> >
> > Apparently moose will soon move to Pharo
Hi Hilaire,
I am not able to reproduce your problem. Can you try testing with the
following image and VM?: http://ronie.cl/Woden/woden-a01-linux.zip
2015-07-20 8:00 GMT-03:00 Merwan Ouddane :
> On lun., 2015-07-20 at 18:41 +0800, Hilaire wrote:
> > Le 20/07/2015 05:45, stepharo
> May I suggest you add a note on SmalltalkHub about needed Pharo version
> (I just added one in DrGeo page;)
2015-07-20 10:53 GMT-03:00 Hilaire :
> Le 20/07/2015 21:01, Ronie Salgado a écrit :
> > I am not able to reproduce your problem. Can you try testing with
I started writing a basic woden loading tutorial: http://woden.ronie.cl/
Please, bear in mind that this is an early draft, so expect lot of mistakes.
Hi Johan,
Perhaps I can try to help you debugging with gdb. Are you using a 32 bits
or 64 bits Ubuntu ?
We should start by building a debug Pharo VM. Do you have some time during
Monday or Wednesday in your office?.
2015-10-31 22:00 GMT-03:00 stepharo :
> Why do you say that jo
You need a modern graphics card. Open source graphics drivers are not
supported because there are very behind in their implementations of OpenGL.
2015-11-24 17:28 GMT-03:00 Volkert :
> But not on my linux box ubuntu 14.04 :-(
> On 24.11.2015 21:03, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
> Woden
> Can't SDL2 be used with a joystick?
It can be used. Although, joystick support was not very well integrated
into OSWindow because joystick events are not being sent into a specific
window. Now I am doing a cleanup on the joystick support, by sending the
event to all the windows. I will publis
Ok, I made a cleanup on the OSWindow joystick support. I also added the
OSWindowGenericRenderer interface which is implemented by a thin wrapper
around the SDL2 renderer interface. I have tested this on Linux using a
XBox 360 controller (using SDL2 GameController interface) and a PS2
controller via
Hi Merwan,
I tested this on Pharo 6 and it is working in Windows. However, in 32 bits
Window doubles have an 8 byte alignment, unlike Linux where they have a 4
byte alignment.
Can you try doing the following before performing the ffi call in Windows,
if you are moving an image from Linux or OS X:
ro 6 and I it didn't work either.
>> It could be my dll. What is your compilation line for the dll ?
>> Thanks you,
>> Merwan
>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Ronie Salgado
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Merwan,
> Isn't it what Ronie is working on?
I am not working with OpenGL or OpenGL ES anymore. I am moving all of my
efforts into Woden 2, the AbstractGPU (an abstraction layer for
Vulkan, Direct3D 12 and Metal), and Dastrel (Data Stream Language) a custom
shader language whose compiler I implemented i
Hi Holger,
Sorry for not noticing this thread before. Some months ago, I did some
experiments myself using inotify and epoll, with the UFFI. I was creating a
file system monitoring API similar in design to OSWindow. I just did some
minor changes for making this usable along with making a configure
Try changing AthensCairoSurface >> asForm into the following method:
"create a form and copy an image data there"
| form |
self checkSession.
self flush.
form := Form extent: (self width@sel
2017-02-27 16:54 GMT-03:00 Stephane Ducasse :
> Super good news.
> I need good news in this moment!
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Serge Stinckwich <
> serge.stinckw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:19 PM, Peter Uhnak wrote:
>> >
>> > Congratulations!
Hi All,
Here is a basic example for doing a very simple syntax highlighted text
styler := MyTextStyler new.
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row: #row.
browser transmit to: #row; andShow: [ :composite |
composite custom: (GLMRubricHighlightedTextPresentation new
Hi kilon,
Some weeks ago I tried the C live programming technique for the Ludum Dare.
It works very well. For that occasion I wrote this short article
. The game ended pretty
That looks very cool
For the text editor are you using GtkSourceView or something else?
El jue., 18 abr. 2019 a las 7:23, Esteban Lorenzano ()
> On 18 Apr 2019, at 13:08, PBKResearch wrote:
> +1 to Norbert. In particular, does it mean that, from Pharo 8, we wil
I do not like the idea of using a dot in class names because dot is already
used to separate expressions in a sequence. I am pretty sure that using dot
may introduce several ambiguities in the parsing process. For example, the
following with the current parser will produce the same AST:
> I was thinking the vm is able to run more than one bytecode set. Why
> couldn’t our vm support both Pharo and Java bytecodes?
Perhaps a simpler way is to make a translator from Java bytecodes -> Pharo
(Sista) bytecodes. I believe that ikvm did something similar for .NET. The
hardest part of
I am finally releasing an initial public version of Pharo Git Thermite, a
tool that I am developing as part of my master thesis for visualizing
Monticello and Git commits, for Pharo and Python:
GitHub Page with sources/documentation/issue tracker:
Hi Hernan,
I just added two new examples, UFFIOpenGLOffscreenSamples >> #triangle and
UFFIOpenGLOffscreenSamples >> #quad (using your vertices). I tested it on
Linux and on OS X.
self new triangle
| context gl fb colorProgram vertexBuffer |
context := UFFIOpenGLCo
Some time ago I presented Git Thermite in this mailing. Git Thermite is a
tool for visualizing Git commits that I am making for my master thesis. Now
I have managed to integrate Git Thermite with Iceberg.
GitHub page: https://github.com/ronsaldo/pharo-git-thermite
Demo video: https://www.y
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