I think that we should have a Pharo-bugs mailing list that gets notified
for each bug that is filled in fogbugz

2015-03-21 4:54 GMT-03:00 kilon alios <kilon.al...@gmail.com>:

> Bottom line is that reporting a problem in the mailing list first makes
> much more sense because
> a) Way more likely to get an answer
> b) Avoid adding to the list on non existent bugs in fogbugz
> c) Bring the bug if it really exists to the attention of more people,
> hence increase that chance of the bug getting a fix.
> d) Far easier to remind people of the bug later on by just bumping on the
> thread which everyone on the list will get notified compared to fogbugz
> that if you are not subscribed to a bug you wont be notified.
> So yes definitely want to discourage people from starting from fogbugz.
> Also personally I dont like fogbugz because its so isolated.
> On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 2:15 AM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 7:04 PM, Sebastian Heidbrink <shei...@yahoo.de>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I recently mentioned issues with the installation of the pharo-launcher
>>>> on Windows 8.1
>>>> Turned out I just needed to download the PharoV30.sources file and
>>>> place into the installation folder.
>>>> Now everything seems fine.
>>>> Is this also a topic for the pharo bug list, or is there another place
>>>> where I can mention this?
>>>> Sebastian
>>> On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 1:46 AM, kilon alios <kilon.al...@gmail.com>
>>>  wrote:
>>>> there is also an options in settings that downloads and install sources
>>>> for you automagically.
>>>> This is the right place to report issues and if you are 100% sure its a
>>>> bug you can report it also in the pharo fogbuz
>> 100% is a bit strong and sounds a bit discouraging :).    As long as you
>> can list the detailed steps reproduce the problem, then its worth putting
>> in fogbugz.  However fogbugz has a lot of old issues and sometimes a new
>> issue is like a lost tree in the forrest.   Its generally beneficial if you
>> socialise it on the mail list as well.
>> A good workflow is:
>> 1. Search fogbugz for similar issues.
>> 2. Ask on the mail list if its a known issue, or if you should create a
>> new one. List your steps to reproduce and ideally a solution.
>> 3. Log a new issue on fogbugz, copying the mail list discussion there.
>> Paste the link back to the mail list thread.
>> So in general:
>> * the mail list has a broader audience and gets a better triage
>> * fogbugz tracks history to ensure it doesn't get lost - and nothing
>> happens except what goes through the tracker.  (btw, set Project=Launcher)
>> cheers -ben

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