Esug-list mailing list
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthu
a package for Pharo:
http://nixos.org/nix/manual/. Nix can very easily be installed on any
Unix system including Debian and Mac OSX
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
s about utf-8 encoding. In all of them, the
author says that pathnames should be kept as is because you never know
which encoding the filesystem uses. So, a filename should probably be
a bytearray.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one
r the Nix package manager
which can be installed on many Unix (e.g., Linux, MacOS X, FreeBSD).
And NixOS will have the Pharo VM package in its next release in
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with
ce to build Pharo VM packages
for several Linux distributions automatically? I can help.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Usman Bhatti
> for less knowledgable it can be a negative message.
yes I agree.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing
Winston Churchill
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Thierry Goubier
> All non-native package managers have that issue.
nix included
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 9:03 PM, Udo Schneider
> How to proceed?
1- please give me your github username
2- clone
3- read the README and add your chapter
If you prefer, you can also send a pull request.
On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Udo Schneider
> I'll check the project structure and tell you. But I assume I'd prefer
> working directly - even if in "my" directory only.
you should have received an invitation
Damien Cassou
ist. Do your best and we will do another pass on it afterwards.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
nal paper about this library but I don't remember if it covers
the unit-test). The source code is available at
You can look at the unit tests for the collection library that are
entirely based on traits (but the collection library itself is not).
> url = {http://vimeo.com/42073344?from=outro-local},
> urldate = {2014-08-19},
> note = {0}
> }
> ===
> I have already installed Citizen and open it on the browser to see the
> code, but I can find any place to start with exam
s like --to=html as we do in
Pillar. Take a Pillar image from Jenkins and look at the source code.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 4:11 PM, Marcus Denker wrote:
> The real question is if we invest in the current FileList code or better in
> one based on the filesystem explore code in GT?
I think that would make sense
Damien Cassou
"Success is
On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Rafael Luque
> I don't know how to get the caret (^) symbol inside Pharo in my Linux
> laptop.
What is your keyboard layout?
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
Le 16 déc. 2014 22:48, "dboeren" a écrit :.
> Off the top of my head, I would be interested in support for "slices"
> meaning taking being able to treat a subset of a larger OrderedCollection
> its own OrderedCollection rather than using copyFrom:to: to create a
> duplicate object to work with.
ms as well.
> You can load it from the config browser in Pharo 4.0. I guess the
> attached screenshot will explain it all...
> Bye
> T.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
Hi everyone,
I've just updated the Windows and MacOS packages of the Pharo Launcher.
Please update:
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
to work on Mark's Windows laptop. Mark, can
you please answer?
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
//ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/ if you
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
Local" should contain the templates you download. You
probably found a bug but I can't reproduce.
The "Templates cleared at startup" is something different.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
ask the mailing list about this particular mechanism if you have
any question.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
is not secure and there are many ways to escape.
Damien Cassou http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
u can add Marina on top of that
(https://github.com/tide-framework/marina). Just note that (1) Marina is
not maintained and (2) you would have to tweak it a bit to generate
static pages (but this should not be hard because Marina uses Pillar and
Mustache and has been made to produce static pages).
Could you please try to download the launcher image from Jenkins and start
this image manually? This will help us understand if the problem comes from
the launcher or the Ubuntu package
On Feb 26, 2015 7:26 AM, "nacho" <0800na...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> pharo-launcher starts perfectly, I can eve
On Feb 27, 2015 3:06 AM, "p...@highoctane.be" wrote:
> How is one doing a cell with content wrapping on multiple lines?
> With the
> | X | Y
> | abcd | some very long text that should be wrapping but apparently
> doesn't. So it is very annoying when one attempts to describe a long
> thing, w
On Mar 6, 2015 1:25 AM, "Tudor Girba" wrote:
> - now that the inspector and spotter are part of Pharo, we can move these
extensions directly into Pillar. The only problem is that this syntax
highlighting is based on PetitParser, so we would have to add a dependency
from Pillar to PetitParser. Wha
On Mar 7, 2015 4:42 AM, "Tudor Girba" wrote:
> Actually, I would rather prefer to create a separate
ConfigurationOfPillarTools that adds the Pillar-Pharo-Tools and the
PetitParser dependency. What that be Ok?
Ok for me, do as you prefer. What is your rationale?
On Mar 8, 2015 1:22 AM, "stepharo" wrote:
> I do not remember but this is a todo.
Someone must have a look at that. Serge was interested in the feature as
Better write something like:
and fix pillar to ignore those blocks
On Mar 8, 2015 3:55 PM, "Peter Uhnák" wrote:
> Sure I can make a shortcut but I don't like that if there is already
> something.
> So my question is why can't I do
> {{{comment:
> my
> multiline
> c
Pier is a CMS, on top of Seaside. Pier has a blog engine.
Marina is another CMS with a blog engine but simpler and doesn't require
On Mar 9, 2015 11:52 AM, "Julien Delplanque" wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if there are existing projects/frameworks to create a blog in
> pharo?
> If there are
The current pillar parser has several problems:
- it is hard to understand and change
- it discards input locations
I think a refactor or rewrite is necessary. What are the pros and cons of using
PetitParser to do that?
I've just written a list of nice features we miss in Pillar:
Please contribute by either making the list longer or, and I would prefer that,
making it shorter.
estion. This is now in
http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pier/Pillar under the section "Script
> {import 'my-another-pillar-file.pillar'}
> or something like that.
this was already in the feature list under "Transformers".
Damien Cassou
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
> shell) where I can log-in, package my image, and download the resulting
> file?
look at how the Pharo Launcher package is created automatically and do
the same. There is a shell script that runs on our mac slave.
Damien Cassou
s now install the most recent Pharo launcher
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
Jigyasa Grover writes:
> Please rectify my mistake.
please follow the tutorial from scratch in a clean directory, not in
UpdatedPharoByExample. You can contact me on instant messaging if you
have more questions (see my website for details).
Damien Cassou
Hernán Morales Durand writes:
>> https://ci.inria.fr/pharo/view/all/job/Launcher-Mac/
> Thank you Damien,
> Unfortunately the link displays "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable"
> But I will check later.
works for me
Damien Cassou
use it! Nevertheless, I
tend to code more and more in the debugger and in the inspector. Maybe
your tool could be shown in the bottom of the Pharo window instead?
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
topics related to either the Pharo Launcher or Pillar (or anything else
where my name is written in http://topics.pharo.org/):
- http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pharo/PharoLauncher
- http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pier/Pillar
Damien Cassou
ng is needed)
I would start with streams and regular expressions. If that's not
powerful enough I would use PetitParser. If that's not fast enough, I
would try SmaCC and compare speed.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one
Ben Coman writes:
> Rohit, Would you like to have a go at adding this to PharoLauncher?
> Currently PharoLauncher filters to show only its own settings. You would
> need to find how to add the Proxy Settings to the filter.
the launcher has its proxy settings too now.
Damien Ca
Hi Jigyasa,
Jigyasa Grover writes:
> You mean the update of PharoLauncher ?
PharoLauncher has had this settings for quite a while now. It's not new.
> PS - Pls ignore the triviality of my question , I am new to Pharo.
no problem. Ask as many questions as you want.
2 month ago. Will Marina
> continue to evolve? And is anyone else using Marina?
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing en
is to
the list of feature requests?
http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pier/Pillar. I've just added
DmitriZagidulin to the Pier members. The next step would be for you to
add the corresponding automated tests.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
Dmitri Zagidulin writes:
> On Friday, April 10, 2015, Damien Cassou wrote:
>> website is clearer. Something you could do however is to add links for
>> each project in the todo: these links go target mailing list discussions
>> (or a github tracker or both if we go tha
Kasper Østerbye has just finished a proof-of-concept that renders Pillar
text inside a class comment pane.
>From the view, the developer can press $ (dollar) to edit the document in
Best regards,
Damien Cassou
"Success is the
can just write the text in the pillar notation to "myTextObject"
> and then call something like->
> ---
> pillarParseAndExportToLatex: myTextObject.
document := PRDocumentParser parse: '!!foo'.
PRLaTeXWriter write: document.
Damien Cassou
refactoring leftover)
> Also can I configure CI to build Marina on Pharo 4.0?
I think nobody maintains Marina:
- Nicolas moved to a different world
- Esteban is busy with everything else he has to do
- I have no interest in Marina
I think you can do whatever you want with Marina.
Damien C
mplify compile.sh, this will make
it easier for the author to understand the process, and this will
simplify Pillar's implementation. With this in place, we think we can
fix the problems with anchors and inter-chapter links.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
Guillermo Polito writes:
> If I understand correctly... then, why the pillar.conf is not just a pillar
> file? (And the conf is the header if the file?) :)
my middle-term goal is to simplify/remove as much as possible both the
pillar.conf and compile.sh scripts.
Damien Casso
; and... what else?
static web page generation is an important target for us so we won't
forget about this use case. Cyril will give more information when the
picture gets clearer.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one fai
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
I'm not a designer so
> it may not look as good as you want...
that's great! Thanks
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
With this loaded, you now have 2 choices:
- instantiate PRLaTeXCanvas and PROutputStream manually and use them, or
- create a Pillar document and export it as LaTeX.
Continue asking questions here if you have more.
Damien Cassou
configuration := PRCocoonConfiguration new.
stream configuration: configuration.
canvas := PRLaTeXCanvas on: stream.
canvas raw: '$'.
canvas command name: 'frac'; parameter: 'numerator'; parameter: 'denominator'.
canvas raw: '$'.
canvas flush
ted. Org
> mode does something similar already."
this is something else. This feature means writing LaTeX directly inside
the Pillar document and get nice output in all export formats.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to
Cyril is now doing all the work on Pillar
On May 17, 2015 1:03:19 PM GMT+02:00, "Jan Valášek"
>Dne 2015-04-20 14:12, Damien Cassou napsal:
>Hi Damien,
>Finally, I have used both ways in my work. So thank you for the
>clarification. Pillar is a very useful to
reak this similarity. Switching to # for both
links and anchors would break even more document and website (but I
think that's ok).
Breaking backward compatibility is ok, but we should pay attention when
we do it.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the abi
Peter Uhnák writes:
> Basically I'm looking for an equivalent of Latex' \subsection*{...}.
that's not possible.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
be expected.
if you are looking for inspiration, look at how helm matches stuff. Helm
is the Emacs' equivalent to Spotter (but with many years of experience
Damien Cassou
e package. E.g.,
PRPage for a Page class in the Pier package, ZnEasy for the Easy class
in the Zinc package...
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
. Don't
worry too much about that. It's easy to change all the class names
later if you see a conflict.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
* support PDF compression to produce compact files
A basic documentation is available in the help browser. Many examples
are implemented in the PDFDemos class.
Olivier Auverlot and Guillaume Larcheveque
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to g
el elements like datagrid
> * support PDF compression to produce compact files
> A basic documentation is available in the help browser. Many examples are
> implemented in the PDFDemos class.
> --
> Olivier Auverlot and Guillaume Larcheveque
Damien Cassou
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 8:28 AM, Davorin Rusevljan
> I might be missing something here, but is Pier not a wiki? (and then some of
> course)
Pier is certainly a wiki (+ much more :-))
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one
ut mine is 32bits). I can *not* reproduce your
problem with the VM on the PPA. Just to be sure, I sent new versions
of the packages to the https://launchpad.net/~pharo/+archive/stable/
PPA this morning. They will be ready in a few hours.
Is there anything special with your image?
Damien Cassou
start period: October 2013
Contact: Loic Lagadec - ENSTA Bretagne - France
Esug-list mailing list
Damien Casso
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
> Thanks Stephan, I will have a look using a Moose image later this evening.
> I guess Glamour can be loaded in Pharo 2.0 ?
yes it can. http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Moose/Glamour
Damien Casso
On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 4:54 AM, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
>> Any help will be much appreciated!
hard to know. You may want to try multiple versions. Also, check
Damien Casso
> https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/PharoForTheEnterprise-english
these are the sources. If you want the result, look at
Damien Cassou
in the readme, you have to execute:
./download.sh vm image
to get vm.sh
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 2:35 PM, Hernán wrote:
> Mmm, then something else is missing because i have already executed the
> download.sh script, but vm.sh is not here.
did you pass 'vm image' as argument? If not, you can execute the
script again. I'm on IRC.
$ cd PharoForTheEnterprise-english/
$ ./download.sh vm image
$ ./compile.sh
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
these libs, you
will have a 32 and 64 bit package on your system
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
lying a trait to a class
applies the classTrait to the metaclass.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
r (originally, it is
> splitted in several pages)
thank you very much Martin. That's a nice addition. Next time, please
just make sure not to commit temporary files to the repository (like
*.pdf, *.aux...). I've removed them.
What was your problem with pictures? There are pictures in
> ).
> But in 1.4 you could use Omnibrowser & the Code rewriting tools.
the issue for Pharo 3.0 is https://pharo.fogbugz.com/default.asp?7215. Feel
free to backport the change to 2.0.
Damien Cassou
On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Serge Stinckwich
> a more deeper integration with ZeroConf so we can do use it on the command
> line.
Camillo and Damien P have started looking at that
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to
27;t get created by the launcher: it is not possible without changing
quite some code in PhLDirectoryBasedImageGroup.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing
Winston Churchill
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
> Ok, I admit. I should read emails thoroughly :). Please ignore the second
> issue. Still, why is it called PharoS?
may it be because this is a StackVM and not Cog?
Damien Cassou
d be able to launch an image in a window. Can you please
give me more details about your problem? I'm on the #pharo IRC
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
> Cool, right ?
indeed, very cool. Should I add a link in the "Community" section of the
pharo.org website?
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure
ien, was it also you who initially did the contributors page ?
> Any ideas of how we could extract the data quickly in a structured format ?
You may want to ask Laurent Laffont
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to ano
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:22 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
> Maybe I can add a little section on that page describing what you have to do
> to get on the list.
either that or we keep this page as short as possible and put
everything on consultants.pharo.org. As you wish
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to an
ext to render its webpages
- textlint.lukas-renggli.ch parses English text to help you write
better English sentences
- moosetechnology.org parses source code written in multiple
programming languages to show some analysis
Damien Cassou
"Success is the
with T,
right click, "Add in group...", "create group", give it a name. Select all
packages starting with G, right click, "Add in group...", select the group
you created.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing
Winston Churchill
ply for an engineer position with
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 9:04 PM, Natalia Tymchuk
> I want to draw a bar diagram for my benchmarks in Graph-ET. Does anybody
> know how to add the labels to x-axis?
you may want to ask on the moose mailing list or on stackoverflow (tag #pharo)
Damien Casso
please support our work on Pharo by buying the new Deep into Pharo book
Your money go to the Pharo Association, so it's worth it.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure
he PDF: you pay 6 €, Pharo association gets 4.73€
For the printed edition: you pay 25 €, Pharo association gets 11.44€
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Esteban A. Maringolo
> I would pay an intermediate price to get a Kindle edition :)
if you have a solution to generate Kindle/ibook from latex, then we
can try. Otherwise, please download the PDF and tell us how is looks
on mobile platforms.
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Guillermo Polito
> What about a tweet from the pharo tweeter so we can retweet? ;)
I tweeted from my account and ESUG's one.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another w
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