Martin Bähr writes:

> Excerpts from Nicolai Hess's message of 2015-01-30 15:18:57 +0100:
>> > i'd like to see a cache of the downloaded images so that i can create
>> > multiple copies of an image without redownloading.
>> On the right tree (Templates) is a node "Local"
>> this includes all downloaded images.
> i thought that would be a good place to put them, but for me there is nothing.
> i already downloaded 3 images.
> do i have to disable "Templates cleared at startup" in the config?

I confirm that "Local" should contain the templates you download. You
probably found a bug but I can't reproduce.

The "Templates cleared at startup" is something different.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

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