from Damien Pollet:

You will need to load the .bib file from zotero (read the file however
you like, then pass the stream to the CZ parser). You'll get a
CZBibSet (I don't recall the name exactly) which represents the
contents of the file. A Set is composed of entries, each of which has
a key and a set of fields. Finally, fields accept a few different
kinds of values.

Your processing is just iterating a set then setting the key of each
entry (or possibly removing and re-adding the entry, I don't recall if
it's implemented like a dictionary or more like a list).

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 2:57 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using a Zotero collection for keeping track of several references I
> have found for my article about the experience of the outline/tree-like
> metaphor for writing inside Pharo (as soon as I have a presentable working
> draft I hope to share it with you).
> Now I want to make a post-processing of the bibtex file exported from
> Zotero. The idea is to use "shorttitle" field instead to replace the Zotero
> auto-generated one and have custom keys. So for example instead of:
> =======
> @misc{_holistic_????,
>         title = {Holistic software assessment (Uni Zurich - 2011) on
> Vimeo},
>         shorttitle = {Girba-holistic-2011},
>         url = {},
>         urldate = {2014-08-19},
>         note = {00000}
> }
> =======
> I would like to have:
> =======
> @misc{Girba-holistic-2011,
>         title = {Holistic software assessment (Uni Zurich - 2011) on
> Vimeo},
>         shorttitle = {Girba-holistic-2011},
>         url = {},
>         urldate = {2014-08-19},
>         note = {00000}
> }
> =======
> I have already installed Citizen and open it on the browser to see the
> code, but I can find any place to start with examples.
> Any advice on how to solve this issue will be appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Offray

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing
Winston Churchill

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