On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 11:00 PM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:

> I noticed two issues when playing with it:
> - there is no feedback while downloading the image. This can be confusing.

Normally, the status bar should display "Downloading...", but I'm not sure
it works all the time and it is a bit hidden :-).

- the launcher quits when launching another image (I am on Mac). This is
> actually interesting, but it was surprising. I am not sure what is the
> right solution here.

I think a right solution would be to ask the first time you open image an
image: "Do you want to quit?", with a checkbox to save the setting.

> And a question: How can we get more images available through this
> interface?

if you are talking about adding more servers (called template groups) to
get more templates in the right pane: you currently must add a line in
PhLTemplateGroupRepository class>>all. Eventually, I would like that users
can specify their list of template groups (e.g., pharo-contribution,
moose-ci, yourcompany-jenkins...) in a preference file.

if you are talking about finding images that are already on the hard disk
but didn't get created by the launcher: it is not possible without changing
quite some code in PhLDirectoryBasedImageGroup.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing
Winston Churchill

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