I'm using Mustache for Pharo, and according to mustache docs (
https://mustache.github.io/mustache.5.html ), when a key is not found, it
should look into parents contexts.
However that does not seem to be the case:
str := '{{root}}
data := {
BaselineOf/ConfigurationOf is the only place that contains this
information, e.g.
(BaselineOfCalypso project version packages collect: #name) asSet
On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 7:41 PM, Eric Gade wrote:
> Unless I'm mistaken, the `BaselineOfXXX` is, in part, a description of all
> the package
Thank you Henrik,
#outOfWorld: was the best solution to me, as I can use it even when I don't
control the window/container the morph is embedded in.
On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 10:16 PM, Henrik-Nergaard
> Hi Peter,
> There are two methods which can be used for this purpose.
> #outOf
If you want some projects using metalinks for inspiration:
(the second one also has a link to PDF explaining it in more detail)
Also here an example
is there a Java AST parser in Pharo?
I imagine that jdt2famix must have something inside, but as far as I
understand, it just extracts some information from the source code and
throws the AST away.
is there some library or approach how to do transactions in pharo?
And I don't mean database transactions, but directly in memory on Pharo
objects... e.g.
p := Person new.
transaction do: [
p name: 'Nobody'.
p age: 70.
] on: Error do: [
transaction rollback.
self assert: p na
how can a Morph react to its parent window being closed?
Morph subclass: #MyMorph.
MyMorph new openInWindow
how can MyMorph cleanup itself on window close?
I thought Morph>>delete would do the trick, but it is not being called.
> Actually I do not think that the above is that bad ;-)
It is too explicit for me and easy to forget to do. :)
> I guess you could add some extension methods to NeoJSONWriter, or
subclass it - yourself.
In the end, this is probably the most reasonable. And I can change some of
the defaults to
order. So if you add them in the right order, that would do it.
> > On 25 Jul 2018, at 11:12, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > would it be possible to provide option to automatically sort instance
> variables when serializing objects?
> >
> &g
would it be possible to provide option to automatically sort instance
variables when serializing objects?
Either always sorted
NeoJSONObjectMapping>>writeObject: anObject on: jsonWriter
jsonWriter writeMapStreamingDo: [ :jsonMapWriter |
(properties sorted: #propertyName ascending) do: [ :eac
what is the best way to ignore instance variables when serializing with
I figured out this so far...
(NeoJSONWriter on: stream)
for: Something
do: [ :mapping | mapping mapInstVars: mapping identifier instVarNames \
#(unwanted) ];
nextPut: aSomething
Thank you both, this is exactly what I was looking for!
But I ran into an issue (maybe this is Windows (10) specific):
once I open the window, the original Pharo window is no longer responsive.
It is not frozen, I can see a cursor blinking in the playground, but
clicking anywhere or pressing any
did anyone play around with launching a separate native window for Pharo?
E.g. I have normal window in which Pharo is, and then I open a separate
native window that shows just e.g. Transcript.
I know that there are some projects like OSWindow-SDL and OSWindows-UI
(using WinAPI), but both of
On Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 3:38 PM, Sean P. DeNigris
> Peter Uhnák wrote
> > https://github.com/peteruhnak/xml-magritte-generator
> What does this one do? Here is something similar-sounding:
> https://github.com/magritte-metamodel/XML-Bindings
Did you read the README?
This is not FT plugin problem. This is Windows failing to load a proper dll
for Pharo. Happens regularly at least with FT and Cairo.
On Fri, Jul 13, 2018 at 10:00 AM, webwarrior wrote:
> Peter Kenny wrote
> > Hello
> >
> > This seems exactly like a problem I reported almost exactly a year
Hi Oswall,
for processing, take a look also at these three projects. They work on top
of XML libraries, but provide some automation/simplification/inference.
> Anything public we can use for inspiration?
I was playing with gmail filters, but I think I deleted the image long time
+1. I've used it last year or so and it was very nice to use.
On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 2:59 AM, Ben Coman wrote:
> On 11 July 2018 at 05:53, oswall arguedas wrote:
> > Greetings community of pharo
> >
> > I am working with the google API to process gmail emails, read, modify,
> > archive, send.
Hi Miguel,
there is beacon for logging https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo-beacon
you can also consider pharo-sentry
https://github.com/peteruhnak/pharo-sentry (note that sentry can be
On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 10:30 PM, Miguel Campusano <
m.campusano.ar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> May be Roassal2 is broken on Windows?
Sometimes Pharo on Windows decides that it will not load external library.
Try to restart your PC and see if it persists.
On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 5:38 PM, Hernán Morales Durand <
hernan.mora...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In a clean Pharo 6.1 (Windows 8) I
I feel like I am missing something obvious, but is there a _safe_ way to
test if PW is still running?
If the process pointer for whatever reason is no longer valid (e.g. the
image crashed / I closed image), then #isRunning results in crashing the
image. Maybe this is a bug?
PhLStartupManager class>>addToLauncherStartUpList: aClass
self startUpClasses addIfNotPresent: aClass
seems to be enough.
On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 9:58 AM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that when I save Pharo Launcher image (ctrl+shift+s), because
> I
I've noticed that when I save Pharo Launcher image (ctrl+shift+s), because
I was changing something, then PhLDeploymentScript is added to the the
startup classes list.
PhLStartupManager startUpClasses "a
SortedCollection(PhLDirectoryBasedImageRepository PhLSettingBrowser
PhLDeploymentScript P
does anyone know any tips how to profile why opening of an image takes X
amount of time and on what?
Also this, but I think that it was changed in the VM later
On Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 11:31 AM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> I thought that this was fixed a long time ago?
> Try running it with --tex
I thought that this was fixed a long time ago?
Try running it with --textenc utf8 and see if it fixes it.
On Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 11:11 AM, Otto Behrens wrote:
> Hi,
> A very annoying issue I'm having with Pharo 6.0 (running on Ubuntu 16.04)
> is that if I copy text from other applic
I'm starting to familiarize myself with new streams, and one thing I've
noticed is the removal of #lineEndConvention (which I use all the time).
So a statement like this
aFile writeStreamDo: [ :stream |
stream lineEndConvention: #lf.
stream << '...'
has to be written like so
aFile write
Thanks for the release!
Just a note regarding the Windows installer. I managed to crash and corrupt
my Pharo Launcher (probably unrelated to PL.. I normally modify
PharoLauncher to fit me better), so I wanted to reinstall it. As far as I
can tell, the options "Modify" and "Repair" installation did
Wait... so it is no longer possible to #addtoIndex: external files from
Pharo? I thought that this functionality was supposed to be preserved.
On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 10:30 AM, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> Hi - yes I’m pleased you check out the entire tree, although currently
> it’s a bit confu
> tag support, a new credential manager to manage keys and passwords per
> host or repository
Thank you! I'm looking forward to playing with this next week. (and
reporting issues :))
On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 7:23 PM, Hernán Morales Durand <
hernan.mora...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Guille,
> It only uses one temp collection, where a #select: followed by a separate
> #collect: would need two.
Yeah, be careful with that, because it changes the semantics of the
operation. (magine what happens when `thenDo:` operates on the original
collection and there's no intermediate collection
How do you mean?
(1 to: 10) select: #odd thenCollect: [ :x | x ** 2 ] "-> #(1 9 25 49 81)"
It wouldn't make sense otherwise to have the collect method if it wouldn't
return anything.
On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 2:20 PM, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> Hi - are the methods like #select:thenCollect: fr
> but I’m trying to understand what is the easiest option to avoid
gotcha’s (that more advanced guys can better cope with)
I guess the question is whether you want to handle conflict resolutions
directly with git, or through iceberg.
I've been using separate clones for each image for a long time
ComposableModel withAllSubclasses do: [ :cls | cls subclass: ((cls name
withoutSuffix: 'Model'), 'Presenter') asSymbol ] + move all the classes in
Undeclared package.
Haven't run it... but it should work more or less.
A backport might not be a bad idea.
On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 2:44 PM, Ju
On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 6:42 AM, Ben Coman wrote:
> On 22 May 2018 at 23:23, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
>> Hi - when trying out the new Iceberg with a bunch of developers and
>> explaining the challenges of integrating git and files into a smalltalk
>> realm of the image - there was a lot of int
some Windows users are repeatedly running into Pharo failing to load Cairo
library on Windows (see stack screenshot at the bottom).
The problem is that I have no idea how to even start debugging this.
Is there some documentation on how Pharo loads libraries via FFI on Windows
that I can star
On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 9:12 PM, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
Equally you could perhaps trap something in Pharo and write out a fuel file
> to an s3 bucket - with s3 you can then trigger an event and they have tools
> you can use to alert and or email
I do this too -- fuel is really simple to use, and
Hi Sergio,
I highly recommend using a more sophisticated solution such as Sentry (
https://github.com/peteruhnak/pharo-sentry ,
https://peteruhnak.github.io/pharo-sentry/ ).
If you want something really simple, then ShoreLine can be of assistance
(assuming you use Pharo 6; it was removed in P7)
> Metacello new
> baseline: 'WillowPagerDuty';
> repository: 'tonel://../src';
> load.
This should work.
You can also use SmalltalkCI instead of doing everything by hand.
> {self meth1. self meth2. self meth3}
This is not possible in a reasonably general way. Usually I end up writing
it like `Array with: self meth1 with: self meth2 with: self meth3`
On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 3:31 PM, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users <
pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:
> --
has anyone played around with customizing the red screen of death
(=morphic/athens drawing error)?
Perhaps to show something similar to what chrome shows on a tab crash
What would entail actually extending the syntax and adding the set literal?
>From my brief observations (when I was discussing this with OP on discord):
* adding a new AST node
* extend RBParser
* extend IRMethod/IRTranslator... maybe generating bytecode for `{ ... }
asSet` instead would be enoug
Thanks :)
I was testing it on behalf of someone else, so no problems for me. :)
On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 3:30 PM, Holger Freyther wrote:
> > On 27. Apr 2018, at 19:22, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> > I've installed both ( apt install pharo6-32-ui ph
ely. "uname -a" even reports it as "16.04.1-Ubuntu"
On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 5:19 AM, Holger Freyther wrote:
> > On 27. Apr 2018, at 04:55, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've just tried installing pharo from package m
I've just tried installing pharo from package manager on Elementary OS,
which is a ubuntu derivative.
All went well, except fonts weren't working in 32 bit version, and I had to
install by hand "libfreetype6:i386" ... is it missing in the dependencies?
How a project is named is a choice of the author. Nobody gets to demand how
someone should name their projects.
Now how project is actually named is not a issue if it is properly handled
on pharo side, which in some places is, in some places isn't.
For instance, there's a gazillion UI frameworks
On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 12:30 PM, Ben Coman wrote:
> On 16 April 2018 at 16:55, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> >> Downloaded it. Installed it. Started it. Selected an image. Bam.
> The
> >> app vanished.
> >
> > As I've mentioned in several other threads, t
> Downloaded it. Installed it. Started it. Selected an image. Bam. The
app vanished.
As I've mentioned in several other threads, the way new images are opened
(the lib that executes the command) seems to be very unreliable and
sometimes opening image just doesn't work, and I have to open PL a
On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 2:05 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
> There are a lot of subsystems in Pharo, and being a bear of
> very little brain, I have a hard time relating Zinc, Calypso,
> &c &c to, well, whatever they are. I presume there is
> somewhere a list of topic/name/PFX triples for guidance.
> peter,
> are you sure that dependencies of a project in tonel format can be loaded?
I agree with Gabriel, this has to be a Metacello issue.
The support that was added was having your repo in tonel. If tonel
dependencies are problem, that's a different issue. I think this is best to
report d
> The con is the “read-only”
They are _not_ read-only. If you want to push, they will use http auth for
authentication. (Obviously you need an account for pushing, but that's
> On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 8:15 PM, Bernardo Ezequiel Contreras <
> vonbecm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> do you use filetree:// or tonel:// ?
>> thanks in advance.
>> On Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 6:28 AM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
SmalltalkCI now supports loading tonel-based projects, so feel free to
start using it.
The configuration is still the same.
Please note that coveralls support for tonel is not yet in place, but
that's just a cherry on top. :-)
No problem, I've imagined this would be the case.
On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 3:44 PM, monty wrote:
> Unfortunately not. It's a major effort, and I'm not able to devote the
> time to it now.
> It's changed to no longer emit that space.
Thank you, however this could cause trouble for people needing the space. :)
Making it configurable makes a lot of sense if you version your XML files
(with e.g. git) and interchange with other tools... that way you can
produce same formatting from bot
is it possible to specify _natively_ (in the BaselineOf spec itself) a
conditional loading of packages?
Example usage:
I have package with extensions for Calypso, but Calypso is not always
loaded, so I want to load the package only if Calypso is present.
The ugly way (because it's a hack and
are there any plans in the foreseeable future to add support for XSD to the
XML (Parser) ecosystem?
what would be the best approach to not generate space at the end of single
Right now it generates
but I would like
The space is added in XMLTagWriter>>writeEpilogue,
but to "cleanly" change it I would need to
* subclass tag writer
* subclass xml writer
* figure out how to provide di
is it possible to detect when a modal window was closed in Spec?
I can do the following
window := TextModel new openWithSpec.
window window announcer when: WindowClosed do: [ self inform: 'window
closed' ].
But when I make the window modal it is no longer being announced
window := TextMode
y to make a difference between a cycle and a shared
> structure, I would have to think about that.
> And yes, NeoJSON will go happily in cycles.
> > On 27 Mar 2018, at 18:52, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> >
> > Ah sorry, I'm blind.
> >
> > Yes, ideally it sho
inary files.
On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 6:39 PM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> In fact this is problem on every page: it shows the Getting Started on the
> top, and then continues with the actual content of the page, e.g.
> https://rmod.inria.fr/web/software/Fuel/Version1.9/
> D
Ah sorry, I'm blind.
Yes, ideally it should throw up an error in case of recursive.
And I see that NeoJSON runs into infinite cycle, so I guess this should be
addressed there too.
On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 6:41 PM, Herbert Vojčík wrote:
> Peter Uhnák wrote:
>> Hi S
8 at 6:29 PM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> Hi,
> not sure where to report this, but in this page of fuel docs
> https://rmod.inria.fr/web/software/Fuel/Version1.9/
> Documentation/GettingStarted?_s=gnS5amSI-7GcDf_k&_k=4e8w5tCS4RRm35p7&_n&18
> all the chapters are t
on: out;
>> nextPut: d ].
>> The problem is what to do with cycles.
> Be faithful to what JSON.stringify does in JS. See attachment. :-)
> Herby
> Sven
>> On 27 Mar 2018, at 17:43, Pe
not sure where to report this, but in this page of fuel docs
all the chapters are twice there
Basic examples
Showing a progress ba
I don't think this should throw an error when I am producing JSON.
d := {
'a' -> #().
'b' -> #().
} asDictionary.
STON toJsonString: d.
dtto this
a := {'hm'}.
d := {
'a' -> a.
'b' -> a.
} asDictionary.
STON toJsonString: d.
Maybe I should forgo using STON>>toJson* out of
So I imagine something like the following
spotterFieldsFor: aStep
^ aStep listProcessor
title: 'Fields';
*canDiveIn: [ false "or some dynamic condition" ];*
On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 9:05 AM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> Certainly.
> Basically I want to avoid a sit
gt; Hi,
> I am not sure I understand the issue. Can you re-explain it please?
> Cheers,
> Doru
> > On Mar 16, 2018, at 8:02 AM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> >
> > correction: spotterForRenderingShapesFor: is not in Pharo 6.1 (it's
> added by Roas
correction: spotterForRenderingShapesFor: is not in Pharo 6.1 (it's added
by Roassal2GT)
On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 8:01 AM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible to disable GTSpotter dive in functionality when the result
> would be empty?
> I've tried looking
is it possible to disable GTSpotter dive in functionality when the result
would be empty?
I've tried looking at GTSpotterStep>>canDiveIn: but it seems that no matter
what there will be at least one processor (at least the "parent" one, which
is weird).
Also there are two spotter extensions d
what exactly is GTFilterSubstring for?
The observed behavior is identical whether I use it in my spotter method or
not. (As I don't know what exactly it does it's hard to observe it in the
first place...)
Also as none of the concrete classes in the GTFilter hierarchy have
comments it's hard to
Excellent, thank you!
On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 10:14 AM, Marcus Denker
> On 14 Mar 2018, at 09:56, Marcus Denker wrote:
> On 14 Mar 2018, at 09:51, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> Hi,
> just couple minor details I've noticed:
just couple minor details I've noticed:
I'm looking at website, and it says Jan 2018 twice.
02/01/2018 - Pharo Newsletter Jan 2018
01/10/2018 - Pharo Newsletter Jan 2018
Also going inside the newsletter, it doesn't actually say for what what
period it is, e.g.
Maybe it would be better to flip it around:
have http://pharo.org/discord which would automatically redirect to the
proper pharo invite link
On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 9:25 PM, Dimitris Chloupis
> Because I posted a new link it was misinterpreted that the old one did not
> work which is not
Operator priority :); unary messages `#ensureCreateDirectory have
precedence over binary `#/`
(FileSystem disk workingDirectory / '../public') ensureCreateDirectory.
Also please note that the workingDirectory should be based on where Pharow
as launched from, if you are looking for the image direc
> There is #ensureCreateDirectory in Pharo but I don't know if it will check
> the parents exists. (And I don't have a Pharo image to check.
It will, at least on Windows.
> Pharo Tools & Technologies
> Pharo Language & Environment
+1 ... simple, obvious, to the point
please no cryptic/"clever" names
On Sun, Mar 4, 2018 at 4:41 PM, Benoit St-Jean via Pharo-users <
pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Benoit St-
> group: ‘default’ with: #(Model’ ‘UI’);
> “Other possible convenience groups”
> group: ‘Development’ with: #(Model’ ‘UI’ ’Tests’);
> group: ‘Production’ with: #(Model’ ‘UI’)
> ]
> Then you can load groups like:
> Metacello new
is it possible to globally configure GTInspector to show only certain tags
() ?
t; which would open a file dialog.
On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 1:24 AM, Andrew P. Black wrote:
> > On 28 Feb 2018, at 12:32 , Peter Uhnák wrote:
> >
> > I'm using the following
> >
> > | repo |
> > repo := IceRepository registry detect: [ :each | ea
I think you are looking for this thread
On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 11:07 PM, Andrew P. Black wrote:
> I believe that there is a way one can add one or more repositories to
> Iceberg’s list of local repositories, s
I'm using the following
| repo |
repo := IceRepository registry detect: [ :each | each name = 'my-repo' ].
repo addFilesToIndex: {'CHANGELOG.md'}.
so then the iceberg commit will also include the (external) file change
On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 11:06 PM, Andrew P. Black wrote:
> I have so
I'm trying to define a dependency on a group of BaselineOf.
specifically #core of github://pharo-graphics/Bloc/src.
I've looked at this
which recommends using import:provides:
baseline: spec
has anyone investigated creating a custom pre-debug window?
I would like to have a user-friendlier one (for end-users), but it seems
that the current one is hard-coded?
are there any best practices/idioms in regards to object
Let's say I want to configure a TwitterClient that requires a username and
a password that is stored in a separate object TwitterConfiguration
a) the basic approach (either separate sends or via cascade, that is
> b.2) Smalltalk at: #Array
> b.3) Smalltalk classNamed: #Array
> => In which namespace/module are you looking for #Array ? In the future
> this may be removed, alternatively it will work only for globals but not
> globals inside namespace/module which won't work since Arr
what is the canonical way to get a class from a symbol?
a) Converting symbol into class via string protocol
a.1) #Array asClass
I use this the most, because it is easy, uses unary selector, and so far
I've never ran into any issues. But apparently it is not good -- why?
a.2) #Array asClassI
There is SVG exporter.
I've never heard about ODG, is it commonly used outside of OpenOffice
On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 9:29 PM, Stephane Ducasse
> Hi Arturo
> I have no idea about the answer. But hello from snowy France :)
> Stef
> On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 6:49 PM, Arturo
there are couple examples in WelcomeHelp.
But more importantly, the HelpTopic content can be a Text, which means you
can apply your own formatting. To the text.
For example, I have also subsubheading:
subsubheading: aString
"Return Text object with subsubheading formating attributes."
| te
e, not cloud-hosted sentry.io
I assume their API is the same. I've used on-premises sentry (and wrote the
SDK on day zero of using sentry so I am still learning how it even
works :))
On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 9:53 PM, Herbert Vojčík wrote:
> Peter Uhnák wrote:
> generate accessors
there is option to generate accessors (right click on class)... but I find
it rarely useful after initial setup (having accessors for all instance
variables is rarely needed, and it is annoying to uncheck all the time).
In the latter scenario I have a small hack (startup scri
I guess the subject should say [ANN] too... :)
On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 10:55 PM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> Hi,
> I've made an experimental SDK for sentry.io to track errors in end-user
> installations.
> Also usable as a Logger for Beacon (which I guess should be the pr
I've made an experimental SDK for sentry.io to track errors in end-user
Also usable as a Logger for Beacon (which I guess should be the primary way
to use this).
... and as an extension for Debugger (basically a replacement for
ShoreLine, which is too simplistic for my needs)
is there a way to install a global handler for exceptions?
Right now if I want to log all exceptions, I use approach from ShoreLine
and create a PreDebugAction which is activated when any "unhandled"
exception occurs.
That would be good enough, however the Debugger has zero knowledge of the
> How do I include these in the iceberg commit/push?
> How do I see changes made in these files from version to version?
Apart from directly using the actual git repo outside of pharo, you can use
the facade provided by IceRepository, or you can use libgit inside Pharo.
E.g. to add an extern
Hi Hernan, this should be in principle sufficient for the migration.
I just wonder, why these two lines?
> git add *
> git commit -m "fast-import from SmalltalkHub"
...normally all the code should've been already committed via fast-import.
On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 2:17 PM, Hernán Morales D
how modular is Calypso in respect to:
* taking the UI apart and compositing it in a different manner
* reusing parts of it in a different place/application (e.g. just the code
editor, or just the method list, ...)
* using alternative abstractions to just package/class/protocol/method
* e.g.
> On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 10:15 PM, Stephane Ducasse
> wrote:
> >> Jan Kurs made an extensive petitparser for CommonMark with tests and
> >> everything... it is not complete but it had support for most common
> stuff.
> >> So the best approach would be two write a visitor on top of this parser
> I have argued time and again and in length about Markdown support in Pharo
> Check the pillar markdown parser (not fully working).
Jan Kurs made an extensive petitparser for CommonMark with tests and
everything... it is not complete but it had support for most common stuff.
So the best approach
> When contributing it is associated to licence so I just find the actual
model a bit weak.
I don't think that this is the case anymore. Pharo itself (and more and
more pharo projects) are moving to git, so the Author string is not really
used outside of the given image --- the author is based on
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