> On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 10:15 PM, Stephane Ducasse
> <stepharo.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Jan Kurs made an extensive petitparser for CommonMark with tests and
> >> everything... it is not complete but it had support for most common
> stuff.
> >> So the best approach would be two write a visitor on top of this parser
> to
> >> output Pillar document model.
> >
> > Good to know. I will see if we can ask students to do something we
> > have a lecture that starts first week or we could ask asbath.
> > (why a visitor? you mean that he already has production rules that
> > outputs a tree?).

There was a visitor that produced HTML from the markdown, so the same could
be done to produce pillar.

> >
> >
> >> Stef, would it make sense to name them differently?
> >> E.g. "Pillar" is the syntax and "Pier" the model (or some other name).
> >> Maybe it could reduce the confusion, and improve the dialog surrounding
> it.
> >> Because people use same word when then mean different things.
> >
> > I do not have the energy for that.
> > Pharo it is the system or the syntax?

I tend to call "Pharo" the system, and "Smalltalk language" the syntax.

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