[Pharo-users] Re: Mardeep as a format to (re)publish and exchange Pharo powered data narratives, lesson and book(let)s

2022-12-15 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Nice write up > On Dec 13, 2022, at 3:15 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas > wrote: > > Hi, > > As I told in a previous message, we, at the Grafoscopio[1][1a][1b] community, > are migrating some lessons learned since 2015 to the new capabilities > available since last year via Lepiter[2]. An

[Pharo-users] Re: Omnibase/Monibase repository removal

2022-08-23 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
From my reading, it seems like whoever posted OmniBase to github 9 years ago added the MIT license without permission and the OmniBase library remains closed source. > On Aug 23, 2022, at 6:46 AM, s...@clipperadams.com wrote: > > I’m not fully understanding the issue. > > > > Is it that

[Pharo-users] list archive search broken

2022-04-05 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
the Empathy search box here: https://lists.pharo.org/empathy/list/pharo-users.lists.pharo.org Doesn't work. Not sure if thats something everyone knows and is working on or not as I can't search the list to see because doing in the normal way with google also doesn't work or comes up empty

[Pharo-users] Re: Is there a way to load a dependent repository of assets that doesn't have a baseline - in my Metacello baseline?

2021-01-28 Thread Paul DeBruicker
You could use a #postLoadDoIt: or #preLoadDoIt: and have Zinc download the github repo contents to the directory of your choice or use LibC to do a git checkout in the right spot. Tim Mackinnon wrote > Hi - I’m trying to create a baseline for my project so that it includes a > dependent reposito

[Pharo-users] Re: NeoCSVReader and wrong number of fieldAccessors

2021-01-04 Thread Paul DeBruicker
After instantiating the reader and before doing the reading you can #readHeader and check that the reader field count and header field count match. Would that help? If the CSV doesn't use headers then you can process the "header" as the first record and then process the rest of the file. jt

[Pharo-users] smalltalkhub down

2020-07-10 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER

[Pharo-users] Smalltalkhub delete date

2020-07-10 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi Would someone please add the date you're going to delete smalltalkhub to every page on Smalltalkhub? Thanks Paul

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 8. Epicea seems to be turned off. how do I get it working again?

2020-07-01 Thread Paul DeBruicker
you close your image and goes to changes you will be able to reopen > epicea and check your code. > At start up epicea just check if there was a new session but besides that > there is nothing > different than opening it. > > S. > >> On 30 May 2020, at 17:05, PAUL

[Pharo-users] PharoExtras group on smalltalkhub -> github ?

2020-06-10 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Are there any projects in PharoExtras (or other public groups) that have not been ported to github? If they've been ported where are they now? Is there any map between smalltalkhub projects and their new locations or is it all on a project by project basis right now? Seems like ther

Re: [Pharo-users] Find/Replace class scoped

2020-05-27 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Try #execute rather than #primitiveExecute Vitor Medina Cruz wrote > Will wait then. > > I tried to use the RB classes but with no success. There are few docs and > test code are hard to understand (still not sure if I should use transform > ou primitiveExecute). I did this: > > (RBRename

[Pharo-users] pharo 8 - method versions - how to see author/timestamp?

2020-05-15 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - Sometimes I want to revert to older versions of methods e.g. from an hour ago. In the "Recent versions of MyClass>>#myMethod" dialog no timestamps or authors are present. How do I see those? Thanks Paul

[Pharo-users] Issues browsing/saving a class in a package - seems like its unknown

2020-05-07 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - In Pharo 7 I'm having an issue with a particular class where if I browse it in Calypso I can see & navigate among the methods in the class. If I run some of the methods I get dnu errors for methods I can see in the class browser. If I re-save a method that has the dnu without chang

Re: [Pharo-users] New type of web application using HTML, CSS and Smalltalk

2020-05-05 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Ahh. Apologies. I don't think I understand your point. Are you saying Smalltalkers habitually make obscure/cool things with no documentation and leave their coolness to make their case for adoption rather then helping people adopt them with documentation & other help? Or something else? I wa

Re: [Pharo-users] New type of web application using HTML, CSS and Smalltalk

2020-05-05 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi Craig, I wonder if you had or could make something like this: https://jgthms.com/web-design-in-4-minutes/ that shows the value of caffeine in a way being placed into the default dev environment + readme doesn't. Specifically the way the person exposes both how to do CSS and the value/consequ

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 8 - OSProcess or OSSubProcess or ?

2020-05-04 Thread Paul DeBruicker
wrote > Hi Paul, > > you can use: > > LibC resultOfCommand: 'dir' > > which is part of standard image. > > Bye > T. > > >> Gesendet: Montag, 04. Mai 2020 um 20:05 Uhr >> Von: "PAUL DEBRUICKER" < > pdebruic@ >

[Pharo-users] Pharo 8 - OSProcess or OSSubProcess or ?

2020-05-04 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - What is the recommended way to run a shell command from Pharo 8 and get the output from stdout into the image? Thanks Paul

[Pharo-users] NeoCSV - how to parse a string with unescaped quoted string inside it?

2020-04-30 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - This is on Pharo 7 with Neo-CSV-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.28 In a CSV file I have several instances of records like "123","asdf", "one two "three" four five", "5678" When that line is parsed instead of an Array with 4 records '123' 'asdf' 'one two "three" four five' '5678' I instead

[Pharo-users] Pharo on a chromebook?

2020-03-31 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Forgive my ignorance but does anyone have a recipe to run Pharo on a Chromebook? Without having to install another OS. And also not with SqueakJS. Just on ChromeOS? Seems like its not possible. Just wanted to double check. thanks Paul

Re: [Pharo-users] Quuve (financial app) movestto Public Domain under MIT License

2020-03-04 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi - Sorry your venture did not work out. I think it is generous to share your code with the world. I'm interested in seeing how you put it all together. Recognizing this is a Pharo list, I'm also interested in seeing your GemStone site and maintenance scripts. Hope you're able to find peop

Re: [Pharo-users] Floating point arithmetic

2020-01-12 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Whats wrong with #roundedTo: ? If you actually need it calculated to 8 significant digits then you can use scaled decimals e.g. (0.09560268 asScaledDecimal - 0.005 asScaledDecimal) see https://0.30004.com for more about why floating point math does this sometimes Donald Howa

Re: [Pharo-users] [seaside] how can I now make the best work to display all the paiintings which are in the paintings collection

2020-01-06 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Also this tutorial gives a good overview of Seaside programming and is different enough from the book that you get two approaches to many of the same problems: http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/tutorial.html Paul DeBruicker wrote > Hi Roelof, > > There is a seaside specific mailing

Re: [Pharo-users] [seaside] how can I now make the best work to display all the paiintings which are in the paintings collection

2020-01-06 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi Roelof, There is a seaside specific mailing list you could join here: http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside I have Seaside loaded in an image and can't find the ListComponent class. IS that the correct name for the class you're using? If you post your questio

Re: [Pharo-users] NeoCSV with numerous fields

2019-12-22 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Is there a header row? IF so you can do: csv := (NeoCSVReader on: stream) separator: Character tab. header:= csv readHeader. header size timesRepeat:[csv addFloatField]. csv upToEnd inspect HilaireFernandes wrote > The data come from sensors in 60, 600 and 6000 fields. > > I can do has belo

[Pharo-users] fileout ** ERROR! THIS SCRIPT IS MISSING **

2019-12-20 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
This is in Pharo 7 In a package I have a class that has methods that I can see in a browser. When I save it to an mcz file the class isn't saved in the file for the package. When I file out the class and file it back in there is a load error. The fileout has many of these errors scrip

Re: [Pharo-users] twilllio quest

2019-12-11 Thread Paul DeBruicker
There is a twilio library for pharo here: https://github.com/newapplesho/twilio-smalltalk Maybe you could learn what you need to do from it? Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote > Hello, > > I wonder if I can solve the TwillioQuest with Pharo. > > I then have to write code to send SMS an

Re: [Pharo-users] open spec window to handle exception and pause execution

2019-11-23 Thread Paul DeBruicker
you need to #pass it or > otherwise resignal it. Then the development environment will catch and > handle the unhandled exception. > > > On Wed, Nov 20, 2019, 20:53 PAUL DEBRUICKER < > pdebruic@ > > wrote: > >> Hi - >> >> I have a subclass of Composab

[Pharo-users] open spec window to handle exception and pause execution

2019-11-20 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - I have a subclass of ComposablePresenter (lets call it MyPresenter) that seems to work how I want. When doing some processing I'd like to open MyPresenter when an exception occurs and pass it the exception e.g. [ [self testCondition] whileTrue:[ self doSomeStuff] ] on: MyNotification d

[Pharo-users] class scoped code re-writing in pharo 7?

2019-10-25 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - In pharo 7 how do I use the re-write tool to rewrite sends in only one class? I don't see how to browse scoped to just one class and also where the re-write tool is in the UI. Specifcally I want to change anObj record: aThing at: aTime to self record: aThing into: anObj at: aTime

Re: [Pharo-users] Glorp + P3 + SQLite

2019-10-22 Thread Paul DeBruicker
The error you hit was because the package loader was smart enough to notice that there was a version conflict between the version of a subproject already in the image and what the new load instructions were telling it to load. The title of the debugger you pasted in alludes to that fact. So wha

Re: [Pharo-users] How to install stripe library on Pharo 7 64bit ?

2019-10-14 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Are you sure you're using a released version of Pharo 7? Running the load script in a stable released version of Pharo 7 loads with no errors for me. I'm not in a position to be able to support un-released or non-stable or outdated versions of Pharo (e.g. pharo 8). To get a stable version of Pha

Re: [Pharo-users] Running a teapot instance remotely

2019-10-10 Thread Paul DeBruicker
I use daemontools. Some people use Monit. Sven made these for Pharo4 on Ubuntu 14.04 when Pharo was only 32 bit: https://github.com/svenvc/pharo-server-tools I'm sure you could edit those scripts to work for 64bit Pharo 7/8 on 64 bit linux And there is this chapter about deploying apps to pro

Re: [Pharo-users] How to install stripe library on Pharo 7 64bit ?

2019-10-10 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi JAmes, OK I updated the baseline several more times and it now loads into Pharo Metacello new baseline:'Stripe'; repository: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/pdebruic/Stripe/main'; load:#('Dev') Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote > Hi Paul, > > Thanks for the update.

Re: [Pharo-users] How to install stripe library on Pharo 7 64bit ?

2019-10-07 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Oh sorry. I haven't updated the load instructions in a while. I'll edit them there today. Try this instead. Metacello new baseline:'Stripe'; repository: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/pdebruic/Stripe/main'; load:#('Tests' 'Seaside-Example') Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

Re: [Pharo-users] Looking for APIs to access Facebook, Instagram and Youtube

2019-10-04 Thread Paul DeBruicker
YouTube is covered in this: https://github.com/seandenigris/St-Google-API EstebanLM wrote > Hi, > > I’m evaluating the viability of a side project. > Are there around APIs to connect to those platforms mentioned first? > > Thanks for the info, if any :) > > Esteban -- Sent from: http:

Re: [Pharo-users] Loading Seaside and Voyage in Pharo 7.0 64bit

2019-09-30 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Add a onConflict:[:ex | ex allow]; to your load instructions. e.g. Metacello new baseline:'Seaside3'; repository: 'github://SeasideSt/Seaside:v3.4.0/repository'; onConflict:[:ex | ex allow]; load. Metacello new repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/voyage

Re: [Pharo-users] Where did all the Comments Go?

2019-09-21 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi Andrew- If you use the scripts from https://get.pharo.org (for 32 bit) or https://get.pharo.org/64 (for 64 bit) to download a vm+image e.g. curl https://get.pharo.org/64 | bash Do you also have the disappearing comments issue? I can't imagine it would make a difference and that you'

Re: [Pharo-users] Best Practices for Adapting JSON based APIs

2019-09-08 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi - 1. There is a Stripe package here: http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~pdebruic/Stripe MCHttpRepository location: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/pdebruic/Stripe/main' user: '' password: '' You can see how it adapts to Stripe's changing API spec. 2. NeoJSONObject, which is par

Re: [Pharo-users] Old projects in ss3

2019-08-09 Thread Paul DeBruicker
e.g. MCHttpRepository location: 'http://ss3.gemtalksystems.com/ss/GTDImplementation' user: '' password: '' Paul DeBruicker wrote > what is the repo you're having trouble reading? > > > Sergio Fedi wrote >> Hello, >>

Re: [Pharo-users] Old projects in ss3

2019-08-09 Thread Paul DeBruicker
what is the repo you're having trouble reading? Sergio Fedi wrote > Hello, > > I'm coming back after a few years (Pharo 5.0) and tried to take a look and > download some projects I have on ss3. > > I'm using a Pharo 7.0 image. > > Going to the ss3 site I find that I can't access my projects,

Re: [Pharo-users] OrderedCollection as an instance variable

2019-07-24 Thread Paul DeBruicker
You should change your #tracks method to tracks ^tracks ifNil:[tracks:=OrderedCollection new] or tracks tracks ifNil:[self initializeTracks] ^tracks initializeTracks tracks:=OrderedCollection new. Then you don't have to worry about the implementation of #tracks: changing in the fu

[Pharo-users] Transcript had a 1.25GB WriteStream - maybe a bug with clearing the Transcript?

2019-07-23 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - On Pharo 7.1 64bit mac mojave. My images grew to 1.4GB, so I ran ImageCleaner cleanUpForRelease. Smalltalk cleanUp. Smalltalk reportCPUAndRAM. to begin to track down why & I found that I had 1.3 GB of ByteStrings. (ByteString allInstances select:[:ea | ea size >1000]) sorted:[:a :c | a

[Pharo-users] Change code critics to decrease size of navigation pane?

2019-07-08 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - Sometimes (all the times) I write method that violate a critics rule. The quality improvement pane, when it expands, shrinks the code editing pane. Can I change that so that it shrinks the height of the navigation panes instead e.g. the class list etc? Stopping writing "offensive" me

Re: [Pharo-users] Loading Gettext on already installed Seaside

2019-06-14 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi Add onConflict: [ :ex | ex allow ]; To your Metacello load instructions BrunoBB wrote > Hi, > > I have a Pharo 7.0 image with Seaside installed on it. > > Now i want to add Gettext but i'm not able to do it yet. > > Metacello new > baseline:'Seaside3'; > repository: 'github://Seas

Re: [Pharo-users] Getting example images - https://picsum.photos

2019-04-29 Thread Paul DeBruicker
I forgot the "ext" query parameter which gives the image urls so ZnClient new systemPolicy; forJsonREST; url: 'https://uinames.com/api'; queryAt: #region put: #germany; queryAt: #gender put: #female; queryAt:#ext put: nil; get. -- Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Sma

Re: [Pharo-users] Getting example images - https://picsum.photos

2019-04-29 Thread Paul DeBruicker
https://uinames.com/ The api is a GET e.g. https://uinames.com/api?region=germany&gender=female & returns JSON with image url and plausible name among other things. -- Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 6.0 and 6.1 64 bit freeze on MacMini -also in 7.03

2019-04-17 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Don't know about 4k. Have you tried a smaller monitor on your mini just to see? When pharo locks up from the command line you can get a stack dump in the terminal window you started pharo in. first find the pharo process you're interested in with ps -a | grep pharo then do a kill -SIGUSR1

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 6.0 and 6.1 64 bit freeze on MacMini -also in 7.03

2019-04-16 Thread Paul DeBruicker
HI Ted, How did you install Pharo? I ask because I tested the process you described and everything worked fine on my mac, also Mojave 10.14.4 I opened a terminal, made a temp directory and pasted in curl https://get.pharo.org/64/ | bash to install Pharo. I started the image with ./pha

Re: [Pharo-users] Difficulties setting up default image in XMonad

2019-04-04 Thread Paul DeBruicker
ks! So I believe it must be a bug in the new VM > > Thanks! > Vanessa McHale > > On 4/4/19 10:20 AM, Paul DeBruicker wrote: >> Hi Vanessa, >> >> does your OS have libcario installed? >> >> which Os are you using? >> >> Does pharo 7 work?

Re: [Pharo-users] Difficulties setting up default image in XMonad

2019-04-04 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi Vanessa, does your OS have libcario installed? which Os are you using? Does pharo 7 work? Pharo 8 is alpha. Does it Pharo 7 or 8 run properly under another window manager on your system? Pharo used to run on xMonad and ratpoison so I'd guess you'll be able to get it working somehow now.

[Pharo-users] Any desire to have/adapt ClyBrowserMorph>>#confirmDiscardChanges to be a little more informative?

2019-03-28 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Right now with Calypso I often have so many windows open with multiple tabs that when it asks me if I want to discard changes I have a hard time seeing or remembering what its even talking about. Would it be hard to change it from a simple confirmation to a diff viewer of some kind with Diff

Re: [Pharo-users] How to write out simple Json?

2019-03-01 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Of you load the JSON package from Squeaksource (http://www.squeaksource.com/JSON.html) You can do a JSON render: { 'track' -> 'pharo'. 'language' -> 'smalltalk'. 'exercises' -> { 'slug' -> 'hello'. 'id' -> 55. 'topics' -> #('a' 'b' 'c') } } and get a Json string or add e

Re: [Pharo-users] Status of XML Support's move to GitHub

2019-02-14 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi Sven, Can we use filetree/cypress for this for now? IF the intention is for your copy to become the canonical github one at least. Squeak and GemStone don't yet have tonel and the smalltalkhub/PharoExtras repo is where code is currently loaded from for those platforms. Thanks for giving

Re: [Pharo-users] seaside jquerywidget pharo

2019-02-10 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi Pierre, The BaselineOfJQueryWidgetBox had an error. I've fixed it and you should be able to load TableSorter and an example of how to use it with: Metacello new baseline:'JQueryWidgetBox'; repository:'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/JQueryWidgetBox/main'; load: 'J

Re: [Pharo-users] package extensions in Pharo 7.

2019-02-05 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Thanks Denis Denis Kudriashov wrote > Hi Paul. > > вс, 3 февр. 2019 г., 19:57 PAUL DEBRUICKER > pdebruic@ > : > >> Hi - >> >> >> Is there a way to create the protocol, then convert it to an extension, >> without adding a method to it between

Re: [Pharo-users] why doesn't this baseline load any package when included in another baseline?

2019-02-04 Thread Paul DeBruicker
There's already an issue on GH. So thats good. https://github.com/Metacello/metacello/issues/400 Paul DeBruicker wrote > Thanks Pierce > > Turns out my problem seems to have been from using a #cacheRepository: > send > in the Metacello load instruction.

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 7 - how to see method author/timestamp n Calypso?

2019-02-04 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi EstebanLM wrote > >> Without >> having to do anything by hand when a package is loaded, I mean. And >> also a >> way to see that info right next to the code pane without having to click >> anything? Also hopefully senders/implementors count? > > Uhm? > I do not understand this… but I

Re: [Pharo-users] why doesn't this baseline load any package when included in another baseline?

2019-02-04 Thread Paul DeBruicker
learn what that cacheRepository: send is doing that I don't expect. thanks for looking into this. Paul Pierce Ng-3 wrote > On Sun, Feb 03, 2019 at 01:41:30PM -0800, PAUL DEBRUICKER wrote: >> MCHttpRepository >> location: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/TimeZoneDatabas

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 7 - how to see method author/timestamp n Calypso?

2019-02-03 Thread Paul DeBruicker
pane it is harder to know whether I should trust or be more skeptical of the method. I don't always remember which parts I wrote and which parts someone else wrote. Paul CyrilFerlicot wrote > On Sun 3 Feb 2019 at 22:02, PAUL DEBRUICKER < > pdebruic@ > > wrote: >

[Pharo-users] why doesn't this baseline load any package when included in another baseline?

2019-02-03 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - In this repo MCHttpRepository location: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/TimeZoneDatabase' user: '' password: '' There is the BaselineOfTimeZoneDatabase If in a Pharo7 playground I run Metacello new baseline: 'TimeZoneDatabase'; repository: 'http://www.squeaksourc

[Pharo-users] Pharo 7 - how to see method author/timestamp n Calypso?

2019-02-03 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - How can I see who wrote a method and when they wrote it in Calypso? In Nautilus it was the AnnotationPane plugin IIRC. Thanks Paul

[Pharo-users] package extensions in Pharo 7.

2019-02-03 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - Is there a way to create the protocol, then convert it to an extension, without adding a method to it between the time I create the protocol and convert it to an extension? Seems like it if the protocol is empty when I convert it to an extension it gets deleted rather than converted.

Re: [Pharo-users] favorite way to migrate from mczs to git?

2019-02-02 Thread Paul DeBruicker
' ''). 'go' -> #('Gerhard Obermann' ''). 'obi' -> #('Gerhard Obermann' ''). 'ThomasCleenewerck' -> #('ThomasCleenewerck' ''). 'TC' -> #('ThomasC

[Pharo-users] favorite way to migrate from mczs to git?

2019-02-01 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - Whats the best way to migrate a few dozen projects to git, some with ConfigurationOfXXX and some without? https://github.com/peteruhnak/git-migration seems to be broken on Pharo 6 & 7. Thanks Paul

[Pharo-users] Is it possible to follow an object through a computation?

2019-01-02 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER via Pharo-users
--- Begin Message --- Hi - Is there a way to haltOnChange or some such for an object? I have an instance that gets into a state I don't understand and would like to watch it or several of its inst vars for when they change. I could set a lot of #haltIf: statements and step through but hope

[Pharo-users] is there a refactoring to combine two classes in a heirarchy?

2018-12-19 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
I'd like to combine a class and its subclass, adopting all methods from the subclass. Is there a refactoring rule that will do that?

Re: [Pharo-users] Problem loading seaside with Zinc

2018-12-12 Thread Paul DeBruicker
can also do the code rewriting described here as a stopgap measure: http://forum.world.st/stfx-eu-down-tp5090610p5090624.html Vitor Medina Cruz wrote > Hello, > > Here is my baseline > > BaselineOfEmployees >> baseline: spec [ > > > > spec for: #'common' do: [ >

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Git Thermite integration with Iceberg

2018-12-12 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Please take this with a grain of salt and I'm not at all trying to do anything but be helpful and expose my confusion. It looks interesting but what are some use cases of Thermite? I don't have a real good sense of what kind of understanding it helps with. >From reading the github page I can s

Re: [Pharo-users] stfx.eu down

2018-12-10 Thread Paul DeBruicker
I wonder if there is a way to get all the relevant configs in an image to point to the smalltalkhub repo instead of the mc.stfx.eu repo temporarily. In Pharo 6.1 if a person wants to switch away from the mc.stfx.eu domain in their ConfigurationOf* and BaselineOf* specs you can right click on a pa

Re: [Pharo-users] Playing with Pharo 7

2018-11-25 Thread Paul DeBruicker
For #1: Set up a Metacello Baseline for your project and then you can automatically load your packages and settings into as many images as you like. https://github.com/Metacello/metacello Not sure about #2 khinsen wrote > Hi everyone, > > after finishing the Pharo MOOC, I have started t

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 7 - RFB

2018-11-25 Thread Paul DeBruicker
http://www.samadhiweb.com/tags/VNC Sanjay Minni wrote > OK loaded RFB in pharo 7.0 Thru Monticello > > is there any documentation somewhere > > > Sanjay Minni wrote >> what is RFB used for ? and can I load it in Pharo 7. >> I could not find any documentation anywhere >> >> When migrating a

Re: [Pharo-users] Metacello baseline loading from cmd

2018-11-16 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Can you post your baseline? Vitor Medina Cruz wrote > Ok, this error was due to a problem with my Metacello configuration. I am > having a very hard time using metacello, spent almost all of yesterday > trying to figure out a fix > > On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 9:18 PM Vitor Medina Cruz <

Re: [Pharo-users] ZnClient receiving Expires header with Max-Age instead of HTTP formatted DateAndTime

2018-09-11 Thread Paul DeBruicker
nberghe-2 wrote >> On 11 Sep 2018, at 18:55, Paul DeBruicker < > pdebruic@ > > wrote: >> >> Seems like the invalid date could be anything and the spec gives '0' as >> the >> example invalid date. >> >> >> I'm not usi

Re: [Pharo-users] ZnClient receiving Expires header with Max-Age instead of HTTP formatted DateAndTime

2018-09-11 Thread Paul DeBruicker
e that max-age (#maxage) is not used" ^ expirationTimeStamp asUTC < DateAndTime now asUTC Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote > Hi Paul, > >> On 11 Sep 2018, at 06:02, PAUL DEBRUICKER < > pdebruic@ > > wrote: >> >> Hi Sven - >> >>

[Pharo-users] ZnClient receiving Expires header with Max-Age instead of HTTP formatted DateAndTime

2018-09-10 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi Sven - This is in Pharo 6.1. There is an API I'm using which sometimes returns a string only containing a single instance of the number 0 in the "Expires" field, so the #expiresTimeStamp method sends that to #parseHttpDate: and since it can't be parsed into a date an error is thrown. Seem

Re: [Pharo-users] Periodic long GC's when just coding in newer Pharo 7's?

2018-09-07 Thread Paul DeBruicker
How big is your image? Tim Mackinnon wrote > I thought I would mention this as its something I’ve only just started to > notice… when doing some brief coding sessions (as in, each day I unsuspend > my laptop and code for 30-40 minutes - to write some missing tests) - I > have started to noti

[Pharo-users] code completion - order classes suggested by match then package reference count?

2018-08-13 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - When I want to use an OrderedCollection in Pharo 6.1 the code completion has me write "Ordere" before it is the one selected. If I have ever used an OrderPreservingDictionary (which comes up first) I've forgotten, but daily use OrderedCollections. Is there a way now to change the sort

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Cryptography package on github

2018-07-23 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi Norbert, I'm glad you're doing this. You might post this announcement to the Cryptography list: http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cryptography & Squeak Dev. And Dale Henrich did a port to GemStone here: https://github.com/gsdevkit/cryptography But I'm not sure if

Re: [Pharo-users] Naming parameters - conventions?

2018-07-11 Thread Paul DeBruicker
I generally go for intention revealing (e.g. fullName) because the class of the parameter can change arbitrarily. e.g. your aString might become a Name object that can answer something useful when you know just the first or family name. But I also mostly write code for my own consumption. If t

Re: [Pharo-users] Changing a BaselineOf... to include one more package

2018-07-08 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Seems like its not looking in your iceberg directory/subdirectories for the SmaCC-Reification package. Just the package-cache and on github. Did you try adding a SmaCC-Reification specific repository declaration yet to your baseline? e.g. spec package: 'SmaCC-Reification' with:[

Re: [Pharo-users] do-it or inspect-it in the spotter search bar?

2018-07-04 Thread Paul DeBruicker
T-Tests-Spotter-PaulDeBruicker.mcz> Paul DeBruicker wrote > I was feeling lazy was wondered if it would be possible to hit Cmd-D or > Cmd-I in the spotter input field rather than opening a playground and > typing something in then hitting it. E.g. > > > 1 + 1 Cmd-I

[Pharo-users] do-it or inspect-it in the spotter search bar?

2018-06-30 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
I was feeling lazy was wondered if it would be possible to hit Cmd-D or Cmd-I in the spotter input field rather than opening a playground and typing something in then hitting it. E.g. 1 + 1 Cmd-I would open an inspector on the number 2 After looking at GTSpotter>>#spotterFor... methods I

[Pharo-users] Workflow aka Aare status?

2018-06-22 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
I read this thread: http://forum.world.st/Aare-questions-td5063745.html And it seems a lot of work has been done since Max/NetStyle posted the code here: https://github.com/Netstyle/Workflow In Stef's repo here: https://github.com/Ducasse/Workflow Is anyone else working on it / publis

Re: [Pharo-users] more on "can't get keyboard shortcuts to work on Mac"

2018-06-06 Thread Paul DeBruicker
oh and a typo. Which should have been: not Cmd-t then Cmd-c but Cmd-t-c Paul DeBruicker wrote > Oh. Its not an individual > > Cmd-t then Cmd-t > > Its Cmd-t-c > > So with a browser open on the instance side of a class press and hold the > Cmd key, then hit t

Re: [Pharo-users] more on "can't get keyboard shortcuts to work on Mac"

2018-06-06 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Oh. Its not an individual Cmd-t then Cmd-t Its Cmd-t-c So with a browser open on the instance side of a class press and hold the Cmd key, then hit t then hit c At least it works on my machine™ GreggInCA wrote > Tom, thanks for the detailed instructions. They help, but many of the > short

Re: [Pharo-users] Is it bad to have an order NeoJsonObject?

2018-06-06 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Tim Mackinnon wrote > Hi - I’ve hit some Json where the outputted values (they are field names) > are written out in a specific order - and the author hasn’t chosen to use > an array to represent those fields in a specific order. > > { ‘field1’ : { ….}, ‘field2’: { … } } > > I think this is techn

Re: [Pharo-users] get.pharo.org broken?

2018-04-24 Thread Paul DeBruicker
>> On 24 Apr 2018, at 16:27, PAUL DEBRUICKER < > pdebruic@ > > wrote: >> >> Hi - >> >> >> curl https://get.pharo.org/64 | bash >> >> >> gives an error on MacOS X: >> >> >> >> paul@a:~/pharo/maf$ cu

[Pharo-users] get.pharo.org broken?

2018-04-24 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - curl https://get.pharo.org/64 | bash gives an error on MacOS X: paul@a:~/pharo/maf$ curl https://get.pharo.org/64 | bash % Total% Received % Xferd Average Speed TimeTime Time Current Dload Upload Total SpentLeft Speed 100 2

[Pharo-users] treemap of memory use for an object?

2018-04-23 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi, With Roassal is it possible to make a treemap (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treemapping) of the memory use of an object and its instVars? I have a leak and am not sure where and its not one or two objects AFAIK Thanks Paul

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-Launcher] call for tests on Windows

2018-04-16 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Microsoft allows devs to download VMs for Windows 7, 8, & 10 that work with VirtualBox, Vagrant, VmWare, Parallels, & HyperV here: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/ They last 90 days and you can install Pharo on them. Their real purpose is to test websites on IE.

[Pharo-users] migration to 6.1 was super easy.

2018-04-11 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Thanks for all the hard work. It took me about 30 minutes to migrate one of my projects from 32bit Pharo 5 to 64bit 6.1 this afternoon. It has about 40 external dependencies so I thought it would take much longer to get everything sorted.

Re: [Pharo-users] GemStone/S on Docker?

2018-04-09 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Not that I know of but there is a gemstone list here where you should ask: http://forum.world.st/GLASS-f1460844.html Someone there may have. I think there is an effort to port Magma to Pharo if you search on forum.world.st you may be able to find it easily. There is also GLORP http://forum

[Pharo-users] ZnClient - receiving/parsing malformed cookie 'expires' value

2018-03-19 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - This is more of an FYI than anything I'm interacting with an API that is sending "expires=0" value as part of the only cookie of their response. Changing #expiresTimeStamp to (self expires isNil or:[self expires size<28] ) ifTrue:[ ^ DateAndTime now + 1 day ]. ^ ZnUtils pa

[Pharo-users] does pharo 5 work in mac high sierra?

2018-03-06 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
I assume it works fine but I'm thinking about upgrading and just want to be sure. Thanks Paul

[Pharo-users] ZnClient POST then GET of different URL path, GET has POST's entity

2018-01-15 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - Should #resetEntity be called automatically for long lived sessions ? I see that it is called automatically for HEAD and DELETE methods. If you do a |client | client:=ZnClient new. client get: 'http://example.com/getPath' client inspect client post: 'http://example.com' contents:'My

Re: [Pharo-users] Grafoscopio (Initial) Feedback

2018-01-06 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi Offray, I think the docs you want are here: https://github.com/Metacello/metacello/blob/master/docs/MetacelloUserGuide.md and https://github.com/Metacello/metacello/blob/master/docs/MetacelloScriptingAPI.md Hope this helps, Paul Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote > Hi Sean, > > I w

Re: [Pharo-users] [offtopic] Re: REST client hints

2017-12-06 Thread Paul DeBruicker
guess a bit like SegmentIO but on your own desktop rather than through >> a >> third party. >> (but I've not got the time right now) >> >> cheers -ben >> >> >> On 6 December 2017 at 02:46, Paul DeBruicker < > pdebruic@ > > wrote: >&g

Re: [Pharo-users] REST client hints

2017-12-05 Thread Paul DeBruicker
Hi Ben, I've made a few REST Clients http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~pdebruic/Stripe http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~pdebruic/Tropo http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~pdebruic/SegmentIO And the elasticsearch one but its been advanced mostly lately by Sho Yoshida (https://github.com/newapplesho) here https://g

[Pharo-users] NeoCSV #skipToNextLine or #skipRemainingColumns ?

2017-11-02 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
Hi - I want to import the first and seventh column from a set of 50 csv files each of which could have 28 - 34 columns. Is there a way to have NeoCSV skip the remaining columns automatically (e.g. 8 and up) ? Thanks Paul

Re: [Pharo-users] Netstyle/Workflow Package discovery - (was: Business process (declaration and orchestration), ontology/taxonomy)

2017-10-27 Thread Paul DeBruicker
> > a écrit : >> >> Thank you! >> >> I thons this just perfect as a starting point ! >> >> Cheers, >> >> Cedrick >> >> Envoyé de mon iPhone >> >>> Le 26 oct. 2017 à 19:38, Paul DeBruicker < > pdebruic@

Re: [Pharo-users] Cryptography and hashing in Pharo

2017-10-26 Thread Paul DeBruicker
I made this port/copy of the squeaksource package: http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Cryptography/Cryptography Is that the version you were thinking of and couldn't find? What is ifs? I don't understand what you want to do with the hashing. Are you talking about hashing domain objects for extern

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