Hi Craig,

I wonder if you had or could make something like this:


that shows the value of caffeine in a way being placed into the default dev
environment + readme doesn't.  Specifically the way the person exposes both
how to do CSS and the value/consequences of making some choices with it.   

It seems like your work would be really useful to me as a person that writes
web apps in Smalltalk but I have no idea what "extra" I can do with it.  I
see  I  can tie in a lot of JS functionality while using a Smalltalk IDE in
the browser.  I'm not sure what to do with that beyond what I already know
how to do with emacs and pharo or gemstone.   

Like a carpenter walking into a shop with end mills and lathes and welders
and piles of raw steel in all shapes and sizes. Probably someone can do
something cool with all that stuff but I'm afraid I'd just learn to make the
same tables and bookshelves and bed frames I already know how to make with
wood and miss the steel's inherent potential.  

I've watched the youtube presentation and navigated through the impress 
presentation  on your site and it too quickly introduces tons of concepts of
what you can do but nothing about why anyone should want to do those things
or how to put them together into something a user would use once a developer
has made something.  

I also think the dynamic nature of what you're making is cool but it seems
like it adds another level of difficulty in making things comprehensible
to/usable for/accessible by end users.

Its clear something is there I just have no idea how to unlock the value for
myself or current users and/or theoretical future users.  

Hope this helps in some way


Craig Latta wrote
> Hi Konrad--
>> ...Even better, a standalone application that could be hosted on
>> a plain static server, since all the code would run client-side.
>      E.g., https://caffeine.js.org/3d
> -C
> --
> Craig Latta
> Black Page Digital
> Amsterdam :: San Francisco

> craig@

> +31   6 2757 7177
> + 1 415  287 3547

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