Are you sure you're using a released version of Pharo 7?

Running the load script in a stable released version of Pharo 7 loads with
no errors for me.  I'm not in a position to be able to support un-released
or non-stable or outdated versions of Pharo (e.g. pharo 8).

To get a stable version of Pharo 7 run this from a command line on mac or

curl | bash

The missing baseUrl is my fault.  I override it in my own code to make nginx
do the ssl termination for the https connections.  I've uploaded a corrected

IT should be


Also the API reference docs are here:

For any Stripe object I haven't created a class for the code should create
an instance of  a  StripeObject class

Hope this helps


Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote
> OK, did some more testing and here are the results.
> Pharo 7 
> - Image hangs when loading Zinc HTTP Components.  I tried loading Zinc
> Components separately through Metacello with the same results so I don't
> think the problem is with your code.  
> Pharo 8 
> - Stripe Loads fine,
> - 22/29 Stripe tests fail (On debug it says that StripeSystem class does
> not
> understand #baseUrl message)
> - Seaside not launched & can't right click Seaside Control Panel to start
> server (Fixed by reloading Seaside3 from Metacello.)
> - Stripe example apps (stripe & stripe-form) crash (Seaside Walkback 
> Error:
> Instances of UndefinedObject are not indexable)
> --
> Sent from:

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