HI Ted, 

How did you install Pharo? 

I ask because I tested the process you described and everything worked fine
on my mac, also Mojave 10.14.4

I opened a terminal, made a temp directory and pasted in

curl https://get.pharo.org/64/ | bash 

to install Pharo. 

I started the image with 

./pharo-ui Pharo.image

Then followed your instructions to set the font to large and maximize Pharo
to be full screen.  Seems to work fine.  

When you run the command to start Pharo from the command line in the
directory with your Pharo 7.0.3 image but instead of specifying an image you
ask the VM for its version e.g './pharo --version' what do you get?

I get:

5.0 5.0.201901051900 Mac OS X built on Jan  5 2019 19:11:02 UTC Compiler:
4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.31) [Production Spur 64-bit
CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2504 uuid:
a00b0fad-c04c-47a6-8a11-5dbff110ac11 Jan  5 2019
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2504 uuid:
a00b0fad-c04c-47a6-8a11-5dbff110ac11 Jan  5 2019
VM: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git
Date: Sat Jan 5 20:00:11 2019 CommitHash: 7a3c6b6
Plugins: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git

Maybe you're inadvertently using an old VM?

TedVanGaalen wrote
> Hello
> The freeze problem still exist. (since 2017, starting with Pharo 6) 
> 16 April 2019:
> Today I have loaded Pharo7.0.3-0-64bit-0903ade.image
> with VM 
> <http://forum.world.st/file/t230630/Screen_Shot_2019-04-16_at_18.png> 
> On my Mac Mini late 2012, mac OS Mojave 10.14.4 (OS up to date, system
> 100%) 
> Monitor:
> Samsung U28D590:
>   Resolution: 3840 x 2160 (2160p 4K UHD - Ultra High Definition)
>   UI Looks like:      3840 x 2160 @ 30 Hz
>   Framebuffer Depth:  24-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
>   Note that the same freeze as described previously in this thread 
> still occurs with the latest Squeak version that
>  I have downloaded and tried last  week. 
> So this could be a VM problem? I really don't know.
> All I want to do is write applications with stable Smalltalk/Seaside
> no desire (and knowledge) enough to dive into the deep
> and dark catacombs of the VM world.
> what I did:
> -opened the pristine image as downloaded today
> - in Pharo - settings - appearance:
>      changed the general font size to Large.
> - opened the system browser.
> - clicked the green bullet in the top left corner (maximize)
> Pharo hangs/freeze, menus don't work either. 
> Can only exit using Force Quit.
> The last stable version I did use was Pharo 5.0.
> The problem is still the same as I have described in this thread in August
> 2017.
> I did use Pharo launcher a few weeks ago  (having the same problem) 
> but this is not exactly user friendly, saved images where I don't want to.
> and "Save as from within the image is not respected" 
> I prefer to use just a VM and images, thats good enough for me.
> Keep it simple.
> I'd like to spend more time with Smalltalk, preferably Pharo.
> In essence, I do like new developments like enhanced
> system browsers and debugging
> that might improve Pharo.
> But one might be overshooting the target here,
> I find rocksolid stability more important,
> than adding more features, so, this should be the main priority,
> that is, assuming that Pharo should be deployable in a production
> environment?
> It is marked as "stable" but it isn't, sorry.
> A good house needs a good foundation, same with Smalltalk.
> But it seems we are living in a culture of nervous deadlines and hasty and
> frequent updates,
> is it really necessary?  
> All I want is a one click vm + image, as it was before.
> simply download and run it.
> Why git btw? Smalltalk has an excellent version system,
> by using git there is more dependency impact.
> Now I am still using Pharo 5.0, the last (to me) stable version of Pharo.
> Kind regards
> Ted
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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