Hash: SHA1
Scott Marlowe wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 13:51, Ron Johnson wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Jeff Davis wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2006-07-31 at 09:53 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> http://www.apl.jhu.edu/Misc/Unix-info/tar/tar_97.html
Mostly no, because it serializes access. Fill up one tape, go to
the next, then the 3rd, etc.
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power rac
Hash: SHA1
Scott Marlowe wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 14:51, Ron Johnson wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Scott Marlowe wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 13:51, Ron Johnson wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Scott Marlowe wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 15:18, Ron Johnson wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Scott Marlowe wrote:
>>> Oh, I see where you were headed.
Hash: SHA1
Jeff Davis wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 14:51 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
>> What would be darned useful (but only, I think, with heavy usage of
>> tablespaces) is:
>> $ pg_tapedump /some/database /dev/st0,/dev/st1,/dev/
Hash: SHA1
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Ron Johnson wrote:
>> This is where a multi-threaded pg_tapedump would be more effective,
>> since it would be able to, for example, have 4 threads reading
>> (different parts of) the database and wr
Hash: SHA1
Scott Marlowe wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 16:09, Ron Johnson wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Scott Marlowe wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 15:18, Ron Johnson wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Jeff Davis wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 16:57 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
>>> Attach X tape drive, put in a bunch of tapes, and just pg_dump > mdt0
>>> and you're backing up. Restore the other way around.
>> Tape
; in parallel, which was the point I was trying to make. So, just run them
> in the background in whatever way is most convenient.
Open database or closed database?
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to whi
uch need to reindex.
How aggressively does PostgreSQL keep b-trees in balance?
Inserting the range [1..1000] should result in a right-
unbalanced tree.
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-pow
system knowledge to itself, and not
share with the DBAs.
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
whites are superior to blacks, and that those with brown skins
are mud people.
However, tha
record be NULL, blanks, zeros or indicator values ("~~",
- -9, etc).
Then create a single-field table called, for example, CUR_MAX_VALUE
that gets incremented as part of each transaction. To serialize
access, transactions would need an EXCLUSIVE lock on the table.
Hash: SHA1
Jorge Godoy wrote:
> Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Pre-allocate records. The (primary key?) field would have the
>> numbers already filled in, but all the rest of the fields in each
>> record be NULL, bla
col1, col2, ... coln
>> from table 1, table2,
>> where
>> constraint1 + constraint2 +constraintN
>> ]
>> Is there any length arrange for the Query str such as 500M, 1G, etc?
>> Or the query can be as long as it is.
Wouldn't the "need" t
breaks down. DBMSs have *always* returned
errors when the app tries to do something beyond the range of the
DB's parameters.
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
whites are su
AND RGT >= 11
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
Hash: SHA1
Does PostgreSQL support them?
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
whites are superior to blacks, and that those with brown
Hash: SHA1
David Fetter wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 11:02:12AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi,
>> Does PostgreSQL support them?
> Not yet.
Any plans?
So how does PG implement Decimal?
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
whites are superior to blacks, and that those with brown skins
are mud people.
However, that "c
Hash: SHA1
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Ron Johnson wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Seneca Cunningham wrote:
>>> On 29-Aug-2006, at 13:13 :48, Andrew Baerg wrote:
>> [snip]
system libraries have changed quite a bit in 5 years.
If PG uses any new functions, thhtt goes the build.
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
whites are superior to blacks, and
I have a 7.1.2 database with me and plan to replicate it to another box.
> Pg_dump reports and error while I was dumping.
> My Linux Boxes are all Ubuntu.
> What can i do?
Install v8.1?
Seriously, why install such an old version? Some arcane data
- --
Ron Johns
; is it possible that this configuration may cause a strong deceleration
>> of all system performace?
> If either or both are heavily exercised, then it's quite possible that
> you would see system performance worsen.
If both RDBMSs are pounding the disk(s)...
- --
Ron Johnson
ry to enter a too-large
> number is, in fact, stupid on MySQL's part. I consider that silent
> truncation. Heck, MySQL lets you create a date on February 31st, or
> prior to the year 1500, both of which are obviously nonsensical.
> --
> Brandon Aiken
> CS/IT Systems Enginee
s much easier to donate your code to the project
> and let other people maintain it then to try and maintain your
> own fork of the code and cross patch their changes into your own.
Ultrix and SunOS are two counter-examples.
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense&qu
Hash: SHA1
Tom Lane wrote:
> Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Scott Marlowe wrote:
>>> ... It's much easier to donate your code to the project
>>> and let other people maintain it then to try and maintain your
Hash: SHA1
Tom Lane wrote:
> Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Tom Lane wrote:
>>> Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Scott Marlowe wrote:
>>>>> ... It's much easier to donate your code to
; compress.
Wouldn't that add extra libssl overhead?
How difficult would it be to add a zlib(?) hook? (No, really. I'm
*not* assuming that it would be trivial.)
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense&quo
Tablespaces and table partitioning will be crucial to your needs.
I'm not sure if you can partition indexes, though.
And too bad that compressed bit-map indexes have not been
implemented yet. For indexes with high "key cardinality", they save
a *lot* of space, and queries can
"varchar2", there fore, can I write some type of
>> declaration (like in c : #define alias_name name) in order to make PosgSQL
>> recognize these types? Or there are other solution that you recommend to
>> use ?
>> Thank you, Gustavo
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr
Hash: SHA1
Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> Ron Johnson wrote:
> Eliminating 21 line .signatures would be nice, too.
>> How about your 16 lines ;)
??? It's 8 lines.
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really val
Hash: SHA1
Dave Page wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ron Johnson
>> Sent: 05 September 2006 20:36
>> To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
whites are superior to blacks, and that those with brown skins
are mud people.
However, that "co
What happens when you actually try to insert a record?
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
whites are superior to blacks, and that those with brown skins
are mud people.
lt actually comes into play
>> like
>> on insert or update, but not at create table time as there are no rows
>> for
>> which the constraint fails.
>> For example after that:
>> sszabo=# insert into bar default values;
>> ERROR: null value in c
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
whites are s
On 09/14/06 21:32, AgentM wrote:
> On Sep 14, 2006, at 21:25 , Bruce Momjian wrote:
>> I am not going to ask how you got to 135MPH.
> Obviously he was running MySQL under the hood.
No wonder he spun out and crashed into a telephone poll...
Ron Johnson
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 08:39, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
> The problem is that you can't do the check on the _field_ since it has
> already been converted to a date.
You're right. How about a "before insert" trigger?
> On 19 Jun 2003, Ron Johnson wrote:
> &
uffers from the same problem, I believe. If I weren't a lazy
> bastard, I check it :)
But you could code programatic to validate the date.
| Ron Johnson, Jr. Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 15:47, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Ron Johnson wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 12:46, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > > Ron Johnson wrote:
> > > > On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 00:05, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > > > > Bruce Momjian wrote:
> >
(including indexes, ordering etc) within a DB
> > > > session, I'd rather stick to say the C locale, or whatever it is that's
> > > > fastest.
> > > >
> > > > Another point of consideration: if someone accidentally loads
> > > > multibyte/other locale data into a C
1 who could still use
trusted PlPython.
| Ron Johnson, Jr. Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Jefferson, LA USA http://members.cox.net/ron.l.johnson |
| |
| "Oh, great altar of passive entertainment, bestow upon me |
ipulation Language) to access it's
RDBMS. I'm sure that Burroughs, etc, had their own access methods,
| Ron Johnson, Jr. Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Jefferson, LA USA http://members.cox.net/ron.l.johnson
nd try the statement again.
Let the developer decide!!!
| Ron Johnson, Jr. Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Jefferson, LA USA http://members.cox.net/ron.l.johnson |
a FreeBSD ports
| Ron Johnson, Jr. Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Jefferson, LA USA http://members.cox.net/ron.l.johnson |
| |
| 4 degree
> what is gmane?
That big thatch of fur around a GNU Lion???
| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Jefferson, LA USA |
| |
| "I'm not a
On Sat, 2003-07-19 at 08:31, Andrew Gould wrote:
> --- Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 19:56, The Hermit Hacker
> > wrote:
> > > On Sat, 12 Jul 2003, Daniel Seichter wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hello,
> > > &g
using Foreign Keys, you can link the product table to the
static fact tables to ensure the integrity of the data.
| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Jefferson, LA USA |
codewalkers have a poll up for php
> >>developers for their database of choice. I'm not affiliated with the
> >>site in any way, I just want to see PgSQL at more than 8% :( It's right
> >>on the homepage.
> >>
> >>http://codewalkers.com/
08-10 17:48:41
(1 row)
template1=# select f1, date(f1), f1::date, cast(f1 as date) from t;
f1 |date| f1 | f1
1993-08-10 17:48:41 | 1993-08-11 | 1993-08-11 | 1993-08-11
(1 row)
iscussion about making this more standard? I'm
sure that as PG becomes more popular, more people will get bitten
by this.
k space?
16GB swap would fit nicely on the system disk. Hope it's on a
separate channel from the DB...
What OS are you using?
> Hope I'm not asking too much...
> Thanks !
nd input DateStyle so that this approach can apply to all
> commonly used two-digit-year formats, or we are going to lose
> functionality.
Or drop YY because it's not y2k compliant.
| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAI
ld be very helpful!
> > >
> > > Question 3 - what would be the best way to distribute tables/swap/
> > > system disk space?
> >
> > 16GB swap would fit nicely on the system disk. Hope it's on a
> >
and within the same
> transaction in one table"
How can N number of transactions write into the database, all within
the *same* transaction?
| Ron Jo
Also regarding PHP, "links" is a great text-mode web browser that
handles style sheets and frames.
| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Jefferson, LA USA |
ow the port postgresql is listening on?
This should help:
$ netstat -a |grep postgresql
| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home:
at the
appropriate moment.
> Jeff Davidson wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Is there any quick way to determine how many rows exist in a given table?
| Ron Johnson, Jr.
values (3);
INSERT 16995 1
template1=# select * from foo;
template1=# update foo set f1 = 1 where f1 = 1;
template1=# select * from foo;
Looks like it does what you tell it to do...
that in result is record with e.g.
> uid='AC13A1'.
> How to reduce result to this record and one record before in result and one
> record after in result?
> Are this questions just silly problems? :-)
No, but slightly ambiguous, at least for my old brain.
a supperset of the data, so some times I
> would want to access the inheritted tables and other times the parent/main
> table.
Isn't this when you'd really want child tables, instead?
| Ron Johnson, Jr.
Why "environment variable"? Are you writing this in shell?
| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Jefferson, LA USA |
P now.
> Find it here:
> http://www.commandprompt.com/entry.lxp?lxpe=260
Is there a possibility of getting this in v7.5?
| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECT
> > Here Identity is the organization's ID that is needed
> > as a foreign key in contact table.
> See currval() and nextval().
What if his PK isn't a sequence?
se awk.
> cat unprocesseddata.txt | psql -dmydatabase -c "copy importtable from stdin
> delimiter '\",\"';"
Wouldn't work, because the 1st field has it's leading \", and the last
field has it's trailing \".
not write to tar member (wrote 47,
attempted 317)
Has anyone seen this error before?
| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Jefferson, LA
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 18:40, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> On 11 Aug 2003, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > Maybe this will do it:
> > http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.3/static/sql-set-constraints.html
> Saw this but my take was it required the original constraint to be cre
ty client incremental development
> and testing.
Sounds like a job for the postmaster. Maybe messages going to the
log file could be tee'd off somehow and piped to a mail script?
| Ron Johnson, Jr.
can be quickly solved by
someone who lives and breathes Rdb internals.
| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Jefferson, LA USA|
eople on dial-up, especially those who are on metered access, may
not appreciate the extra download time, though.
In Evolution, I am able to do "Actions->Reply to List" Outlook 97
doesn't have such a feature, but I'm sure that MozMail, Pine and Mutt
There's also AutoDoc http://www.rbt.ca/autodoc/index.html which can
output to a dia-compatible format.
| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Jefferson, LA USA
ugust 16, 2003, at 01:38 AM, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 23:17, David Fetter wrote:
> >> "Tim Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> I have been request to create a relational database map that can be
> >>> place on
columns, make indexes and things
> should be fast.
> > date| data
> > ---
> > 01/01/01| 123
> > 01/01/01| abc
> > 02/01/01| def
> > 03/03/01| hij
> >
> > I can see how to group by day - but how do i go about decreasing the
> > pre
On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 14:51, Tom Lane wrote:
> Bruno Wolff III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 13:44:59 -0500,
> > Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> The GROUP BY does implicit sorting, so an ORDER BY on the exact same
> &g
"Reply to List" still acts properly wrt [EMAIL PROTECTED],
so if it *is* a bug in Evo 1.4.4, it's not a pervasive bug.
Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jefferson, LA USA
YODA: Code! Yes. A programmer&
On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 15:57, The Hermit Hacker wrote:
> we haven't changed any of the list configs in months ...
Ok, thanks.
> On Wed, 20 Aug 2003, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Up until a few days ago, when I did a "Reply to List" in my MUA
ckets had better be deep...
Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jefferson, LA USA
"they love our milk and honey, but preach about another way of living"
Merle Haggard, "The Fighting Side Of Me"
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
nsactions per
day, while also getting hit by report queries?
Don't think of this as a troll, because I really don't know, even
though I do know that MVS, OpenVMS & Solaris can. (I won't even
ask about toys like Windows and FreeBSD.)
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 03:06, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> On 26 Aug 2003 at 2:55, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 16:28, Gregory S. Williamson wrote:
> > > One of our sysads sent this link ... wondering if there is any comment on it
> > > from the
Absolutely. Multi-threaded OSs are a lot younger than enterprise-
level multi-user databases...
Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jefferson, LA USA
"(Women are) like compilers. They take simple statements and
make them into big productions."
Pitr Dubovitch
based on timestamps, varchars...
> less on joins... on a 300K rows..
Could it be that 1000tps is as good as your h/w can do? You didn't
mention what kind and speed of CPU(s), SCSI-or-IDE controller(s) and
type/speed of disk(s) you have.
ZE SELECT S.* FROM sales S, staff ST
WHERE S.staff_no=ST.staff_no AND ST.name='Rudy';
Are S.staff_no and ST.staff_no the same data type?
Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jefferson, LA USA
"For me and window
rk for the DLM chatter.
This is a tried and true method of synchronization. DEC Rdb/VMS
has been using it for 19 years as the underpinnings of it's cluster
technology, and Oracle licensed it from them (well, really Compaq)
for it's 9i RAC.
le_2.a = table_1.a);
insert into table_1
select *
from table_2
where a not in (select t1.a
from table_1 t1,
table_2 t2
where t2.a = t1.a);
Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL
n are you using? That which
comes with RH8.0? It is recommended that you upgrade to v7.3.4.
Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jefferson, LA USA
4 degrees from Vladimir Putin
---(end of
er channel disks on
"HSG" Storage Controllers.
4. Memory Channel : A higher speed interconnect. Don't know
much about it. 128 nodes can be clustered.
Note that since DLM awareness is built deep into VMS and all the
RTLs, every program is cluster-aware, no matter what typ
ary s/w that "speaks" to "GPL" s/w via a pipe, network
link, etc., does not break the GPL.
Presumably, one of the reasons that PostgreSQL is BSD-licensed is
to avoid issues like this.
Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL
anyone tell me if there is a way to do that ?
If the filter is empty, how can you filter anything?
> PS: I'd like to thank here persons who reply rather than sending the
> message per mail.
What does that mean?
On Sun, 2003-08-31 at 14:57, Michael Meskes wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 02:26:14PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > IANAL, but according to my understanding
> > (1) proprietary s/w that dynamically links to "GPL" shared libraries
> > has not broken the GPL.
On Sun, 2003-08-31 at 14:59, Christopher Browne wrote:
> After a long battle with technology,[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Johnson), an earthling,
> wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-08-31 at 07:26, Kaarel wrote:
> >> I don't feel very confident when it comes to software licenses. But
Check out:
> http://n0cgi.distributed.net/cgi/dnet-finger.cgi?user=decibel
Great. I've been grinding away on d.net for almost 3 years, now.
I hope that "decibel" joins the mailing lists.
Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL
> then reference it via foreign key from the "enum" field:
> CREATE TABLE whatever (
> ...
> status varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'active' REFERENCES status_levels(status),
> ...
> );
M foo) AS (sub_a,sub_b)
> > FROM tab
> >
> SELECT x, y, z, SS.*
> FROM tab, (SELECT a,b FROM foo) SS
But where's the join between tab and foo? Wouldn't you then get
a combinatorial explosion?
ginal Message -
> > > >From: "Edwin Quijada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 4:02 PM
> > > >Subject: [GENERAL] Activate Index
> > > >
> > > >
> >
unless the server is
> stopped. pg_dumpall works well, produces a consistent backup and is
> easily portable to a different machine architecture if need be.
And it's smaller than the data/ directory, especially when "-F c"
option is used.
if I'm wrong, but I believe numbers are int4's, so they
> need to be cast if your column is not an int4.
You mean "constant" scalars? Yes, constants scalars are interpreted
as int4.
Ron Johnson, Jr. [E
xcuse to buy more hardware.
Also, if I remember properly, the estimates are that there are 10^70
atoms in the known Universe. That equates to ~2^233.
Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jefferson, LA USA
re" really change that much between major
Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jefferson, LA USA
"Vanity, my favorite sin."
Larry/John/Satan, "The Devil's Advocate"
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
postmaster and client libs start yakking away in a slightly diff-
erent language, but so what?
> Dennis Gearon wrote:
> > Ron Johnson wrote:
> >
> >> On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 10:50, Andrew Rawnsley wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> Small soapbox m
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 11:21, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > So instead of 1TB of 15K fiber channel disks (and the requisite
> > controllers, shelves, RAID overhead, etc), we'd need *two* TB of 15K
> > fiber channel disks (
501 - 600 of 637 matches
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