On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 09:25, scott.marlowe wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Gogulus wrote:
> > As the clients should be able to work without network connection, they 
> > have to have a local database, and if net connection is on, do the 
> > synchronization with master db. The main idea is, sale cannot stop 
> > because of net connection breakage.
> > 
> > That's why I am asking if 100 Mhz of CPU, 32 Mbytes of RAM can take care 
> > of a database with around 100 tables, 3-4 of these tables having 
> > 50-60000 of records, others have at most 1000.
> I would say yes, but I would also say that you should design this around a 
> character based interface.  The overhead of a GUI is gonna make it much 
> slower.
> I don't know if you're familiar with the ncurses library, but that's what 
> I'd use, along with C or a lightweight scripting language like Perl or 
> PHP.

Or Python, which has an excellent curses library.

How could he do local and remote access in PHP?  Wouldn't a local
Apache server (which takes more RAM) be necessary?

Also regarding PHP, "links" is a great text-mode web browser that
handles style sheets and frames.

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