Hash: SHA1

Jorge Godoy wrote:
> Jorge Godoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Is there a better way to guarantee that there will be no gaps in my sequence
>> if something goes wrong with my transaction?  
> From the overwhelming feedback I assume there isn't a better way yet...
> Thanks.  I'll see how I can improve the model then to separate these sequences
> into different tables.

Pre-allocate records.  The (primary key?) field would have the
numbers already filled in, but all the rest of the fields in each
record be NULL, blanks, zeros or indicator values ("~~~~~~~~~~",
- -999999999, etc).

Then create a single-field table called, for example, CUR_MAX_VALUE
that gets incremented as part of each transaction.  To serialize
access, transactions would need an EXCLUSIVE lock on the table.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
whites are superior to blacks, and that those with brown skins
are mud people.
However, that "common sense" is obviously wrong.
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