On 23 January 2013 04:57, Rich Shepard wrote:
> Is there a way I can extract a single table's schema and data from the
> full backup? If so, I can then drop the fubar'd table and do it correctly
> this time.
You should grep for:
statements and then note line numbers
On 17 October 2013 02:30, CS DBA wrote:
> Anyone have any thoughts on why we would / would not use Mongo for a
> reporting environment.
hm.. I wouldn't use anything which doesn't support rich SQL as a
backed for reporting system. In mongo, simple selects are fine but
anything complex require
It is possible to pass query result (or cursor?) as function
parameter? I need a function which emits zero or more rows per input
row (map function from map&reduce paradigm). Function returns record
(or array): (value1, value2, value3)
I've tried the following:
1) create or replace function t
2011/8/9 Merlin Moncure :
> You have a few of different methods for passing sets between functions.
I do not want to pass data between functions. The ideal solution
should look like this:
select * from my_map_func()
> 1) refcursor as David noted. reasonably fast. however, I find the
I'm about to evaluate this SSD card: FusionIO ioDrive Duo [1]. The
main reason for this experiment is to see if SSD can significantly
improve query performance. So, I have the following questions:
- Could you please share your experience with SSD? Any issues?
- What needs to be changed at Pos
2011/8/10 Tomas Vondra :
> On 10 Srpen 2011, 1:17, Ondrej Ivanič wrote:
>> - What needs to be changed at Postgres/Operating system level? The
>> obvious one is to change random_page_cost (now: 2) and seq_page_cost
>> (now: 4). What else should I look at?
> Are y
2011/8/11 Amitabh Kant :
> There have been several discussions for SSD in recent months although not
> specific to Fusion IO drives.
> See http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2011-04/msg00460.php . You
> can search the archives for more such reference.
I've read this one several da
On 14 August 2011 20:25, k_b wrote:
> Hi.
> For learning purpose i would like to make a small database with a small
> graph of locations, roads and public transport information.
> Then calculate the fastest or cheapest way between two points.
> If we think of a minimal network, as below.
On 12 August 2011 14:57, Greg Smith wrote:
> ioDrive hardware is fast at executing all sorts of I/O, but it particularly
> excels compared to normal drives with really random workloads.
That's what I hope for :). It looks like that ioDrive is 3 to 5 times
faster for seq IO comparing to our S
On 12 August 2011 14:57, Greg Smith wrote:
>> I'm about to evaluate this SSD card: FusionIO ioDrive Duo [1]. The
>> main reason for this experiment is to see if SSD can significantly
>> improve query performance
The result is that FusionIO will help to our queries which was
expected. Most of
On 25 August 2011 11:17, Toby Corkindale
> Do I need to make sure I re-create every index on every child table I
> create?
> That would be.. annoying, at best.
Yes, it is little bit annoying but I like it. You don't need any index
on parent table but you have to create them "manually"
I have several queries in *single* transaction and I want to figure
out reasonable work_mem value. Here is the excerpt from "explain plan"
-- each query has two sorts:
1) Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 6 324kB
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 1 932 13
On 26 August 2011 00:14, Tom Lane wrote:
> =?UTF-8?Q?Ondrej_Ivani=C4=8D?= writes:
>> work_mem is set to 4 000 000 kb and I do not understand why few
>> queries (3 and 5) used disk and the rest fit were able to data into
>> memory.
> The on-disk representation of sort data is quite a bit mo
On 2 September 2011 03:09, Jerry LeVan wrote:
> I keep registration numbers for software and login/passwords for
> various organizations, etc…
> As time goes by the tables on the various computers get out of
> sync.
> Is there an elegant way I can get all of the differences (uniquely)
On 12 September 2011 15:03, Adarsh Sharma wrote:
> Today I need some part ( subset ) of some tables to another database to a
> remote server.
> I need to take backup of tables after satisfying a select query.
> Is there any option to specify query in pg_dump command.I researched in the
On 14 September 2011 07:44, Brian Fehrle wrote:
> 2. I have appropriate indexes where they need to be. The issue is in the
> query planner not using them due to it (i assume) just being faster to scan
> the whole table when the data set it needs is as large as it is.
Try to reduce random_pag
On 15 September 2011 23:40, Marc Mamin wrote:
> Are there other way we should evaluate ?
> Should we better wait foir POstgres 9.2+ ?
You can try pgpool-II (Parallel Query mode) or MPP database like
Greenplum (Community Edition). Another option is high IOPS (500k+) SSD
card but they are not
I need function which unnest array in a different way. Input table has
ineger[][] column:
{{1,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8}, {9, 10, 11, 12}}
{{11,12,13,14}, {15,16,17,18}, {19, 110, 111, 112}}
and output should be:
select unnest2(col1) from T
> to get the output OP wants, you need to expand and rewrap:
> create or replace function unnest2(anyarray) returns setof anyarray AS
> $BODY$
> select array(select unnest($1[i:i])) from
> generate_series(array_lower($1,1), array_upper($1,1)) i;
> $BODY$
> language 'sql';
Yup, this is what I
On 20 September 2011 13:09, patrick keshishian wrote:
> pg_constraint JOIN pg_class ON (conrelid=pg_class.oid) WHERE
> pg_class.relname='sales' AND conkey[1] = 1 AND contype='f') ;
You have to build query in different way:
On 20 September 2011 18:16, Simon Riggs wrote:
> It would be useful to get some balanced viewpoints on this. I see you
> have Alterian experience, so if you are using both it could be
> valuable info. I've never heard anyone describe the downsides of
> columnar datastores, presumably there ar
2011/9/21 Tomas Vondra :
>> Columnar store is good if:
>> - you are selecting less than 60% of the total row size (our table has
>> 400 cols and usual query needs 5 - 10 cols)
>> - aggregates: count(*), avg(), ...
> Where did those numbers come from? What columnar database are you using?
> W
On 22 September 2011 21:32, Rohan Malhotra wrote:
> Hi Gurus,
> What is difference between
> select * from items order by random() limit 5;
> and
> select * items limit 5;
> my basic requirement is to get random rows from a table, my where clause
This one says: give me first five rows which
> folks, don't use RULES! use triggers -- and as much as possible, keep
> triggers simple, short, and to the point (simple validation, custom
> RI, auditing/logging, etc).
I like them :). 'DO INSTEAD' rules are great for partitioning so you
can insert (or update) to parent table and 'DO INSTE
On 10 October 2011 21:35, József Kurucz wrote:
> ERROR: syntax error at or near "$1"
> LINE 1: create table $1 ( )
> ^
> QUERY: create table $1 ( )
> CONTEXT: SQL statement in PL/PgSQL function "check_table" near line 22
I think you have to use "execute":
On 12 October 2011 08:16, J.V. wrote:
> I need to be able to query for all primary keys and save the table name and
> the name of the primary key field into some structure that I can iterate
> through later.
psql -E is your friend here. Then use \d and you get several
internal queries like
On 12 October 2011 14:50, Anthony Presley wrote:
> After a few weeks of searching around, we're running into dead-ends on the
> front-end, and the back-end. PG doesn't support OLAP / MDX and the GUI
> tools that do this, for the most part, require MDX / OLAP (SPSS and DB2, MS
> SQL Anal
> The *problem* with Greenplum is that it's ultra-expensive once you leave the
> CE version - and you're not supposed to be using the CE version for
> commercial usage last I read the license. Has that changed?
Not sure. I haven't seen something like that in the license. After POC
we bought
On 27 July 2012 08:07, hartrc wrote:
> What is the purpose of the postgres database? I try and drop it and get
> "maintenance database can't be dropped" error.
'postgres' database is something like 'mysql' database in MySQL.
You should be able to see additional database like 'template0' and
Several years ago I gave this presentation to a bunch of PHP
developers in order to show then that something else is out there :).
Presentation was based on MySQL 4.1 and Postgres 8.2/8.3 (early 2008).
I would like to do it again and I'm looking for sources which can I
re-use (and credit back
On 17 August 2012 07:14, Tomas Hlavaty wrote:
> thanks for your reply. I should have mentioned that I was using the
> Ångström Distribution where postgresql is not provided via package
> manager. I wonder how did the Ubuntu guys managed to overcome the
> insufficient memory limitation?
I have the following table:
dwh=> \d events
Table "public.events"
Column |Type | Modifiers
datetime | timestamp without time zone |
request_duration | integer
On 20 August 2012 11:28, Chris Travers wrote:
> I have been reading up on object-relational features of Oracle and DB2 and
> found that one of the big things they have that we don't is a path operator.
> The idea is that you can use the path operator to follow some subset of
> foreign keys ca
On 22 August 2012 07:07, Menelaos PerdikeasSemantix
> Let's say you have a father-child (or master-detail if you wish) hierarchy
> of tables of not just 2 levels, but, say, 5 levels.
> E.g. tables A, B, C, D and E organized in successive 1-to-N relationships:
> A 1-to-N-> B
On 24 August 2012 07:39, Christopher Swingley wrote:
> I don't know why, but you could convert 'interval' into something else
> where all the functions work:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION interval_to_seconds(interval)
> RETURNS double precision AS $$
> SELECT (extract(days from $1) * 864
On 24 August 2012 11:44, Chris Travers wrote:
> One thing I have found looking through Oracle and DB2 docs is that
> their table inheritance seems to have all the same problems as ours
> and their solutions to these problems seem rather broken from a
> pure relational perspective.
I can
On 23 August 2012 23:37, Bill Moran wrote:
> And the advice I have along those lines is to establish now what
> constitutes unacceptable performance, and put some sort of monitoring
> and tracking in place to know what your performance degradation looks
> like and predict when you'll have t
On 5 September 2012 12:14, Chris Travers wrote:
> So people are using PostgreSQL in roles that aren't very visible anyway,
> DBA's are usually coming to PostgreSQL from other RDBMS's, and few
> applications are really distributed for PostgreSQL.
> Not only
> this but there was significan
On 12 September 2012 16:41, Kenaniah Cerny wrote:
> In the service script that gets installed to /etc/rc.d/init.d/, there is a
> hard-coded value for PGPORT. Would it be possible to have this variable and
> the corresponding -p flag set when calling postgres removed?
My init.d script has the
On 20 September 2012 20:49, AI Rumman wrote:
> Using explain analyze of a large query I found that in every step there are
> a lot difference between the number of rows between actual and estimated.
> I am using default_statistics_target 200. Should I increase it?
I would keep it at default
On 26 September 2012 21:50, Ryan Kelly wrote:
> The size of our database is growing rather rapidly. We're concerned
> about how well Postgres will scale for OLAP-style queries over terabytes
> of data. Googling around doesn't yield great results for vanilla
> Postgres in this application, but
On 28 September 2012 04:34, Ryan Kelly wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 08:51:31AM +1000, Ondrej Ivanič wrote:
>> - aggregation job ran every 15 minutes and completed under 2 minutes:
>> 5mil rows -> aggregation -> 56 tables
> 5mil overall, or matching your aggregatio
On 30 September 2012 16:36, Waldo, Ethan wrote:
> Once again I reiterate that I don't have control over the query construction
> and I am currently running postgresql 9.1.5. My question is, does
> postgresql support transitive pruning optimization on the right side of a
> join for partition
On 30 September 2012 16:36, Waldo, Ethan wrote:
> My question is, does
> postgresql support transitive pruning optimization on the right side of a
> join for partition tables? If so, how do I get that to work? If not, are
> there plans for this and when should a release with this feature be
On 30 September 2012 21:00, Waldo, Ethan wrote:
> Yeah, I actually saw that paper but couldn't find a date on it. Currently
> their techniques are well outside
> of the scope of my current problem particularly in consideration that I could
> switch to MySQL which does support
> the right s
On 1 October 2012 01:14, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Waldo, Ethan" writes:
>> This query does a sequence scan and append across all the partition tables:
>> select "dates"."date_description" FROM "myfact" as "myfact", "dates" as
>> "dates" where "myfact"."recorded_on_id" = "dates"."recorded_on_id" a
On 2 October 2012 12:33, Toby Corkindale
> I have a query that joins two views, and takes 28 seconds to run.
> However if I create temporary tables that contain the contents of each view,
> and then join them, the total time is 1.3 seconds.
try "offset 0" (or you can tweak statistics
On 2 October 2012 13:28, Toby Corkindale
>>> I have a query that joins two views, and takes 28 seconds to run.
>>> However if I create temporary tables that contain the contents of each
>>> view,
>>> and then join them, the total time is 1.3 seconds.
>> try "offset 0" (or you can
On 10 October 2012 23:03, Lars Helge Øverland wrote:
> We are now in the process of designing a new component for analytics
> and this feature got me thinking we could utilize postgres over other
> alternatives like column-oriented databases. Basically we will have a
> wide, denormalized tabl
On 10 October 2012 19:47, Vineet Deodhar wrote:
> 3) Can I simulate MySQL's TINYINT data-type (using maybe the custom data
> type or something else)
What do you exactly mean? Do you care about storage requirements or
constraints? The smallest numeric type in postgres is smallint: range
is +/
On 13 October 2012 01:44, Chitra Creta wrote:
> I currently have a table that is growing very quickly - i.e 7 million
> records in 5 days. This table acts as a placeholder for statistics, and
> hence the records are merely inserted and never updated or deleted.
> Many queries are run on thi
On 5 November 2012 08:39, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 9:15 AM, Joe Van Dyk wrote:
> Point of random curiosity: The commit mentioned adds the following line:
> if (rinfo->reloptions && strlen(rinfo->reloptions) > 0)
> Is there a reason this isn't done as:
> if (rinfo-
On 15 November 2012 23:31, Xiaobo Gu wrote:
> How can I list all schema names inside a PostgreSQL database through
> SQL, especially thoese without any objects created inside it.
Use -E psql's option:
-E, --echo-hiddendisplay queries that internal commands generate
then you get S
On 30 November 2012 08:06, Michael Giannakopoulos wrote:
> However an aggregate function
> feeds me one a tuple for each call, but I would like to have access to a
> batch of tuples per function call. Is there any possible way to perform
> something like this?
Yes, this might be good for you
On 7 December 2012 14:17, a...@hsk.hk wrote:
> I have questions about Linux Write cache sizing:
> 1) /proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio : current value (default) 20
> 2) /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio: current value (default) 10
> I am using Ubuntu 12.04 (8GB RAM) and PostgreSQL 9.2.1, what
On 11 December 2012 06:25, Виктор Егоров wrote:
> On the other hand, it is possible to write "whenever sqlerror
> continue;" and this will make ORACLE to process all the statements
> inide the script, ignoring all errors. This is a general feature,
> available not only for sqlplus scripts — a
On 11 December 2012 07:26, Mihai Popa wrote:
> First, the project has been started using MySQL. Is it worth switching
> to Postgres and if so, which version should I use?
You should to consider several things:
- do you have in-depth MySQL knowledge in you team?
- do you need any sql_mode "fe
On 14 December 2012 17:56, a...@hsk.hk wrote:
> I could see that it would install older PostgreSQL 9.1 and
> postgresql-contrib-9.1. As I already have 9.2.1 and do not want to have
> older version 9.1 in parallel, I aborted the apt install.
> How can I get pure postgresql-contrib for Postg
On 31 October 2011 23:33, Debasis Mishra wrote:
> RHEL HA clustering is configured to have zero downtime. So if primary server
> is down then HeartBeat will bring secondary server online.
By "RHEL HA clustering" do you mean RedHat cluster suite? RHCS uses
SIGTERM and then kill -9 after 30 se
On 2 November 2011 02:00, Debasis Mishra wrote:
> Thanks a lot for your replay. I just wanna know whether it is required for
> me to run initdb or setting the PGDATA environment variable is enough?
Master needs to be properly initialised & configured
- install postgres
- run initdb
- install
I have simple question (I think which is not easy to answer): why
Postgres is so slow comparing to other Postgres based MPP products
(even on the same box in single node configuration)?
I'm mot talking about multi node setup; all benchmarks were done on
single box (CentOS 5.5, 16 cores, 80GB
On 8 November 2011 16:58, Craig Ringer wrote:
> Which one(s) are you referring to? In what kind of workloads?
> Are you talking about Greenplum or similar?
Yes, mainly Geenplum and nCluster (AsterData). I haven't played with
gridSQL and pgpool-II's parallel query mode too much. Queries are
>> mostly heavy read
>> workloads but OLTP performance is required (like run query over 100m+
>> dataset in 15 sec)
> that isn't OLTP, its OLAP. Online Analytic Processing rather than Online
> Transaction Processing large complex reporting queries that have to
> aggregate many rows is
2011/11/8 Craig Ringer :
> "Spreads reads too much" ?
> Are you saying there's too much random I/O? Is it possible it'd benefit from
> a column store?
> When you're using Greenplum are you using "Polymorphic Data Storage" column
> storage "WITH (orientation=column)" ?
yes, exactly. Column s
2011/11/8 Tomas Vondra :
> Sure you did - you've stated that "mostly heavy read
> workloads but OLTP performance is required (like run query over 100m+
> dataset in 15 sec)." That clearly mentions OLTP ...
Whatever :) Let's make it clear: I need to run aggregates/roll
ups/drill downs on larg
On 8 November 2011 22:33, Chrishelring wrote:
> I want to exclude access to our postgresql db using a configuration in the
> pg_hba.conf file. I have a range of IP adress that should have access, but
> how do I do that?
> The range is - (eg. as subnet).
On 9 November 2011 04:53, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 11/08/11 1:49 AM, Ondrej Ivanič wrote:
>> Greenplum or Postgres + Fusion IO can deliver this performance for us.
> then, thats your answer! it ain't free, oh well.
FusionIO is little bit problematic: smalle
> it's a lot of work and right now the only people
> who've done that work aren't giving it away for free - or not in any form
> that can be integrated into PostgreSQL without removing other capabilities
> other users need.
One MPP vendor implemented columnar store in roughly six months --
On 11 November 2011 00:04, Jay Levitt wrote:
> Sometimes the planner can't find the most efficient way to execute your
> query. Thanks to relational algebra, there may be other, logically
> equivalent queries that it DOES know how to optimize.
> But I don't know relational algebra. yet. (
On 14 November 2011 11:09, Alexander Burbello wrote:
> What can I do to tune this database to speed up this restore??
> My current db parameters are:
> shared_buffers = 256MB
> maintenance_work_mem = 32MB
You should increase maintenance_work_mem as much as you can.
full_page_writes, archive_
On 21 November 2011 00:33, Phoenix Kiula wrote:
> Hi.
> Want to start another thread, loosely related to the performance
> problems thread I have going.
> Need some DB design guidance from the gurus here.
> My big table now has about 70 million rows, with the following columns:
You can
On 22 November 2011 06:10, Joost Kraaijeveld wrote:
> Is it possible, and if so how, to export a single column of a table into
> a separate file per row? I have a table with ~21000 rows that have a
> column "body1" containing ASCII text and I want to have 21000 separate
> ASCII files, each co
On 23 November 2011 13:20, Lonni J Friedman wrote:
> I investigated, and found that for the past ~18 hours,
> there's one autovacuum process that has been running, and not making
> any obvious progress:
> I'm using the defaults for all the *vacuum* options in
> postgresql.conf, exc
On 12 December 2011 15:39, Jayadevan M wrote:
> At the db level, Oracle provides "Database replay" feature. that lets you
> replay the production server events in the development/test environment.
> http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/server.111/e12253/dbr_intro.htm
> Won't something like thi
> As I'm sure many people know, check_postgres.pl has a wonderful (if rather
> arcane) query to check table bloat, which has been copied all over the
> intarwebz. When I try to use this query one one of my databases I'm told my
> table (which has had no deletes) is wasting a whole lot of bytes,
On 2 January 2012 03:26, Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
>> And also - does PERFORM works with FOUND?
> Not sure what you mean - can you elaborate?
No, perform (and execute) doesn't populate 'found' variable:
2012/1/3 David Johnston :
> On Jan 2, 2012, at 16:46, Ondrej Ivanič wrote:
> Yes, PERFORM does populate FOUND.
> From the documentation you just linked to
> A PERFORM statement sets FOUND true if it produces (and discards) one or
> more rows, false if no row i
On 4 January 2012 10:26, Rich Shepard wrote:
> select max(quant), site, sampdate from chemistry where stream = 'SheepCrk'
> and param = 'TDS' group by site, sampdate;
> but this gives me the value of each site and date, not the maximum for all
> dates at a specific site. Postgres tells me t
On 8 January 2012 01:52, Jason Buberel wrote:
> psql> create tablespace 'newstorage' location '/some/new/path';
> psql> alter table city_summary set tablespace = 'newstorage';
Be aware that you are not going to move indexes (see ALTER INDEX name
SET TABLESPACE tablespace_name). Maybe you don
On 10 January 2012 09:16, Jason Buberel wrote:
> We have lots of them, they are much smaller than the tables, and that will
> allow us to do the migrations more incrementally.
In your case I would keep data and indexes on different table spaces
(and lower random_page_cost).
> One area where
On 10 January 2012 06:10, Jason Buberel wrote:
> "Select median price for every zip code as of 2012-01-06" (customer exports)
> "Select median price for 94086 from 2005-01-01 through 2012-01-06" (charting
> apps)
> So by partitioning in one dimension we impact queries in the other.
I do no
On 18 January 2012 11:31, David Salisbury wrote:
> I've got a table:
> Taxa
> Column |Type
> +-
> id | integer |
> parent_id | integer |
> taxonomic_ran
On 30 January 2012 09:19, Adam Rich wrote:
> desired time, I want to show them the 5 times from the table that are
> closest to their
> input. I expected to do this using abs() like such:
> select mytime from mytable order by abs(usertime-mytime) asc limit 5;
> However, the difference
On 2 February 2012 11:38, Christopher Opena wrote:
> We've been running into some very strange issues of late with our PostgreSQL
> database(s). We have an issue where a couple of queries push high CPU on a
> few of our processors and the entire database locks (reads, writes, console
> canno
On 16 February 2012 01:14, Robert James wrote:
> What rules of thumb exist for:
> * How often a table needs to be vacuumed?
> * How often a table needs to be analyzed?
> * How to tune Autovacuum?
I prefer to use autovacuum daemon and sets thresholds on per table
basis i.e. sets reasonable de
On 28 February 2012 11:53, Jameison Martin wrote:
> I'm seeing "GMTERROR: canceling autovacuum task" lines in my logs.
That's *should* be fine. autovacuum daemon is smart enough to cancel
it self when other query needs access to the table. The affected table
will be vacuumed/analysed later.
I would like to get some ideas about subject. I do not have any
preferred solution (hot-standby, Slony or pgpoll) so anything which
can deliver/satisfy the following will good:
- one side completely down: Client should use switch to other side
transparently (Failover / High Availability)
- d
On 7 March 2012 10:36, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 03/06/12 3:31 PM, Ondrej Ivanič wrote:
>> - one side completely down: Client should use switch to other side
>> transparently (Failover / High Availability)
> what happens if the link between the sites
On 9 March 2012 02:23, dennis jenkins wrote:
> I've also looked at the Fusion-IO products. They are not standard
> flash drives. They don't appear as SATA devices. They contains an
> FPGA that maps the flash directly to the PCI bus. The kernel-mode
> drivers blits data to/from them via DM
On 9 March 2012 05:20, Scott Marlowe wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 11:16 AM, wrote:
>> In some languges you can use set l_localid = @@identity which returns
>> the value of the identity column defined in the table. How can I do
>> this in Postgres 9.1
> Assuming you created a table lik
On 13 March 2012 15:11, François Beausoleil wrote:
> When using COPY FROM STDIN to stream thousands of rows (20k and more hourly),
> what happens with indices? Are they updated only once after the operation, or
> are they updated once per row? Note that I'm not replacing the table's data:
On 23 March 2012 19:14, Frank Lanitz wrote:
> Am 23.03.2012 06:45, schrieb Gerhard Wiesinger:
>> With a database admin of a commercial database system I've discussed
>> that they have to provide and they also achieve 2^31 transactions per
> Just corious: What is causing this many
On 2 April 2012 08:38, Ivan Voras wrote:
> db=> set enable_seqscan to off;
> This huge cost of 100 which appeared out of nowhere in the
> EXPLAIN output and the seq scan worry me - where did that come from?
It is not possible to disable seq scan completely. The "enable_seqscan
On 11 April 2012 17:15, Sidney Cadot wrote:
> I have written code to extract these positions, and now I want to put
> them into a Postgres database. Specifically, I want to do this in a
> way that allows *fast* lookups of positions, e.g. "give me all
> positions that have a White King on c4 a
I have the following table:
org_id | contract_name | org_specific_rule | count
smpj28p2 | Group 123| f | 3
smpj28p2 | Group 2 | f | 3
smpj28p2 | Group 2 | t
95 matches
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