Hallo Fellows
I am a new User of postgresql.I have installed it on window XP.I feel it little
complicated on Window.I have already connected it with visual c++ 2005,but when
i wanted to insert some data in my databank,then it fails and shows sytax error
or doesn't recognise my table, but con
On Mon, 30 Jun 2008, Damjan Rems wrote:
I created a FTS index:
CREATE INDEX clients_fts ON clients USING gist( to_tsvector( 'english', name) )
I can do FTS queries like:
SELECT * FROM clients
WHERE to_tsvector('english',name) @@ to_tsquery( 'english','somestring');
But if I want to query just
Hallo Fellows
I am a new User of postgresql.I have installed it on window XP.I feel it little
complicated on Window.I have already connected it with visual c++ 2005,but when
i wanted to insert some data in my databank,then it fails and shows sytax error
or doesn't recognise my table, but co
Thanks a lot for the help. I changed the /etc/ld.so.conf to include the
libxml2 directories and did /sbin/ldconfig -v . Postgres initdb started
fine after that.
-Original Message-
From: Tom Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 4:46 PM
To: Aswani Kumar
On Jun 27, 5:46 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Lane) wrote:
> Linux isn't real friendly to putting shared libraries outside the
> standard directories. If you want to keep libxml2.so in its own directory
> you'll need to teach the dynamic linker to look there. See ldconfig.
What could be more friend
Hallo Fellows
I am a new User of postgresql.I have installed it on window XP.I feel it little
complicated on Window.I have already connected it with visual c++ 2005,but when
i wanted to insert some data in my databank,then it fails and shows sytax error
or doesn't recognise my table, but con
Hallo Fellows
I am a new User of postgresql.I have installed it on window XP.I feel it little
complicated on Window.I have already connected it with visual c++ 2005,but when
i wanted to insert some data in my databank,then it fails and shows sytax error
or doesn't recognise my table, but con
Hallo Fellows
I am a new User of postgresql.I have installed it on window XP.I feel it little
complicated on Window.I have already connected it with visual c++ 2005,but when
i wanted to insert some data in my databank,then it fails and shows sytax error
or doesn't recognise my table, but con
Damjan Rems wrote:
SELECT * FROM clients
WHERE to_tsvector('english',name) @@ to_tsquery( 'english','somestring');
But if I want to query just part of the string return set is empty:
SELECT * FROM clients
WHERE to_tsvector('english',name) @@ to_tsquery( 'english','somes');
returns no results.
am Mon, dem 30.06.2008, um 20:38:08 + mailte Sheikh Salman Ahmed folgendes:
> Hallo Fellows
> I am a new User of postgresql.I have installed it on window XP.I feel it
> little
> complicated on Window.I have already connected it with visual c++ 2005,but
> when
> i wanted to insert some
> Um - you're using the full-text indexing. It's
> supposed to search words.
> You can use any of the pattern-matching functions /
> operators (LIKE etc)
> here if you want to explicitly match characters.
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-matching.html
> If that's no
trying to install Postgresql 8.3 and i keep getting these errors
libodbc.so is needed
libodbcinst.so is needed
Hopefully someone can help me
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
Sheikh Salman Ahmed wrote:
Hallo Fellows
I am a new User of postgresql.I have installed it on window XP.I feel it little complicated on Window.I have already connected it with visual c++ 2005,but when i wanted to insert some data in my databank,then it fails and shows sytax error or doesn't re
We have a function in C which is accessed via a view and which produces
a strange result when used together with || (String concatenation).
I can not find the problem. Any C/postgres guru with any idea of how to
fix it?
Here is the function and the result when used with ||:
askel wrote:
On Jun 27, 5:46 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Lane) wrote:
Linux isn't real friendly to putting shared libraries outside the
standard directories. If you want to keep libxml2.so in its own directory
you'll need to teach the dynamic linker to look there. See ldconfig.
What could be
Damjan Rems wrote:
Um - you're using the full-text indexing. It's
supposed to search words.
You can use any of the pattern-matching functions /
operators (LIKE etc)
here if you want to explicitly match characters.
If that's
--On Monday, June 30, 2008 08:06:25 PM +0800 paragasu
i can name a lot of website written in mysql and php.
currently, i am planning to use postgresql database for my next
project. i know there is a lot of testimonial about postgresql is
better than mysql.
can anyo
Also please check the number of attributes (columns) in the table and their
datatype - ensure that your Insert query handles them properly. Better would
be if you can give the details like the table structure, the error output.
Also, verify if the error is something related to VC++, rather th
> SELECT id FROM document WHERE to_tsvector('english',text) @@
> plainto_tsquery('english','despite this');
> --
> Teodor Sigaev
If I understand well the plainto_tsquery behaviour, this query match with:
Despite this, the president went out.
Despite the event, this question arise.
i.e., if "th
I may not have the answer immediately but I think more details like on which
OS you are trying to install and whether you are using the binary or are
building it yourself, would be helpful for others to give a solution.
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 4:37 AM, Jamie Deppeler <[E
On 01/07/2008, Jamie Deppeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> trying to install Postgresql 8.3 and i keep getting these errors
> libodbc.so is needed
> libodbcinst.so is needed
> Hopefully someone can help me
I'll hazard a guess and assume you're using some sort
of Linux :} ...which distro are
On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 01:14:12AM -0700, Damjan Rems wrote:
> Id would like to get aproximatly this.
> WHERE name LIKE 'somes%'
> But how do I construct FTS query for this?
for this - you dont need ftps. you just need proper index.
there will be prefix searches in full text indexes in postgresql
SET_VARSIZE(result, strlen(uname_pointer.release) + VARHDRSZ);
Pave Stehule
2008/7/1 Rafael Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello
> We have a function in C which is accessed via a view and which prod
On Tue, 1 Jul 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
SELECT id FROM document WHERE to_tsvector('english',text) @@
plainto_tsquery('english','despite this');
Teodor Sigaev
If I understand well the plainto_tsquery behaviour, this query match with:
Despite this, the president went out.
Despite the e
Indeed, perhaps no one in the mailing list can look over your shoulder
to get the much needed additional details as Chandra has pointed out.
My guess is that you may be trying a binary install, perhaps rpm. The
install the complains that it cannot find libraries that it requires
installed on t
If I understand well the plainto_tsquery behaviour, this query match with:
Despite this, the president went out.
Despite the event, this question arise.
Right, you mean phrase search. Read the thread:
Suggested patch should be
Pavel Stehule wrote:
SET_VARSIZE(result, strlen(uname_pointer.release) + VARHDRSZ);
This a 8.2.x system. SET_VARSIZE is not available.
Thanks for your time.
Rafael Martinez, <[EMAIL
2008/7/1 Rafael Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Pavel Stehule wrote:
>> hello
>> try
>> memcpy(VARDATA(result),uname_pointer.release,strlen(uname_pointer.release));
>> SET_VARSIZE(result, strlen(uname_pointer.release) + VARHDRSZ);
> [.]
> This a 8.2.x system. SET_VARSIZE is no
> Pavel Stehule wrote:
> > hello
> > try
> >
> > memcpy(VARDATA(result),uname_pointer.release,strlen(uname_pointer.release));
> > SET_VARSIZE(result, strlen(uname_pointer.release) + VARHDRSZ);
> >
> [.]
> This a 8.2.x system. SET_VARSIZE is not available.
> Thanks for your time.
Pavel Stehule wrote:
2008/7/1 Rafael Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Pavel Stehule wrote:
SET_VARSIZE(result, strlen(uname_pointer.release) + VARHDRSZ);
This a 8.2.x system. SET_VARSIZE is not
When starting Postgres I get the following:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/it# /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 start
* Starting PostgreSQL 8.2 database server
* The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the
log output:
2008-07-01 13:37:39 SAST FATAL: could not access private key file
In response to sheikh salman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hallo Fellows
> I am a new User of postgresql.I have installed it on window XP.I feel it
> little complicated on Window.I have already connected it with visual c++
> 2005,but when i wanted to insert some data in my databank,then it fails and
In response to "Dave Coventry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> When starting Postgres I get the following:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/it# /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 start
> * Starting PostgreSQL 8.2 database server
> * The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the
> log output:
am Tue, dem 01.07.2008, um 14:05:29 +0200 mailte Dave Coventry folgendes:
> When starting Postgres I get the following:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/it# /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 start
> * Starting PostgreSQL 8.2 database server
> * The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please chec
Sounds like your using an ssl connection and it's looking for an openssl key,
you need to make sure it's installed and you've generated a csr...
- Original Message
> From: Dave Coventry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Sent: Tuesday, 1 July, 2008 1:05:29 PM
> Su
On Mon, June 30, 2008 9:45 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Henry - Zen Search SA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The problem was this: a silly SQL error (misuse of OR and missing
>> parentheses) resulted in a massive result set which resulted in OOM - if
>> the select is run manually (no funny "out of bala
Probably your installation misses those odbc drivers. you may either use the
yum package manager (refer
or download the drivers from
Rafael Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> We have a function in C which is accessed via a view and which produces
> a strange result when used together with || (String concatenation).
> I can not find the problem. Any C/postgres guru with any idea of how to
> fix it?
You need to set the size
what can i do for a SRF written in C, can called as follow:
select * from obtAscendencia('(11099,15685)','(6808,9621)');
I can call the function:
select obtAscendencia('(11099,15685)','(6808,9621)');
the code of function is:
Dave Coventry wrote:
> When starting Postgres I get the following:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/it# /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 start
> * Starting PostgreSQL 8.2 database server
> * The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log
> output:
> 2008-07-01 13:37:39 SAST FATAL:
We have noticed that in the ecpg version for postgres 7.4.8, that the
timezone associated with current_timestamp was UTC. We recently
upgraded to postgres Version 8.2.6 and notice that the timezone
associated with current_timestamp is the local time zone.
How do we set the time zone for curr
paul tilles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> How do we set the time zone for current_timestamp to be UTC?
regards, tom lane
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.o
Platform: Windows 2003 Server 32 bit
Windows SharedSection set to 1024,3072 based on recommendations from
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faqs.FAQ_windows.html#4.4 and
Version: "PostgreSQL 8.3.0, compiled by Visual C++ build 1400"
Autovacuum: on
Virus Scanning:
"Roberts, Jon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Version: "PostgreSQL 8.3.0, compiled by Visual C++ build 1400"
Well, there are plenty of known bugs in 8.3.0 by now. You really
should update before complaining, not after.
> Problem: My database keeps on crashing every few days with this type of
> er
Hi --
I've recently started using PostgreSQL after working with MySQL for quite a
while. I've been trying to set up roles so I can manage permissions per-user,
but it's not working the way I expected and I'm wondering if anyone can steer
me straight.
What I've done so far is to set up a "g
Chandra Barnett wrote:
> What I've done so far is to set up a "group role" and explicitly
> granted it every possible type of permission on the database in
> question, and also on the individual relations in that database. Then
> I created a "login role" and made it part of the group role I create
Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Probably your group role needs to have the INHERIT property set.
I think it's the other way around --- the login role needs the INHERIT
property. Anyway, one or the other should do it.
regards, tom lane
Sent via pgsql-gene
I've been using Postgres 8.3 in a production environment for some time
now, and have noticed a difference in long-term non-shared memory use by
Postgres since upgrading the system from 8.1. After initially making the
switch to 8.3 and making only one schema change (changed a text column to
xml) the
"Matt Magoffin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Later, I added a large set of plpgsql trigger functions that operate on
> that new xml column data, using the xpath() function to extract bits of
> XML and populate them into normal tables. The server has been running in
> this fashion for many months n
> Ugh. Sounds like "small memory leak inside libxml2" --- probably not
> going to be easy to find. Can you put together a self-contained test
> case?
OK, I'll try to come up with something. Do you have a recommended way of
capturing the amount memory being used by Postgres related to this? I was
That did it! Thanks, all.
(Out of curiosity, what's the reason for not making this the default? It seems
to me that if you're making a role a child of another role, it's /because/ you
want to inherit permissions. OTOH maybe defaulting to more security is smart
enough to be worth the confusion.
"Chandra Barnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> That did it! Thanks, all.
> (Out of curiosity, what's the reason for not making this the default?
Uh ... it *is* the default.
regards, tom lane
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make
"Matt Magoffin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Ugh. Sounds like "small memory leak inside libxml2" --- probably not
>> going to be easy to find. Can you put together a self-contained test
>> case?
> OK, I'll try to come up with something. Do you have a recommended way of
> capturing the amount m
On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 05:06:54PM +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
> >What could be more friendly than providing few ways to specify where
> >to look for shared libraries?
> rpath linking, so the executable can have relative (or at least on some
> systems absolute) paths to libraries "burned in" at
On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 10:02:39AM -0500, Felipe de Jesús Molina Bravo wrote:
> Hi
> what can i do for a SRF written in C, can called as follow:
> select * from obtAscendencia('(11099,15685)','(6808,9621)');
> I can call the function:
> select obtAscendencia('(11099,15685)','(6808,96
Tom Lane wrote:
> "Roberts, Jon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Version: "PostgreSQL 8.3.0, compiled by Visual C++ build 1400"
> Well, there are plenty of known bugs in 8.3.0 by now. You really
> should update before complaining, not after.
Yes. And the traditional question should be asked - i
What does this mean and how can it be fixed? We are running Hibernate with
PostgreSQL 8.3.x...
Bjørn T Johansen
Magnus Hagander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Another problem is that postmaster children that do
>> PGSharedMemoryDetach will still have valid inherited handles for
>> the shmem segment --- does that factor into the behavior? It looks
>> to me like the CloseHandle ought to be i
Tom Lane wrote:
> Magnus Hagander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Tom Lane wrote:
>>> Another problem is that postmaster children that do
>>> PGSharedMemoryDetach will still have valid inherited handles for
>>> the shmem segment --- does that factor into the behavior? It looks
>>> to me like the Cl
Magnus Hagander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> But the syslogger process (and maybe others) is *not* supposed to die.
> Right. But are you saying we actually want to start up a new backend in
> a directory where we already have a running syslogger (and maybe others)
> processes,
Bjørn T Johansen wrote:
What does this mean and how can it be fixed? We are running Hibernate
with PostgreSQL 8.3.x...
What query is Hibernate generating? That's an error from the planner.
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Can someone shed some light on what's happening here?
D:\backups>pg_dump -Z 9 -Fc -C -U postgres -f sheepcrc\dbback.dmp sheepcrc2
pg_dump: Dumping the contents of table "uploadeddatafiles" failed:
() failed.
pg_dump: Error message from server: lost synchronization with server:
62 matches
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