On Mon, June 30, 2008 9:45 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Henry - Zen Search SA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The problem was this:  a silly SQL error (misuse of OR and missing
>> parentheses) resulted in a massive result set which resulted in OOM - if
>> the select is run manually (no funny "out of balance" strings).
>> If it's run in a function (which uses a FOR loop, which uses implicit
>> cursors), then the "out of balance" string is returned for the TEXT
>> column
>> almost immediately.
> Is it possible the "out of balance" is actually an expected result from
> the query --- ie, it's in a table somewhere?  In the first case you'd
> not see it because of the OOM failure, but with a cursor you'd be able
> to process (at least some of) the query output ...

<erp> :p
Thou hast a sharp mind, Master Tom.  Just how *do* you get to develop
_and_ answer stupid q's on this list?

"out of balance" seemed like such a dirty sneaky system error it HAD to
come from pg...  My synapses fired happily along that rail and I could see
nothing else; not even the obvious.

/stomps off to go shout at the app people for wasting his time and causing
additional loss of already diminished hair.

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