am  Mon, dem 30.06.2008, um 20:38:08 +0000 mailte Sheikh Salman Ahmed folgendes:
> Hallo Fellows
> I am a new User of postgresql.I have installed it on window XP.I feel it 
> little
> complicated on Window.I have already connected it with visual c++ 2005,but 
> when
> i wanted to insert some data in my databank,then it fails and shows sytax 
> error
> or  doesn't recognise my table, but connection to data it shows.
> i am using this code to insert data.
> res = PQexec (conn, "INSERT INTO public.Person values (121,'xxx','yyy')");
> It will be grateful,if u ppl can help me. 

Please provide more details such the table-definition and the error

Regards, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer
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