Platform: Windows 2003 Server 32 bit Windows SharedSection set to 1024,3072 based on recommendations from and Version: "PostgreSQL 8.3.0, compiled by Visual C++ build 1400" Autovacuum: on Virus Scanning: disabled on PostgreSQL home directory Problem: My database keeps on crashing every few days with this type of error message:
2008-07-01 10:46:30 CDT LOG: all server processes terminated; reinitializing 2008-07-01 10:46:31 CDT FATAL: pre-existing shared memory block is still in use 2008-07-01 10:46:31 CDT HINT: Check if there are any old server processes still running, and terminate them. Is this problem fixed in 8.3.3 and/or fixed by moving to a Unix environment like Solaris? Jon -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: