I do not understand why the following ORDER BY statment does not work
as I would expect:
1) I defined a simple table with only one column, containing urls:
mon=> \d url
Table "public.url"
Column | Type | Modifiers
url| text | not null
On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 11:06:07AM +0100, Nicolas KOWALSKI wrote:
> Hello,
> I do not understand why the following ORDER BY statment does not work
> as I would expect:
> 3) When I want to sort them, I get this "strange" ordering:
Show us your collation order:
show lc_collate;
Have a nice da
Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 11:06:07AM +0100, Nicolas KOWALSKI wrote:
>> I do not understand why the following ORDER BY statment does not work
>> as I would expect:
>> 3) When I want to sort them, I get this "strange" ordering:
> Show us y
I'd like to perform linear algebra operations on float4/8 arrays.
These tasks are tipically carried on using ad hoc optimized libraries
(e.g. BLAS). In order to do this, I studied a bit how arrays are
stored internally by the DB: from what I understood, arrays are
basically a vector
Stefan Schwarzer wrote:
how can I dump a schema with all tables, but without the functions?
There's no built-in single command for that. You can accomplish it by
using pg_restore -l to make a list of objects, then edit the list,
then pg_restore -L to restore only the objects in the edited list
Stefan Schwarzer wrote:
> But I don't really get how the final command will look like.
> pg_restore -L -d
> But somewhere I have to indicate the original file, no? I mean, where do
> all my data now come from? The original dump contains all data; the
> newly created via
> pg_resto
how can I dump a schema with all tables, but without the functions?
There's no built-in single command for that. You can accomplish
it by
using pg_restore -l to make a list of objects, then edit the list,
then pg_restore -L to restore only the objects in the edited list.
Hmmm.. I probably sh
On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 11:31:37AM +0100, Enrico Sirola wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to perform linear algebra operations on float4/8 arrays.
> These tasks are tipically carried on using ad hoc optimized libraries
> (e.g. BLAS). In order to do this, I studied a bit how arrays are
> stored inter
> Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Show us your collation order:
>> show lc_collate;
> Here it is:
> mon=> show lc_collate;
> lc_collate
> -
> en_US.UTF-8
> (1 row)
The ordering you showed is correct according to en_
Hi there,
I just wanted to restore a dump which I did, which includes some
postgis data. But, it doesn't work and instead I get this error message:
pg_restore: restoring data for table "boundaries_national"
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] error returned by PQputCopyData: server
closed the conn
Hello, Colleagues !
I have a table with geographical objects, every object has set of semantic
values. Thus we have object-semantic relation one-to-many. Tables structure
id_object | id_semantic
1 2
1 3
1 4
n n1
When I start the postmaster it seems ok. But there is no process
Then it didn't really start successfully. (Unless you use the -w
option, "pg_ctl start" just launches the postmaster --- it doesn't
wait around to see what happens.) You need to look into the log
file to see what the pro
Enrico Sirola wrote:
I'd like to perform linear algebra operations on float4/8 arrays. These
tasks are tipically carried on using ad hoc optimized libraries (e.g.
BLAS). In order to do this, I studied a bit how arrays are stored
internally by the DB: from what I understood, arrays are b
But I don't really get how the final command will look like.
pg_restore -L -d
But somewhere I have to indicate the original file, no? I mean,
where do
all my data now come from? The original dump contains all data; the
newly created via
pg_restore -l geodataportal.public | grep
Im trying to disable query statistics from log, and I am unable to do it.
Cannot find the correct option. I have been cheking google, postgres
documentation, i didn't found how to do it so ... I am writting here:
I have my logs full of this info:
DETAIL: ! system usage stats:
Stefan Schwarzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I just wanted to restore a dump which I did, which includes some
> postgis data. But, it doesn't work and instead I get this error message:
> pg_restore: restoring data for table "boundaries_national"
> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] error returned by P
Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The ordering you showed is correct according to en_US (and most other
> non-C locales). The ordering you want is used in "C" locale.
> Unfortunately you have to re-initdb to change the locale of a
> database :-(
> initdb --locale=C
Thanks Tom, using t
Well until now... i think i am the only venezuelan here i havent
been able to locate Cesar Villanueva >.< anyone knows other
venezuelans arround?
Btw... i've joined the cert list aswell
2008/1/31, Joshua D. Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hash: SHA1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Andrej Ricnik-Bay") writes:
> On 01/02/2008, Tony Caduto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The part about the BSD license is bogus. A BSD license is the most
>> desirable of any Open Source license and gives you the right to use
>> PostgreSQL in your commercial apps without worry.
Hi Colin,
Il giorno 01/feb/08, alle ore 15:22, Colin Wetherbee ha scritto:
I'm not sure about the internals of PostgreSQL (eg. the Datum
object(?) you mention), but if you're just scaling vectors,
consecutive memory addresses shouldn't be absolutely necessary. Add
and multiply operations
A recent thread
( http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2008-01/msg01595.php )
suggests that there's a lot of interest and knowledge about F/OSS
licenses on this list. So...
Does anyone know of an authoritative, complete, and current license
comparison? After a lot of trolling, I've
On Feb 1, 2008, at 11:17 AM, Reece Hart wrote:
A recent thread ( http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2008-01/msg01595.php
) suggests that there's a lot of interest and knowledge about F/OSS
licenses on this list. So...
Does anyone know of an authoritative, complete, and c
On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 11:17:19AM -0800, Reece Hart wrote:
> Does anyone know of an authoritative, complete, and current license
> comparison? After a lot of trolling, I've been able to satisfy one or
> two of those criteria, but not all.
The FSF has maintained a list of many licenses for year
On Feb 1, 2008 2:31 AM, Enrico Sirola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to perform linear algebra operations on float4/8 arrays.
> These tasks are tipically carried on using ad hoc optimized libraries
> (e.g. BLAS).
If there were a coherently designed, simple, and fast LAPACK/ MATLAB
Webb Sprague wrote:
> On Feb 1, 2008 2:31 AM, Enrico Sirola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'd like to perform linear algebra operations on float4/8 arrays...
> If there were a coherently designed, simple, and fast LAPACK/ MATLAB
> style library and set of datatypes for matrices and vectors in
Santiago Zarate wrote:
> Well until now... i think i am the only venezuelan here i havent
> been able to locate Cesar Villanueva >.< anyone knows other
> venezuelans arround?
I think they are talking about Ricardo Strusberg. He was interested in
setting up a Pg training/certification pro
(I had meant also to add that a linear algebra package would help
Postgres to be the mediator for real-time data, from things like
temprature sensors, etc, and their relationship to not-so-scientific
data, say in a manufacturing environment).
On Feb 1, 2008 12:19 PM, Ron Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enrico Sirola wrote:
typically, arrays contain 1000 elements, and an operation is either
multiply it by a scalar or multiply it element-by-element with another
array. The time to rescale 1000 arrays, multiply it for another array
and at the end sum all the 1000 resulting arrays should be enough
On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, James Calfee wrote:
Please improve error reporting for this:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not load library "C:/Program
Files/PostgreSQL/8.2/lib/pljava.dll": The specified module could not be
Unfortunately this error message comes from the serve
Hi Andre,
As you know a cf card has not an unlimited amount of accesses…
Do we really know?
Or are we just repeating the same story we were told once?
I know that technically speaking you are right but the media have smart
contollers to avoid problems with this fact.
I remember reading in a
Hi Joe,
I don't know if the speed will meet your needs, but you might test
to see if PL/R will work for you:
You could use pg.spi.exec() from within the R procedure to grab the
arrays, do all of your processing inside R (which uses whatever BLAS
you've set
Well i'm also want to be PostgreSQL Certificated, Zarate always said that he
is the only one in Venezuela, but we are several people who want to have
certified on PostgreSQL
On Feb 1, 2008 4:19 PM, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Santiago Zarate wrote:
> > Well until now... i think i
Kris Jurka wrote:
On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, James Calfee wrote:
Please improve error reporting for this:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not load library
Files/PostgreSQL/8.2/lib/pljava.dll": The specified module could not be
Unfortunately this error message
On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, Guy Rouillier wrote:
Kris Jurka wrote:
Unfortunately this error message comes from the server which gets it from
windows. So pljava is at least two steps removed from it, so we're in no
position to improve it. Perhaps the server guys can coax some more details
out of
Webb Sprague wrote:
> On Feb 1, 2008 12:19 PM, Ron Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Webb Sprague wrote:
>>> On Feb 1, 2008 2:31 AM, Enrico Sirola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
...linear algebra ...
>>> ... matrices and vectors .
>> ...Especially if some GIST or similar index could efficiently
I need help to start the postgres. The server was shutdown improperly
and after that we can't restart the postgres.
Here is the log that show in the screen when I try to start the
The log is in spanish, but at the end I write the log in english.
Starting PostgreSQL 8.1 database s
Jose Quiroz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> 2008-02-01 17:53:33 PET PANIC: no se pudo leer el bloque 3788 de la
> relación 1663/17977/18281: Conseguido
Hmm, what PG version is that? This looks a bit like the results of some
bugs that were fixed awhile ago.
> I use the pgfsck but doesn't work, H
On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Swaminathan Saikumar wrote:
* Performance considerations: Inserts and Updates into the PostgreSql
database is much slower compared to MySql. PostgreSql hosting thus might
slow down the display of the web page online.
* Availability of inferior Data Storage mechanism: Postgre
I am guessing that collation rules are not applied to bytea columns, so one
can compare text according to C locale anyway if he populates bytea column
or just does something like
select * from url order by byteain(textout(url))
> ...linear algebra ...
> >>> ... matrices and vectors .
> >> ...Especially if some GIST or similar index could efficiently search
> >> for vectors "close" to other vectors...
> >
> > Hmm. If I get some more interest on this list (I need just one LAPACK
> > / BLAS hacker...), I will apply for
On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, Reece Hart wrote:
Does anyone know of an authoritative, complete, and current license
One of the better ones is at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_free_software_licences but it's
far from complete.
* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.greg
I am trying to copy some data from MySQL to Postgres using Ruby. This
is NOT a MySQL to PostgreSQL conversion project. I need to read the
data from a MySQL database and load it into PostgreSQL database.
How do I handle "nil" in ruby and convert them into NULL so that I can
insert NULL into IN
On Feb 1, 2008, at 5:33 PM, Venks wrote:
I am trying to copy some data from MySQL to Postgres using Ruby. This
is NOT a MySQL to PostgreSQL conversion project. I need to read the
data from a MySQL database and load it into PostgreSQL database.
How do I handle "nil" in ruby and convert the
Hi list;
If I create a temp table (i.e. create temp table xyz as select from ...) is
the scope of this table limited to a session. Meaning, can several sessions
all run the above create temp table statement all referencing the same temp
table name at the same time?
Thanks in advance
On Thu, 31 Jan 2008, Robert Treat wrote:
Just so you know, I approached OReally about writing a PostgreSQL Cookbook,
and they turned it down. They did offer me some other titles, but those don't
seem to have gone anywhere.
I think the market for a PostgreSQL book is limited by a few things:
Kevin Kempter wrote:
Hi list;
If I create a temp table (i.e. create temp table xyz as select from
...) is the scope of this table limited to a session. Meaning, can
several sessions all run the above create temp table statement all
referencing the same temp table name at the same time?
On Feb 1, 2008 9:06 PM, Kevin Kempter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi list;
> If I create a temp table (i.e. create temp table xyz as select from ...) is
> the scope of this table limited to a session. Meaning, can several sessions
> all run the above create temp table statement all referencing
--- Webb Sprague <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ...linear algebra ...
> > >>> ... matrices and vectors .
> > >> ...Especially if some GIST or similar index
> could efficiently search
> > >> for vectors "close" to other vectors...
> > >
I see a potential problem here, in terms of how one
The version of postgres is 8.1
And i don't have any backup of the system, I think that could be a
problem to restore the system.
thanks for answer.
regards, jose
On 01/02/2008, at 07:21 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Jose Quiroz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
2008-02-01 17:53:33 PET PANIC: no se pud
On Feb 1, 2008 2:31 AM, Enrico Sirola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to perform linear algebra operations on float4/8 arrays
Having avoided a bunch of real work wondering about linear algebra and
PG, did you consider the Gnu Scientific Library ? We would still need
to hook everyth
On Feb 1, 2008 11:49 PM, Jose Quiroz
> The version of postgres is 8.1
> And i don't have any backup of the system, I think that could be a
> problem to restore the system.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't fo
On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 09:07:34PM -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Decibel! wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 08:20:30PM +0100, Gevik Babakhani wrote:
> > > Dear all,
> > >
> > > I have created a group for PostgreSQL professionals at LinkedIn.com
> > > Feel free to join if you like.
> > >
> > > h
Ted Byers wrote:
> --- Webb Sprague <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> ...linear algebra ...
>> ... matrices and vectors .
> ...Especially if some GIST or similar index
>> could efficiently search
> for vectors "close" to other vectors...
> I see a potential problem here, in terms of
53 matches
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