Hello, Colleagues !

I have a table with geographical objects, every object has set of semantic
values. Thus we have object-semantic relation one-to-many. Tables structure

id_object | id_semantic
1               2
1               3
1               4
n               n1
n               n2

id_semantic semantic_value
2                  1.6
3                  4.0
n1                'ppp'

I have to select objects without semantics from list or if this semantic is
set then its has to be satisfy defined condition
select id_object from (objects as o inner join semantics as s on (2 not in
(select id_semantic from objects as os where os.id_object=o.id_object) ));
List of semantic conditions is not limited, therefore execution time will be
arise. What kind of optimization may be applied, for tables and queries ?
Thanks a lot.

Best regards,
Sincerely yours,
Yuriy Rusinov

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