The version of postgres is 8.1
And i don't have any backup of the system, I think that could be a
problem to restore the system.
thanks for answer.
regards, jose
On 01/02/2008, at 07:21 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Jose Quiroz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
2008-02-01 17:53:33 PET PANIC: no se pudo leer el bloque 3788 de la
relaciĆ³n 1663/17977/18281: Conseguido
Hmm, what PG version is that? This looks a bit like the results of
bugs that were fixed awhile ago.
I use the pgfsck but doesn't work, How I can restart the systema
Well, if you don't have a recent backup to go back to, you can try
pg_resetxlog, but it's anyone's guess how consistent the database
will be afterwards. A dump/initdb/restore sequence would be a good
idea. And if you aren't on the latest release in whatever branch
you are using, now would be a good time to update.
regards, tom lane
Jose Quiroz
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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster