how can I dump a schema with all tables, but without the functions?

There's no built-in single command for that. You can accomplish it by
using pg_restore -l to make a list of objects, then edit the list,
then pg_restore -L to restore only the objects in the edited list.
Hmmm.. I probably should have mentioned that it's not a "normal" dump, but one including imported shapefiles. So my dump comes from this:
   pg_dump -Fc ...
and - sorry, myself not being an expert - it seems to me that this file is not editable anymore.

No, but if you run pg_restore -l <my_dump_file> that will output a list of objects that IS editable. Then pg_restore -L ... will only restore the items in that list.

Ah, ok. Right, I can see that.

But I don't really get how the final command will look like.

pg_restore -L <file_without_FUNCTIONS> -d <my_database>

But somewhere I have to indicate the original file, no? I mean, where do all my data now come from? The original dump contains all data; the newly created via

pg_restore -l geodataportal.public | grep -v FUNCTION >

has only the TOC. But no data...

Thanks for any advice.


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