when i try to execute createdb,psql,pg_dump,pg_restore and similar postgre
commands , i get
syntax at or near 'createdb' and similar to other statements.
plz help me wht would be the problem.
Office firewalls, cyber cafes, college lab
Please state
Which version of postgresql are you using?
Which exact commands are you executing?
What are the exact error messages?
Please be more precise. Your question is, I believe, too vague for the
community to offer good help with your probl
Where are you trying to execute these commands? They should be run at
the command line as they are 'standalone' programs, not SQL commands to
be run in an SQL session.
On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 10:01 +0100, kannan kk wrote:
> hello
> when i try to execute createdb,psql,pg_dump,pg_restore and simil
The previously running postmaster process might not closed properly and
released the kernel's memory.
Check for any process running on the server if it exists then kill the
process.here due to unrelease of kernel's memory and while booting the
process is not releasing shared memory hence l
Remove Postgres directory from the your drive and also entries from
Registry. Reboot and try
Prashant Ranjalkar
On 5/2/07, Paolo Saudin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am trying out postgresql-8.3-dev1 on Windows XP SP2 and during the
installation, I get the following error durin
sysctl -a reveals the following:
kern.sysv.shmmax: 12582912
kern.sysv.shmmin: 1
kern.sysv.shmmni: 32
kern.sysv.shmseg: 8
kern.sysv.shmall: 1024
kern.sysv.semmni: 87381
kern.sysv.semmns: 87381
kern.sysv.semmnu: 87381
kern.sysv.semmsl: 87381
kern.sysv.semume: 10
I am using the sysctl.conf file in /
Please check any .pid file exist in your data directory. If it exists then
postmaster is running and memory is not freed up.
Also check
ipcs -mp
it will give any shared memory allocated segments if any and consuming the
Prashant Ranjalkar
On 5/7/07, Christopher S Martin
No .pid files found in the data directory.
The ipcs output doesn't list anything owned by the postgres user, or by root.
On 5/7/07, Prashant Ranjalkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Please check any .pid file exist in your data directory. If it exists then
postmaster is runni
Hi Chris,
Please let me know your shared_buffers & max_connections .
How much RAM your sstem has.
You have set up your shmmax to 12MB.
I hope these DB parameters have larger in values and stopping the allocating
of shared memory segments during start up of the database.
if your system has enough
The shared_buffers and max_connections values are both set to the
default values (unchanged i the configuration file). For
max_connections this is 50, and for the shared_buffers I believe the
default is 32mb.
Do you suggest setting the shmmax value to 32mb or greater?
My developm
Just a note:
Reducing the amount of default connections to 25 and increasing shmmax
to 40 Mb did not fix the problem.
Interestingly, changing the max_connections values to 25 was not
reflected in the HINT output after postmaster failed to launch, it
still reports max connections as 30.
Bah, evil google interface. My reply was ment for the list.
On 5/7/07, Isak Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/7/07, Christopher S Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sysctl -a reveals the following:
> kern.sysv.shmmax: 12582912
Maximum size of shared memory segment (afaik bytes - needs to
Please check the output of the below query.
select tablename,schemaname from pg_tables where schemaname='history';
I assume that the table might have created under public schema. Please
the output of the above query and if the output consists of public in place
of schemaname column th
On May 7, 2007, at 6:19 AM, Christopher S Martin wrote:
No .pid files found in the data directory.
The ipcs output doesn't list anything owned by the postgres user,
or by root.
I'm guessing the issue here is shmall, which I believe is limiting
you to 4MB of shared memory. Is there *anything
When you increase shmmax, you need to increase shmall as well. Max is the
largest single allocation allowed, in bytes. All is the total SysV shared
memory available to all processes, in pages. (I think...)
Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice
I'm trying to figure out how to make postgres utilize my indexes on a table.
this query:
explain analyze SELECT max(date_time) FROM data_values;
Goes fast and returns:
A long time ago I wrote to the list about a problem I was having with
COPY losing rows from an import file: the number of imported rows was
not equal to the number of rows in the file, and two consecutive imports
from the same file would get different row counts. Several people tried
to reprodu
I would need more info about index types in postgre (btree, hash, gin and
gist) - is there any guide that explains in detail when to use which index
type? These index types have different performance with certain collumn
types and data characteristics store in them. There's not much info
Jim Nasby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm guessing the issue here is shmall, which I believe is limiting
> you to 4MB of shared memory. Is there *anything* using shared memory
> in the ipcs report?
Right, it looks like shmall is the problem. I believe BTW that you
need to do "sudo ipcs -a"
Am Montag, 7. Mai 2007 15:53 schrieb Jonas Henriksen:
> while if I add a GROUP BY data_logger the query uses a seq scan and a
> lot of time:
> >> explain analyze SELECT max(date_time) FROM data_values GROUP BY
> data_logger_id;
I don't think there is anything you can do about this.
Peter E
Am Montag, 7. Mai 2007 16:09 schrieb Jan Bilek:
> I would need more info about index types in postgre (btree, hash, gin and
> gist) - is there any guide that explains in detail when to use which index
> type?
You use btree unless you have a specific, particular reason to use one of the
other ones
I was asking for these "specific/particular reasons". Im not the database
developer, to be expert on indexes (i know whats btree and hash - gin and
gist are rather mysterious for me).
Ok - btree is fine, but sometimes could be better to use gist - my question
is: when is that "sometimes"? Unless
I would need more info about index types in postgre (btree, hash, gin and
gist) - is there any guide that explains in detail when to use which index
type? These index types have different performance with certain collumn
types and data characteristics store in them. There's not much info ab
On May 7, 2007, at 9:11 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
I believe BTW that you
need to do "sudo ipcs -a" to be sure of seeing everything; otherwise
OS X's ipcs silently doesn't tell you about segments your userid
have access to.
Actually, it seems that you don't get anything back when ipcs is ru
On May 7, 2007, at 8:53 AM, Jonas Henriksen wrote:
while if I add a GROUP BY data_logger the query uses a seq scan and a
lot of time:
explain analyze SELECT max(date_time) FROM data_values GROUP BY
What do you get if you run that with SET enable_seqscan = off; ?
Jim Nasby
On May 7, 2007, at 9:44 AM, Pavel Stehule wrote:
I would need more info about index types in postgre (btree, hash,
gin and
gist) - is there any guide that explains in detail when to use
which index
type? These index types have different performance with certain
types and data
Well thanks, but that don't help me much.
I've tried setting an extra condition using datetime>(now() - '14
explain analyze
SELECT max(date_time) FROM data_values
where date_time > (now() - '14 weeks'::interval)
GROUP BY data_logger_id;
HashAggregate (cost=23264.52..23264.55
On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 10:47:24AM -0500, Jim Nasby wrote:
> GiST can also be useful if you have to query in multiple dimensions,
> which can occur outside the normal case of geometry. Best example I
> know of is a table containing duration information in the form of
> start_time and end_tim
Jaime Silvela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> A long time ago I wrote to the list about a problem I was having with
> COPY losing rows from an import file: the number of imported rows was
> not equal to the number of rows in the file, and two consecutive imports
> from the same file would get diff
Thanks, that was the problem: postgres thought it had to typecast the
column to a box type, which prevented use of the index.
For any PostGIS users reading this: the solution is to express the
other operand using a GeometryFromText(...) construct.
Thanks again,
On May 5, 2007, at 7:4
"Jan Bilek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ok - btree is fine, but sometimes could be better to use gist - my question
> is: when is that "sometimes"? Unless i know how to use the indexes, then
> they are useless for me - am i right?
gist and gin are for indexing queries that btree is not capable
I've read both Section 8.5 of the on-line 8.2.4 docs, and the pertinent
sections of Douglas & Douglas, and I'm still not certain that I'm correctly
expressing the query I want. Please correct as needed.
From table (Permits) I want to identify those which expire within a
specified time from to
am Mon, dem 07.05.2007, um 9:43:50 -0700 mailte Rich Shepard folgendes:
> From table (Permits) I want to identify those which expire within a
> specified time from today. For example:
> SELECT permit_nbr, title, date_issued, term,
> process_time from Permits
Tom Lane wrote:
> What do you consider "selected"? Given a view defined as
> select a, b, c+d as sum from tab where e > 42;
> what output are you wishing for?
> AFAIR the dependency mechanism will treat a,b,c,d,e alike. To do more
> you'd need to grovel through the pg_rewrite express
I'd like to look at a possibility of integrating OpenPMF
(http://www.openpmf.org) with the PostgreSQL. There is a possibility to
have a "weak" integration by using a provided rule system and SQL, but
this way we would lose central management functionality of OpenPMF,
especially its po
On Mar 9, 3:35 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Brandon Aiken") wrote:
> Why is running on PG so important? Why not look for the bestCRM
> application for your user's needs?
> --
> Brandon Aiken
> CS/IT Systems Engineer
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTE
That's a bit interesting ... what PG version is this exactly?
"PostgreSQL 8.1.4 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2
What else might be touching that table at the same time?
Maybe some other client executes same or other command at same time in same
Please check the output of the below query.
select tablename,schemaname from pg_tables where schemaname='history';
I assume that the table might have created under public schema. Please check
the output of the above query and if the output consists of public in place
of schemaname column
Thanks for the explanation, Tom. I understand the problem now.
My next question is this: what are the dangers of turning fsync off in the
context of a high-availablilty cluster using asynchronous replication?
In particular, we are using Slony-I and linux-ha to provide a two-node,
I am using postgresql 7.3 in Redhat Linux.Windows XP is my client. I want to
communicate pgsql without a specific ip rangeI.I want to accept all ip address
in postgresql 7.3. How can i comunicate. Please help me to solve this problem.
I have many tables like the table Person:below, in mysql database.
person_id, first_name,last_name, mi, gb_first_name, gb_last_name,
b5_first_name, b5_last_name, gender, dob
where different columns storing strings in different encodings. At anytime, a
web user can switch the language and the
Dear All,
We are using the postgreSQL version 8.0.7 and we are facing a problem
regarding the large object and pg_dump.
We are storing image data as OID type. We have developed a PHP
application on it and we can see those images properly.
The problem is when we dump the DB using the followi
-- Original message --
From: Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I've read both Section 8.5 of the on-line 8.2.4 docs, and the pertinent
> sections of Douglas & Douglas, and I'm still not certain that I'm correctly
> expressing the query I want. Please correct as
Hi everybody.
Well.. i've a probelm. pg doesn't start at boot. if i copy the string
of command and try execute:
C:\Programs\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin\pg_ctl.exe runservice -N "pgsql-8.2" -D
the output is:
pg_ctl: could not start service "pgsql-8.2": error code 1063
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA -- 1 May 2007 -- theKompany.com, producers
and distributors of high-quality open source and commercial Linux
software, are pleased to announce the release of DataArchitect 4.0.
DataArchitect is a powerful tool that provides ERD capability like
PowerDesigner as well as t
Stefano T wrote:
> Hi everybody.
> Well.. i've a probelm. pg doesn't start at boot. if i copy the string
> of command and try execute:
> C:\Programs\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin\pg_ctl.exe runservice -N "pgsql-8.2" -D
> "C:\Programs\PostgreSQL\8.2\data\"
> the output is:
> pg_ctl: could not start service
On Mon, 7 May 2007, A. Kretschmer wrote:
I think, you should cast your intervals, an example:
select current_date + '10 months'::interval;
OK. I wasn't clear on this point.
Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D. |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosyst
On Mon, 7 May 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
test=> select '01/01/04'::date +interval '3 year',current_date + interval
'2 month';
?column? | ?column?
2007-01-01 00:00:00 | 2007-07-07 00:00:00
(1 row)
I think so, but without
vi postgres_home/data/postgresql.conf
#list comma delimited IP addresses for this server to listen on
#listen on just localhost by uncommenting this line
#listen_addresses = 'localhost'
This email message and any files transmitted with it contain confidential
information intended only fo
-- Original message --
From: Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Mon, 7 May 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > test=> select '01/01/04'::date +interval '3 year',current_date + interval
> > '2 month';
> > ?column? | ?column?
> >
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Adrian Klaver wrote:
If term and process_time are stored as intervals then it will work. Also
if they are stored as INTERVALS you can do CURRENT_DATE+process_time. In
other words not have to declare the INTERVAL . Is date_issued stored as a
date? If so it would not need to be
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Rich Shepard wrote:
term SMALLINT DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, -- in years
processing_time DEFAULT 180 NOT NULL SMALLINT, -- in days
I can change from SMALLINT to INT4 if that helps clarify the values as
Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.
Gregory Gimenez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> So, we try to get rid of this particular image by first deleting the
> picture row with this corresponding oid and then making a vaccumdb +
> reindex to delete the reference in the pg_largeoject but still the
> largeobject is there.
Well, yeah, you
am Mon, dem 07.05.2007, um 0:39:43 -0700 mailte nij es folgendes:
> sir,
> I am using postgresql 7.3 in Redhat Linux.Windows XP is my client. I want to
> communicate pgsql without a specific ip rangeI.I want to accept all ip address
> in postgresql 7.3. How can i comunicate. Please help me to
You mention Compier not running on PG. Did you look ad ADempiere
(http://www.adempiere.com/)? Its a fork of Compiere which claims to run
especially with PG (though I did not yet have the time to test it).
Regards, Frank.
On 4 May 2007 20:07:17 -0700 syaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> thought long, th
Tom Lane wrote:
Jaime Silvela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
A long time ago I wrote to the list about a problem I was having with
COPY losing rows from an import file: the number of imported rows was
not equal to the number of rows in the file, and two consecutive imports
from the same file
On Monday 07 May 2007 10:56 am, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Mon, 7 May 2007, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> > If term and process_time are stored as intervals then it will work. Also
> > if they are stored as INTERVALS you can do CURRENT_DATE+process_time. In
> > other words not have to declare the INTERVAL .
The docs recommend using tar to perform a base backup for PITR.
Usually, tar reports notices like:
"tar: Truncated write; file may have grown while being archived."
First of all, is the tar archive still safe if those errors occur?
Second, it seems that it can cause a bad backup to occur if you
Adrian Klaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> With this setup you will have to use an explicit string-
> date_issued + INTERVAL term|| 'years'. This will involve constructing a
> string and passing it to INTERVAL.
No, that's a truly awful way to do it. The correct way is to use number
times inter
Jonas Henriksen wrote:
>>> explain analyze SELECT max(date_time) FROM data_values;
> Goes fast and returns:
In prior postgres versions, the planner could not take advantage of
indexes with max() (nor min()) calculations. A workaround to this was
(given an appropriate index) a query like:
On Monday 07 May 2007 12:00 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> Adrian Klaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > With this setup you will have to use an explicit string-
> > date_issued + INTERVAL term|| 'years'. This will involve constructing a
> > string and passing it to INTERVAL.
> No, that's a truly awful w
Thanks for the suggestions,
the directory is removed automatically by the installer, and I looked in the
registry for any PostgreSQL 8.3 related key with no success, there are lot
of keys from previous versions but no one about 8.3-dev. on the VMware XP
Home clean machine there is nothing but the
On 5/7/07, Andrew Kroeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jonas Henriksen wrote:
>>> explain analyze SELECT max(date_time) FROM data_values;
> Goes fast and returns:
In prior postgres versions, the planner could not take advantage of
indexes with max() (nor min()) calculations. A workaround to this
I noticed that after upgrading two PostgreSQL windows servers from 8.2.3 to
8.2.4 that the
installed documentation is still for 8.2.3 remained. Was this intended, or did
I make a mistake
during the upgrade?
Richard Broersma Jr.
P.S. I was very happy with how easily the upgrade proces
A. Kretschmer escreveu:
am Mon, dem 07.05.2007, um 0:39:43 -0700 mailte nij es folgendes:
I am using postgresql 7.3 in Redhat Linux.Windows XP is my client. I want to
communicate pgsql without a specific ip rangeI.I want to accept all ip address
in postgresql 7.3. How can i comunicate. P
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Tom Lane wrote:
No, that's a truly awful way to do it. The correct way is to use number
times interval multiplication, eg
date_issued + term * '1 year'::interval;
This reduces to not much more than a floating-point multiply, whereas
the other way involves string-fo
I'm attempting to design a postgres system whereby an authoritative
primary server simultaneously feeds continuous archives to a number
of warm standby servers that live both on the local network and on
remote networks.
The sticking point in my current thinking about such a system is what
I am struggling to get a CASE WHEN statement to work within another
CASE WHEN. Here is my original code:
SELECT CASE WHEN w.station_id = site_near.station_id THEN w.obs_id ELSE
s.obs_id END AS obs_id, site_near.station_id, site_near.longname,
w.year, w.doy, w.precip, w.tmin, w.tmax,
Tom Lane wrote:
Glen Eustace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
My apologies, I shouldn't have used the generic socket error 'Connection
refused'. What I am getting are errors like
"Could not connect to database" from libnss-pgsql
This is the exact message from libnss-pgsql,
While you are at it,
>I don't see 'interval' as a data type in the docs. Is it a single-quoted
> string? We can do converstions between the UI and storage (in both
> directions), so the type in the DDL can be whatever's best.
It is shown as the 4th item on table 8-9:
Is it possible to set any of postgre variables in JDBC conection URL?
Is this or simular construction plausible? We tried it, but it didn't work.
OR - question could be put this way: How to set internal postgre varia
Jan Bilek wrote:
Is it possible to set any of postgre variables in JDBC conection URL?
Is this or simular construction plausible? We tried it, but it didn't
work. OR - question could be put this way: How to set inte
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Richard Broersma Jr wrote:
It is shown as the 4th item on table 8-9:
D'oh! Of course I saw that, but it did not register with me.
Thanks, Richard!
Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D. |
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Jan Bilek") writes:
> I was asking for these "specific/particular reasons". Im not the
> database developer, to be expert on indexes (i know whats btree and
> hash - gin and gist are rather mysterious for me).
> Ok - btree is fine, but sometimes could be better to use gist - my
Thanks for a good answer, I'll try to find a workaround. The number of
data_loggers will change, but not to frequently. I was actually hoping
to make a view showing the latest data for each logger, maybe I can
manage that with a stored procedure thingy...
Regards, Jonas:))
On 5/7/07, Andrew Kro
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Tom Lane wrote:
It might be that converting those columns to interval is the best answer,
depending on what other processing needs to be done with them. But if Rich
wants to leave them as numbers, the above is the best way to convert them
to intervals on-the-fly.
How can I change the name of the file with the stop words used by tsearch2?
I tried searching in the pg_ts_* tables, but I didn't find anything.
Moreover, suppose you have a table with (text,ts_vector,boolean)
columns. Do you think it might be possible to use two different files of
stop words, in
Frank Finner wrote:
You mention Compier not running on PG. Did you look ad ADempiere
(http://www.adempiere.com/)? Its a fork of Compiere which claims to run
especially with PG (though I did not yet have the time to test it).
i did a test install of Adempiere against PostgreSQL on a FC5 box a
Hi, I'm trying to use tsearch2 for the first time and I'm having a
problem setting up a query
If I execute
SELECT * from test_table where ts_desc @@ to_tsquery ('hello&world');
it works, but I'm having the problem that the string used for the query
is not 'hello&world' but 'hello world', Moreove
Is there any point to vacuuming a table if it has been bulk-populated by
data after a truncate?
I.e. If I do this:
INSERT INTO vehicles (SELECT DISTINCT ON (dealer_id,vehicle_address) *
FROM vehicles_temp_load WHERE (dealer_id,vehicle_address) is not null);
Is there a
Paul Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Is there any point to vacuuming a table if it has been bulk-populated by
> data after a truncate?
> I.e. If I do this:
> TRUNCATE TABLE vehicles;
> INSERT INTO vehicles (SELECT DISTINCT ON (dealer_id,vehicle_address) *
> FROM vehicles_temp_load WHERE (d
On Monday 07 May 2007 3:19 pm, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Mon, 7 May 2007, Tom Lane wrote:
> > It might be that converting those columns to interval is the best answer,
> > depending on what other processing needs to be done with them. But if
> > Rich wants to leave them as numbers, the above is the
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Adrian Klaver wrote:
Whew! :-)
Now I'm working on pulling dates from two tables and checking if they're
in the current quarter. I see that I need SELECT EXTRACT FROM ,
and I'm thinking how to incorporate this with the rest of the selection
criteria. I'll
Tom Lane wrote:
The only thing a vacuum would do for you there is set the commit hint
bits on the newly-inserted rows. Which might be worth doing if you want
to get the table into a totally "clean" state, but it's probably a bit
excessive. SELECTs on the table will set the hint bits anyway as
Richard P. Welty escribió:
Frank Finner wrote:
You mention Compier not running on PG. Did you look ad ADempiere
(http://www.adempiere.com/)? Its a fork of Compiere which claims to
run especially with PG (though I did not yet have the time to test it).
i did a test install of Adempiere agains
Paul Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> What you *do* want to do in this situation is an ANALYZE.
> Should the ANALYZE be done before or after indexes are built? Or is that
> irrelevant?
For ordinary indexes it doesn't matter. If you have any expression
indexes then you sh
I wrote:
>> Is there any point in vacuuming?
> The only thing a vacuum would do for you there is set the commit hint
> bits on the newly-inserted rows. Which might be worth doing if you want
> to get the table into a totally "clean" state, but it's probably a bit
> excessive. SELECTs on the tabl
Hi all,
I have a select that involves a column in the result set that is expensive to
I need to use the expensive column in a subsequent calculated column.
Is there a syntax to run the expensive function once only or does it just have
to be done,
blk_speed() is the expensive function.
Tom Lane wrote:
I forgot to mention that any other operation that examines every table
row will fix all the hint bits as well. In particular a CREATE INDEX
would do that --- so if you are planning to create some indexes then
there's certainly no point in a VACUUM just after a table load.
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Ottavio Campana wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to use tsearch2 for the first time and I'm having a
problem setting up a query
If I execute
SELECT * from test_table where ts_desc @@ to_tsquery ('hello&world');
it works, but I'm having the problem that the string used for the query
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Ottavio Campana wrote:
How can I change the name of the file with the stop words used by tsearch2?
I tried searching in the pg_ts_* tables, but I didn't find anything.
Moreover, suppose you have a table with (text,ts_vector,boolean)
columns. Do you think it might
am Mon, dem 07.05.2007, um 17:15:04 -0300 mailte Osvaldo Rosario Kussama
> >First, 7.3 are out of date...
> >
> >You should check if your PG-Server listening on TCP/IP. Take a look into
> >your postgresql.conf, you need an entry like 'listen_addresses = ...'.
> Valid only in 8.+ ver
"Harvey, Allan AC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> select
> b.block,
> b.p_code,
> p.description,
> p.blk_speed as "set",
> blk_speed( b.block ) as "actual",
> blk_speed( b.block ) / ( p.blk_speed + 0.0001 ) * 100 as "Speed %"
> from block b, product p
> where b.p_code = p.p_c
Thank you.
I shall experiment.
> "Harvey, Allan AC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > select
> > b.block,
> > b.p_code,
> > p.description,
> > p.blk_speed as "set",
> > blk_speed( b.block ) as "actual",
> > blk_speed( b.block ) / ( p.blk_speed + 0.0001 ) * 100
> as "Spe
On 5/8/07, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I forgot to mention that any other operation that examines every table
row will fix all the hint bits as well. In particular a CREATE INDEX
would do that ---
I might be missing something, but I think CREATE INDEX work on
SnapshotAny and hence m
"Pavan Deolasee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 5/8/07, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I forgot to mention that any other operation that examines every table
>> row will fix all the hint bits as well. In particular a CREATE INDEX
>> would do that ---
> I might be missing something, but
On 5/8/07, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
SnapshotAny is a no-op, but HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum isn't.
Oh yes. My apologies for forgetting IndexBuildHeapScan()
EnterpriseDB http://www.enterprisedb.com
> The docs recommend using tar to perform a base backup for PITR.
> Usually, tar reports notices like:
> "tar: Truncated write; file may have grown while being archived."
Did you call pg_start_backup(text) before you started to archive?
Laurenz Albe
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