Tom Lane wrote:
The only thing a vacuum would do for you there is set the commit hint
bits on the newly-inserted rows. Which might be worth doing if you want
to get the table into a totally "clean" state, but it's probably a bit
excessive. SELECTs on the table will set the hint bits anyway as
they visit not-yet-hinted rows, so it's really a matter of do you want
to pay that overhead all at once or spread-out.
What you *do* want to do in this situation is an ANALYZE.
regards, tom lane
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?
Thanks Tom.
Should the ANALYZE be done before or after indexes are built? Or is that
irrelevant? Should I not even bother rebuilding indexes when I do these
Currently I:
1) Drop Indexes
2) Truncate and copy in new data
3) Vacuum - now changed to analyze.
4) Create indexes
I add steps one and four on the assumption that adding 40 million
records in one hit might get the indexes confused - but if they are
pretty stable I can remove these steps.
Paul Lambert
Database Administrator
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?