Paul Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Is there any point to vacuuming a table if it has been bulk-populated by 
> data after a truncate?

> I.e. If I do this:
> TRUNCATE TABLE vehicles;
> INSERT INTO vehicles (SELECT DISTINCT ON (dealer_id,vehicle_address) * 
> FROM vehicles_temp_load WHERE (dealer_id,vehicle_address) is not null);

> Is there any point in vacuuming?

The only thing a vacuum would do for you there is set the commit hint
bits on the newly-inserted rows.  Which might be worth doing if you want
to get the table into a totally "clean" state, but it's probably a bit
excessive.  SELECTs on the table will set the hint bits anyway as
they visit not-yet-hinted rows, so it's really a matter of do you want
to pay that overhead all at once or spread-out.

What you *do* want to do in this situation is an ANALYZE.

                        regards, tom lane

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