Rancho Santa Margarita, CA -- 1 May 2007 -- theKompany.com, producers and distributors of high-quality open source and commercial Linux software, are pleased to announce the release of DataArchitect 4.0.
DataArchitect is a powerful tool that provides ERD capability like PowerDesigner as well as the ability to graphically reverse engineer, create and modify a database through ODBC and perform advanced SQL functions. For a single price you get all the supported platforms, Linux (32 and 64 bit), Solaris, Windows, HP-UX and Mac OS X. Discover what database professionals have known for years - that enterprise databases are designed with enterprise modeling tools. Why has this been a secret for so many? Why do so many labor with buckets full of error prone, undocumented, SQL? Well it seems no one has been able to pack the features of a quality data modeling tool into a product at an accessible price - not until now. Data Architect is an emerging enterprise tool for designing databases at all levels of an organization using the same concepts found in tools costing thousands of dollars! Major Features: * Workspace/Project oriented environment * ERD centric data modeling * Logical Data Model * Physical Data Model (Oracle, ODBC, SQL92, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, FireBird, MS SQL, SQLBase) * model panner ('birds eye view') * quick find and navigation from output window * model validation * full documentation capabilities * integrated Advanced SQL Editor with syntax highlighting * save/load SQL sessions * integrated ODBC * multi-platform (Linux, Windows XP, Solaris, HP-UX and OSX) * open file format (XML) * DBMS specific features such as data types and SQL syntax * reverse engineer existing databases * generate create-scripts * print model * print data dictionary * liberal use of tool-tips to help Users * integrated Team Diagram (general purpose diagramming) * supports table inheritance * supports; table, view, domain, sequence, procedure, and more DBMS's supported; * generic using ODBC * generic using SQL92 * MySQL * PostgreSQL * DB2 * InterBase/FireBird * MS SQL * Gupta SQLBase * Oracle What's new and updated in this release: * Oracle support * 64 Bit Linux native * Support for MySQL 5.0 * Redesigned user interface * New modular design to make adding more databases simpler * Foreign keys can be previewed from table object * Primary/unique keys are linked with associated indexes * Dynamically drop/add keys and linked indexes * Dynamically add foreign keys on tables * and much more.... DataArchitect is just $84.95 for the download version and $99.95 for the boxed version, this includes support for MySQL, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQL92, ODBC. SQLBase support is an additional $49.95, DB2 support is an additional $74.95 and Oracle or SQL Server support is an additional $99.95. During the month of may, all supported databases will be included for the base price of $84.95/$99.95 before the change. All supported platforms are included for the single price. You can get more information, try a demo or order from http://www.thekompany.com/products/dataarchitect/ ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq