RE: Windows Media Player on PDA and various formats

2007-07-20 Thread Cornell Ligon
HiJames, her phone uses mini compact flash memory that goes into a slot on the phone. she was told when she purchased it, in order to utilize the WMP feature, she must first add the memory, which would also allow for accessing other possible features of the phone. It's probably made by one of th

RE: Skype and Windows Media on the Cingular 8525 PDA and kind of memoryPlayer on the

2007-07-20 Thread Cornell Ligon
James, Have you gotten assistance from At&T with the issue? Do they offer a PDF manual online? My wife's PDA phone uses mini sd card to expand her usability, but she hasn't exhausted that feature as of yet. You may want to inquire of a user's manual via electronic format. I admit their customer

RE: Lossless

2007-07-31 Thread Cornell Ligon

Re: Lossless

2007-08-01 Thread Cornell Ligon
7 00:42:17 -0400 I beg your pardon. Audio converter? Thanks. - Original Message - From: Cornell Ligon To: Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 1:25 PM Subject: RE: Lossless WHICH VERSION OF wmp? AS LONG AS YOU HAVE AUDIO CONVERTER, YOU CAN SELECT THE FILES Y

Re: another computer question

2007-08-02 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi Michael, soundblaster is probably the most popular sound card app out, so can find at almost all computer stores. You can go to their Creative labs websie and read more info, r even order one from them. they often have big sales going on too... If there's a compuSA nearby, they have them on

RE: windows media

2007-09-06 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, Yes, it's fully accessible as someone noted - even versions 10 and 11... I'm using version 11 and JFW 6.2 with no problems. also, as a side note, if you're primarily interseted in quality and will only playback using the comp, try ripping in WMA format. It sounds beter than MP3, at least to

RE: audio related well

2007-09-07 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, noticed no drop off in their signal. But, with that being said, I get my sirius feed via dishnetwork, not their hardware; I only get the music channels though, not talk radio... Best Regards, Cornell Original Message Follows From: "james" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: PC Audi

Re: TV tuner cards:

2007-09-06 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi Terry, Friend may want to inquire with manufacturer of the laptop... to see what's available. Off topic: are you in Greater Cleveland? If so, check with Microcenters... I may know you from 'share The Vision' Best Regards, Cornell Original Message Follows From: terri <[EMAIL PROT

RE: Yahoo and LaunchCast Plus

2007-09-24 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi Jim, You can also eliminate artists, songs or all from that particular artist or even tracks so they won’t play on your station ever again… I cannot remember how to use these features in that I haven’t visited that site in probably 3-4 years now. Just wanted to pass the additional informat

RE: sharp stereos

2007-09-26 Thread Cornell Ligon
I agree. While I perceive Sharp as a great line of electronics as a whole, I did have one of the best tape decks ever made with features that put tape quality like no other I've seen. However, that was 18 years ago and I know longer have that deck. You just have to research the products of inter

RE: How to use Rewritable cds

2007-09-26 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi Vinny, No formmatting necessary - just drag and rop your data onto the rw or whatever method you choose. when you have all the content on it, hit the button that says 'write to disc' windows will then prompt you for whatever step comes next depending on what program you're using - windows ex

Re: Where can I find drivers for my soundcard? I don't have them.

2007-09-27 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, has a scanner that goes through your machine to check for memory compatibility. When I ran mine through to see how much it would cost for additional memory, the results gave me my video card type and memory, mother board type, memory type and audio card type. Just go to thei

Re: Yahoo and LaunchCast Plus

2007-09-28 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi Tyler, do you have any suggestions, tips or shortcuts for new users of the site? Talking with another music, radio and all around tech junky. 320 KBPS sounds great. I listen to one of my locals here in Greater Cleveland and wondered why their stream sounded like it was from the 80s, but I wen

RE: sound card question

2007-09-28 Thread Cornell Ligon
hi Joe, Yes, go into properties of the sound card once it's plugged in and go to tab that says update drivers: my computer - select drive card is on - shift plus F-10 for properties... You may have to alt tab to the driver section. Best Regards, Cornell Original Message Follows From

RE: Digital audio recording systems

2007-10-04 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi Dane, I briefly looked at a Zoom in Target over the weekend. the model you spoke of, does it or any of them have am radio? I currently use a digital player made by Pogo electronics that has am/fmradio, but itlso plays MP3 and WMA files as well as a programmable digital recordings allowing us

RE: Pogo - Digital audio recording systems

2007-10-04 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi George, It's okay, but only has 256 mb storage with 1 gig expansion slot or mini sd slot. It's pretty easy to use for standard play, adding and deleting radio stations, but I haven't figured out how to use timer for radio programs... The internal harddrive is rather small at 256 or 128 mb, a

RE: Active ex controls anyone?

2007-10-15 Thread Cornell Ligon
The active x control may be blocked by the information bar. To access the information bar, hit alt n simultaneously. There wil then be a window that appears, just hit space bar and/or arrow up or down to select what you want to do, such as alow active x control or block... HTH Best Regards, Cor

RE: Active ex controls anyone?

2007-10-15 Thread Cornell Ligon
t; > Listen to Kathy and Fred on the Web at > > > > > > - Original Message - > From: "Cornell Ligon" > To: "PC Audio Discussion List" > Sent: Monday, October 15,

RE: quick time

2007-10-17 Thread Cornell Ligon
ketan, go to and download the free player. alternatively, it may already be on your machine - try start menu, control panel and see if there's QT there - maybe it needs to be activated...Best Regards, Cornell> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: quick time> Da

RE: Flash Player

2007-10-17 Thread Cornell Ligon
Ketan, the browser may be blocking the active x control, which allows programs to download onto your system. What browser are you using? if IE, when you try to download, are you getting an error message? If using IE, after hittinghe download button, simultaneously hit alt-n to allow for active

multi-channel connection

2007-12-11 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi All, I want to get the best sound from my PC, which I use for DVDs ran into my home theater. I see there is a multi-channel connection as well as digital coaxial and optic digital. I'm currently running the optic digital line into my system, but wonder if multi-channel analog wil give better

RE: WMA downloads

2007-12-21 Thread Cornell Ligon
HI Gordon, A few years ago, I used, which offers WMA files in 256 mb downloads. If I remember correctly, the site is fully accessible and I think you can locate a link on the page that will allow you to purchase actual hardcopy cd... HTH P.S. I think I will also revisit that site.

RE: help with some internet streams?

2007-12-21 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, I also listen to a Clear Channel feed in North East Ohio, However, I don't know how to access the volume control, because it's HTML - it doesn't open the WMP. Can you possibly assist? thanks n advance. Best Regards, Cornell > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > To: Pc-audio@pc-audio.o

RE: Making audio CDs question

2007-12-28 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi Catherine, Using that same wizard, you can merely copy, cut and paste music files onto the cd drive and select burn to disc. The wizard will walk you through the remainder of the process as well as automatically implementing a 1 or 2 second delay between each track. HTH! Best Regards, Co

RE: DFX audio enhancer

2008-01-09 Thread Cornell Ligon
can you offer more to what the program does? improve sound or convert formats? for sound quality, you may want to tinker with SRS WOW effects in WMP 11. It takes some getting use to, but it's a nice tool to improve bass response and tweek surround sound effects. It comes up under enhanced setti

RE: connecting my portable stereo to my computerusingtheauxiliaryjacks?

2008-01-09 Thread Cornell Ligon
absolutely it can... as a child when I had a tv with headphone jack, I ran into my cheap first stereo via that jack... it's just a matter of tweeking the volume control to avoid hiss noise from being too low or annoying distortion from volume being too loud. type of "quality" cable is probably

RE: DFX audio enhancer

2008-01-10 Thread Cornell Ligon
with the result being that most of their software is very inaccessible.> > Regards Steve.> > From: Cornell Ligon [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: PC Audio Discussion List> > can you offer more to what the program does? improve sound or convert > formats?>

RE: HD radio

2008-01-11 Thread Cornell Ligon
you can get a ton of HD radio info at with local listings in a given area. from what I understand from one of my local audio dealers, audiocraft in greater cleveland, most aren't very good for am broadcasts. I'm probably going to get an Internet WI-FI portable and merely paste

RE: Looking for earbud suggestions

2008-01-11 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, I've got a few pair in mind and I think all three come with tips of different sizes: Bose - $99 a pair sound great, but a bit pricy, JVC has a great pair that sound great, but cannot remember price, and audio tecnica are also great sounding, but once again, cannot remember price. You can go

RE: HD radio

2008-01-12 Thread Cornell Ligon
008 1:29 PM >> Subject: Re: HD radio >> >> >>> i got a sony hd radio and and am very pleased with it >>> although it is not the best for am broadcasts it does a better job than >>> any >>> of the others i tested. chris ramsay >>> - Original Mess

RE: HD radio

2008-01-12 Thread Cornell Ligon
he sidelines for awhile until such >>> time that >>> all of the technical bugs of a given system are ironed out. >>> - Original Message - >>> From: "chris ramsay" >>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" >>> Sent: Fri

RE: HD radio

2008-01-12 Thread Cornell Ligon
If I understand correctly, you don't necessarily have to purchase the hardware. Especially if your job allows workers to visit any site, you can listen to sirius online via their player. I'm almost certain it's accessible, because a blind person on one of these lists utilizes the Sirius player

RE: Recording TV shows

2008-01-12 Thread Cornell Ligon
I also have dish HD DVR. We received a message across the screen a few weeks ago when my wife booted it up stating newer features now available and advised we connect via network port on the back. I don't have a router as of yet, but once I get one, I will experiment more to see if we blind fol

RE: Recording TV shows

2008-01-12 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, I have the same, but I haven't gotten it set up yet. Can you offer tips/suggestions to walk me through geting it set up? Windows XP Media Center 2005 with media center remote control using JFW 6.2. thanks in advance Best Regards, Cornell > Subject: RE: Recording TV shows > Date: Fri, 11 J

RE: HD radio

2008-01-12 Thread Cornell Ligon
> you can buy a brand new set at Wall-Mart. . > ----- Original Message - > From: "Cornell Ligon" > To: "PC Audio Discussion List" > Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 9:35 AM > Subject: RE: HD radio > > >> >> If by boat anchors you mean you

Sirius Online

2008-01-12 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, I just went to and utilized the 3 day free trial using their media player. The site is fully accessible as well as the player. You have to hit a link that announces a code you must submit to get the free trial. Before doing so, click on free trial and fill out form fields. they wil

RE: Sirius Online

2008-01-13 Thread Cornell Ligon
get a Sirius receiver and I will be all set. > Remember Guise and girls, the service for both Sirius and XM is only $12.95 > per month. > My best regards. > John. > - Original Message - > From: "Cornell Ligon" > To: "PC Audio Discussion List" > Sen

RE: HD radio

2008-01-13 Thread Cornell Ligon
t" > To: "PC Audio Discussion List" > Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 3:28 PM > Subject: Re: HD radio > > >> Cornell, >> >> I see the point of this suggestion, saving you an extra step when clicking >> on a station's feed, but I'm

RE: Recording TV shows

2008-01-13 Thread Cornell Ligon
using JFW 6.2 Professional. I already use media center for music and such, but haven't gotten Tv set up for it using dishnetwork Best Regards, Cornell > Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 22:43:57 -0600 > To: > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: RE: Recording TV shows > > I am pretty

RE: HD radio

2008-01-16 Thread Cornell Ligon
out.> - Original Message - > From: "chris ramsay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" > Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 1:29 PM> Subject: Re: HD radio> > > > i got a sony hd radio and and am very pleased with it> >

RE: Playing DVD's on a PC/Laptop

2008-01-16 Thread Cornell Ligon
Brad, When the DVD is loaded, windows should then prompt for which program to use. I would advise the person to use the program they're most familiar with. for example: on my PC, it offers Power DVD, WMP, Real Player, and HP DVD Play, which I believe uses the Quick Time Player. I currently use

RE: B Tracks?

2008-01-17 Thread Cornell Ligon
If you mean instrumentals, you can pretty much locate anywhere. E-Music may offer a free trial of downloads - I would peruse their selection. Best Regards, Cornell> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: B Tracks?> Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 22:02:37 +> > hi guys,> A coupl

RE: the Panasonic RXED50 portable CD system again

2008-01-24 Thread Cornell Ligon
Dane, I need a system for my office - what's price range for this system? thanks Best Regards, Cornell> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: the Panasonic RXED50 portable CD system again> Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 19:08:47 +1100> > Hi everyone!> Some on this list may remem

RE: windows media player

2008-01-28 Thread Cornell Ligon
WMP 11 is fully accesible... I use JFW 6.2 and have no problems with it, so JFW 9 ought to work as well, if not better... Best Regards, Cornell > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > To: > Subject: windows media player > Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 21:59:36 -0500 > > Is the latest versio

RE: Internal sound

2008-01-29 Thread Cornell Ligon
you answered your own question: my vinyl recordings sound pretty good to me.Best Regards, Cornell> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Internal sound> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 23:28:42 -0500> > Hi,> I use an hp laptop (the DB9000T) and my vinyl recordings sound pretty goo

RE: Internal sound

2008-01-30 Thread Cornell Ligon
I meant to note, that notebook is a great unit - I was to buy my wife that model, but she backed out not wanting to spend the money at the time. BTW: I noticed your headline at the bottom - the Mets have a much better chance now with acquisition of Johanne santanna with Pedro as his mentor. Ped

RE: Internal sound

2008-01-30 Thread Cornell Ligon
Best Regards, Cornell > Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 09:04:35 -0600 > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: Internal sound > To: > > I have a connecsant AC Audio soundcard in my hp pavillion dv5220Ca notebook. > I like it and see no reason of getting an USB soundcard unless yo

RE: Error Msg when burning cds.

2008-02-04 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi Cathy, You can pick up a lense cleaner just about anywhere these days. It's no more than a plastic disc just like a CD, but it has a tiny soft brush underneath that swipes across the lense. I've seen them with a thin strip brush going from end to end on a disc, just one end going from cente

RE: TV tuner info needed

2008-02-14 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, If you mean the NTSC, it's analog as stated in another response. Best Regards, Cornell > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > To: > Subject: Re: TV tuner info needed > Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:01:09 -0500 > > the other is probably the a

RE: Mp3 player/recorder with line in?

2008-02-20 Thread Cornell Ligon
Yes, pogo at "" has the Radio Your Way LX, which allows for input recording via a mini plug. It also has am/fm radio built right into the player with timer recording capabilities. there was however speculation they were discontinuing the item here in the states due to a law sui

RE: Magic Jack and accessability of the device/service

2008-02-29 Thread Cornell Ligon
internet phone service that uses your computer - like skipe, vonage and others... cannot say much about it, becauseI haven't tried it, but did read a nice review article of it awhile ago... HTHBest Regards, Cornell> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: Magic Jack a

RE: Converting Itunes files

2008-03-05 Thread Cornell Ligon
I just read an article not specific to any file type, but it noted any compressed file converted to another is then recompressed to the new file type. with that stated, there wil be a bit of sound loss. I've gotta figure though using a high bit rate will reduce the loss of quality... Best Reg

RE: artifacts in mp3s, was re: Creative Zen Stone

2008-03-07 Thread Cornell Ligon
I know what he's describing. many compressed files, especially heard when using good headphones, the sound seeems too compressed - not producing all the different frequencies you might hear in the background as meant by the producer of the track. In addition, yes, there is WMA, WMA variable bi

RE: Looking for a special patch cord

2008-03-10 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi Brian, should be able to locate at,, or any other cable provider. You might want to googgle mini patch cord splitter or 3.5 mm patch cord splitter. I think you might also want to try creative labs who often have cords as such... HTH! Best Regar

RE: OT: or not? Concerning Michael Lang

2008-03-15 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, I'm terribly sorry to hear this. I never met Mr. Lang in any capacity, but I work on a Crisis Intervention hotline and we deal with suicide on a daily basis. as noted in this forum, suicide often devistates an entire community. Our prayers wil be with his soul as well as his friends and fami

RE: playing a dvd using windows media 10 with jfw 7

2008-03-16 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, I can't tell you anything about the list, but I often use WMP 11 to play DVD movies. In most cases, it's a matter of hitting cntrl S to stop the initial play, followed by cntrl P to start the commercials before the movie. In many other cases, merely hitting enter will start the movie. Your

RE: playing a dvd using windows media 10 with jfw 7

2008-03-17 Thread Cornell Ligon
ovie? I did just upgrade my program to WMP11. > > Please advise. Thank you. > > - Original Message - > From: "Cornell Ligon" > To: "PC Audio Discussion List" > Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 2:02 PM > Subject: RE: playing a dvd using windows media

RE: playing a dvd using windows media 10 with jfw 7

2008-03-17 Thread Cornell Ligon
the tips. Sorry to sound so stupid, but am I right that in > WMP11 and Jaws, I can press control + s to stop the initial play and then > control + p to play all. I tried the enter key and it did not do anything. > Thank you. > > - Original Message - > From: "Cornel

RE: playing a dvd using windows media 10 with jfw 7

2008-03-19 Thread Cornell Ligon
ry to sound so stupid, but am I right that in >>> WMP11 and Jaws, I can press control + s to stop the initial play and then >>> control + p to play all. I tried the enter key and it did not do >>> anything. >>> Thank you. >>> >>> - Original Me

RE: playing a dvd using windows media 10 with jfw 7

2008-03-20 Thread Cornell Ligon
> by pressing the play button twice. > > Please advise? > > - Original Message - > From: "Cornell Ligon" > To: "PC Audio Discussion List" > Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 10:42 AM > Subject: RE: playing a dvd using windows media 10 with jfw 7 > &

RE: playing a dvd using windows media 10 with jfw 7 some more info

2008-03-20 Thread Cornell Ligon
k you. > > - Original Message - > From: "Cornell Ligon" > To: "PC Audio Discussion List" > Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 10:42 AM > Subject: RE: playing a DVD using windows media 10 with jfw 7 > > >> >> Lauren, >> w

RE: playing a dvd using windows media 10 with jfw 7

2008-03-20 Thread Cornell Ligon
t; >>>>>> Hi Lauren: >>>>>> >>>>>> The problem is the media player requires files call codecs codec >>>>>> stads for code decoder, DVDs, and other files like mp3 and so >>>>>> forth use special decoder

RE: Stereo Receivers

2008-04-07 Thread Cornell Ligon
I agree and currently own the 989 version 2... previously owned the 919 Integra and still hae the 70 Pro... they're all simple to use once set up to your likingBest Regards, Cornell> Subject: RE: Stereo Receivers > Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 10:43:19 -0500> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: pc-audio@pc-a

RE: MP3 question

2008-04-08 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, Properties... move cursor over file and alt enter to get to properties. there you will find file size, quality/bit rate, time of track and etc.Best Regards, Cornell> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: MP3 question> Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 22:03:53 +0100> > Hi,> I

RE: CD Ripping Dilemma

2008-04-08 Thread Cornell Ligon
I also rip using WMP 11 and have no accessibility issues. You tab over to window displaying the files and merely uncheck the ones you don't want to rip - by default, all are selected. You then tab over once and hit start rip. In preparation, you go into rip menu settings and choose the configura

RE: DTV Converter Boxes

2008-04-30 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hello, You ought to be able to buy at least a 30' model for $500 or less. also, I'm figuring as long as you can get a signal into the converter box and have something to play it back, TV ought not be necessary. I've ran vcr's with no TV set using connection via my stereo to pick up TV sound. La

RE: Need help with Sirius Stiletto 2

2008-05-18 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, As previously stated, sirius Online does have an audio captia - there is a button underneath the edit box. when that button is pressed, there is a horrible audio captia that announces numbers to enter into the edit field. I noted the audio is horrible, but if you turn the volume up a bit on

RE: Can't activate google mail captcha.

2008-05-25 Thread Cornell Ligon
Good Morning anders, could it possibly be an active X control that needs activation before? If so, when you click on the site, alt-n to open the control to activate and arrow down and choose allow active x. HTH!Best Regards, Cornell> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject:

RE: Sirius Online Question

2008-06-12 Thread Cornell Ligon
often times, especially being your first time using the player online, you must activate an active x control for such sites. Once you clikc on the page, before entering any data, simultaneously hit alt-N. JAWS should then announce this page is trying to install active x control... move arrow do

Sirius Stiletto and My Studio software...

2008-06-29 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi All, I just purchased a sirius satellite Stiletto 100, which comes with Yahoo My studio software. I am using JFW 6.2 and having no luck accessing anything in the sowftware program. My questions are: do I absolutely need to use this program to sync music files to the player? if not, is WMP 11

RE: the overlooked MP3 player

2008-07-28 Thread Cornell Ligon
Best Regards, Cornell> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Fw: the overlooked MP3 player> Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 13:24:17 -0600> > > > I've seen a few people who have put together guides to accessible MP3 > players, and they all tend to overlook this one. I don't know w

sirius Stilleto and my comp...

2008-08-22 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi All, I just plugged in my Sirius Stilleto 100, but for whatever reason, my comp isn’t recognizing it. Typically, the window would appear without me doing anything further. Even when I go into my computer, I don’t see it listed under drives. Any ideas? Any help is much appreciated. I wanted t

RE: burning CDs with WMP

2008-08-22 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hello there, You can simply go to the file folder of each rip and select individual songs. Then, copy and drag over to CD drive.Once you've moved all the songs you want, tab over once, followed by down arrow to 'burn to disc.' That should then open WMP and you may have to tab over and hit the ‘

RE: av reciver or stereo reciever

2008-09-04 Thread Cornell Ligon
HK is stil in business and just released a new line of receivers - both AV and Stereo. They also make HK car systems, which the wife has in the Range rover. HTH! If anyone is interested, I can research a bit this weekend and post the receivers. Best Regards, Cornell > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: av reciver or stereo reciever

2008-09-04 Thread Cornell Ligon
If I can piggy back on Clifford's comments - I found the Onkyos the easiest to use. I own a 989 version 2 AV receiver as well as a 90 pro and owned a 919; once set up, very easy operation, but periodic sighted help is needed to make adjustments in some of the surround features. HK from what I r

a bit of HK info

2008-09-08 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi everyone, Here’s a bit of HK info. I found at I do know they have a new lineup out, but need to do further research. Harman Kardon HK 3490 Stereo Receiver Harman Kardon HK 3390 Stereo Receiver 80 Watts per channel x 2 channels / Phono input / Tape Monitor Loop / Front input for porta

RE: the sangean 200 v radio

2008-09-12 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi casey, Are you speaking of the HD a/fm radio component? If so, take a peak at the Onkyo model T-4555 at or HTH Best Regards, Cornell > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > To: > Subject: the sangean 200 v radio > Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 00:03:51 -0500 > > Hi

RE: Itunes 8 now accessible

2008-09-12 Thread Cornell Ligon
Jonathan, This is great news. I am currently using JFW 6.2 and only tinkered with the new Itunes for a brief moment. I already noticed access to import a WMA file and Itunes automatically converted it to it’s AAC format after I selected convert. I wil have more time for exploration this weekend

RE: Burning audio discs

2008-09-30 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi don, Open the player, tab over to burn optins and hit audio even if it’s already checked. Then try to burn your music disc. I had this happen a few weeks ago and corrected by doing what I listed above. HTH! Best Regards, Cornell > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > To: > Subj

RE: Burning audio discs

2008-09-30 Thread Cornell Ligon
8 AM >> Subject: Re: Burning audio discs >> >> >> Hi Cornell >> >> where exactly on WMP does burning option reside? I cant quite locate it. >> Thanks >> >> On 9/30/08, Cornell Ligon wrote: >>> >>> Hi don, >>> Open

RE: Burning audio discs

2008-10-01 Thread Cornell Ligon
eptember 30, 2008 10:28 AM >> Subject: Re: Burning audio discs >> >> >> Hi Cornell >> >> where exactly on WMP does burning option reside? I cant quite locate it. >> Thanks >> >> On 9/30/08, Cornell Ligon wrote: >>> >&g

RE: Burning audio discs

2008-10-01 Thread Cornell Ligon
"PC Audio Discussion List" > Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 10:28 AM > Subject: Re: Burning audio discs > > > Hi Cornell > > where exactly on WMP does burning option reside? I cant quite locate it. > Thanks > > On 9/30/08, Cornell Ligon wrote: >> >&g

T-mobile At Home service

2008-10-08 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi all, I just wanted to share information of cel provider T-Mobile's new 'At Home' phone service. You must be a T-Mobile cellphone subscriber, and adding home service only costs an additional $10 per month with 2 year subscription. I had mine fully instaled yesterday and so far, it's great. It

RE: Is there a device that will let you play a thumb drive through astario?

2008-10-21 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, sorry for late post, but there are AV systems that also play USB drives... Best Regards, Cornell > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > To: > Subject: Re: Is there a device that will let you play a thumb drive through > astario? > Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2008 18:24:13 -0600 > > Best w

RE: Is there a device that will let you play a thumb drive throughastario?

2008-10-28 Thread Cornell Ligon
: "Alex Follo" >> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" >> Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 2:20 PM >> Subject: Re: Is there a device that will let you play a thumb drive >> throughastario? >> >> >>> Sorry if I sound stupid, but what i

RE: ABC.COM's Full Episode Player

2009-02-08 Thread Cornell Ligon
address?Best Regards, Cornell> From:> To:> Subject: ABC.COM's Full Episode Player> Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2009 12:42:42 -0600> > Has anyone had any luck with using ABC's Full Episode Player to play full > episodes of ABC TV shows? It seems to come up in Inter

RE: windows media 11 players services problems

2009-04-19 Thread Cornell Ligon
I too have the same problem. when I go to and click on "listen live," I get error message stating WMP cannot play the file... unknown file type... this began about a month ago and occurs on all my PCs. I had my wife try to access their site via her work comp and got the sam

RE: CD Ripping Question

2009-06-04 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, I would like to try EAC, because I feel other rippers make my tunes sound to 'bright' most often. I currently use JFW 6.2 Pro, Windows XP Pro/Media Center, WMP 11 or fre rip. My comp is hooked up to home theater using large 7.1 speakers. Does EAC allow for conversions to MP3 or WMA for t

RE: Moving Through Files With Windows Media

2009-10-08 Thread Cornell Ligon
been using WMP 11 since it's been out... to move back an entire track, cntrl-B; to advance an entire track, cntrl-F; to rewind or fast forward a bit of a track, tab down to seek using left arrow for rewind and right arrow for fast forwarding... HTH! Best Regards, Cornell > From: tomca.

RE: reasonably accessible HD receivers

2009-10-24 Thread Cornell Ligon
I own a Sirius Stilleto 100, which has MP3 and satellite radio. It is not accessible, but memorizing a few steps will get you going to use the satellite and/or MP3 player. U can also tag songs being played on satellite for later purchase, but I haven't used that feature as of yet. HTH! Bes

RE: enhancing sound with winamp or windows media player on 64 bit machine

2009-11-17 Thread Cornell Ligon
WMP equalizer: alt 'T' for menus, left arrow twice, down arrow to enhancements submenus, arrow up or down until you hear graphic equalizer. tab over to eq settings. You can manipulate EQ by each frequency or you can select differnt modes, such as default, custom, rock, jazz, folk, dance, ra

RE: burning a cd with windows media player 11 question

2009-11-20 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, open the player and tab down to burn settings. Press enter there and move arrow down once. You will then have the option to select audio or data cd - make sure the audio is checked. HTH! Best Regards, Cornell > From: > To: > Subject: burni

RE: itunes and audio books on a cd

2009-12-11 Thread Cornell Ligon
Yes, Open ITunes player. control O to add a file to library. You will then be prompted to search for the file. Browse to location of books and add. Best Regards, Cornell > From: > To: > Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 09:54:02 -0600 > Subject:

RE: question about SPdif

2010-01-07 Thread Cornell Ligon
if spdif? means digital optic line, your answer is yes. However, you will still have to go into your sound settings and place on 5.1, 6 or 7.1 channels for sound after you make the connection. alternatively, you can also use the digital coaxial line or 7 separate analog RCA lines. Best Re

RE: question about SPdif

2010-01-07 Thread Cornell Ligon
so you say that I'll have to > change this in the sound settings each time I startup my computer? > > Brian > - Original Message - > From: "Cornell Ligon" > To: "PC Audio Discussion List" > Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 3:52 PM > Subjec


2010-01-08 Thread Cornell Ligon
can't remember where I read it, but you might want to visit Microsoft site. I learned just earlier this week, Microsoft will extend support for XP for another 5 years. hth! Best Regards, Cornell > From: > To: > Subject: Re: MEDIA CENTER COMPUTER

accessing volume on website

2010-05-18 Thread Cornell Ligon Hi, once page is loaded and a commercial runs, cannot use volume control on button 37. Wife stated it's a combination mute/volume button in one. I can hit it to mute, but not reduce the volume. FS via email s

RE: how to adjust buffering

2010-05-28 Thread Cornell Ligon
Hi, try setting connection speed to whatever speed you're using. If set to automatic, it can cause this problem. when I used WMP in the past and the auto setting, I had this same experience quite often. Best Regards, Cornell > From: > To:

tab down until you get to song lists. by default, all are checked and you must uncheck the songs you don't want to rip. Once you've deselected all you don't want, tab once more and hit start rip butto

2010-07-14 Thread Cornell Ligon
Best Regards, Cornell > To: > Subject: ripping questions > Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 07:02:41 -0400 > From: > > Good morning everyone, > Since wmp 11 is set to rip cds only when your in the rip tab by > default, when I put an audio cd in my optical driv

RE: Airport Express Again

2010-09-05 Thread Cornell Ligon
HI Dane, I'm going to briefly describe my current setup with my Mac Mini: I have it connected to my home theeater via the digital optic connection using the optic cable I purchased via Apple recommendation from Radio Shakc. I'm getting the impression the convertor you speak of is a transmittor t

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