Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread mimi
Oh, well, it's like having a car, in a way, isn't it? That's computers for you. Guess I'll have to do just that. I think I can handle that. I'll save for it. Mimi - Original Message - From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Fr

Re: Sound editors pound for pound?

2004-10-08 Thread mimi
You might want to slow the burn rate down if too many discs are not burning completely and you get that nasty dragon sound when that happens, that is, if you are using Nero. I don't know if other burning software have sound effects like this. Worth a try anyway! Good luck! Mimi - Original

Re: Sound editors pound for pound?

2004-10-08 Thread Gary Wood
Hi Mimi. I'm using a Windows XP machine with 2.7 gigs. I hear that with that speed you can burn CD's at 40-X or 48-X, but I'm wondering if it may be better to slow that down? CD's I've burned at that speed play fine on other players, but I wonder if it's better to slow the burn rate? - Or

Re: win dvd

2004-10-08 Thread Gordon and Kimberly
It's a little program called win dvd x pack. I'm not sure if it's four or five, or what it is really. It does work well with jfw, if you know the hotkeys. A list of keyboard shortcuts is available in the help menu, and I found that too. You hit f1, and yo're on your way. Gordon Mote - Or

Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread Gary Wood
Hi, Mimi. This is Gary again. It sounds like you might have to upgrade your whole system. It seems like we all have to do this every few years to keep up with the changes. - Original Message - From: "mimi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent:

Re: piculiarity with a .asf file

2004-10-08 Thread Marty Rimpau
Hi, but did you save target as with the context menu, download the .asf file and try to play it that way? On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 18:21:25 -0400, Meared Reta wrote: >Hi, >Windows Media Player plays the streaming audio with out any problem here on >my system. I tried it both with WMP9 and 10. >I'm u

Nero 6

2004-10-08 Thread Gary Petraccaro
What's the difference between Nero Ultra and Nero 6? Thanks. - Original Message - From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 2:48 PM Subject: Re: Sound editors pound for pound? Hi. With regards to your quest

Direct x problem

2004-10-08 Thread Andy
Hi all. I was obliged to download, from Microsoft, Direct X for my copy of Goldwave. The download was unusual in the sence that I did not see the process, but was advised that it had been installed on my computer. However, after launching Goldwave and selecting Direct X from the plug-ins option,

Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread mimi
Thanks, Doc. Mimi - Original Message - From: "doc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 11:59 AM Subject: Re: playing dvd? > Yes, you will need a dvd rom. It uses a different lasar setup than cd-rom. > Doc Wright > htt

Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread mimi
Sure, thanks, Jerry. This Pentium II system I have is too old for any more installations of hardware, and I have used every available thing on it. Mimi - Original Message - From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October

Re: Delta cards.

2004-10-08 Thread mimi
Hey, how come Soundblaster is so bad? I like mine, but I guess, different strokes for different folks. Mimi - Original Message - From: "Jim Noseworthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 11:59 AM Subject: Re: Delta ca

Re: Sound editors pound for pound?

2004-10-08 Thread mimi
I am a Nero user. I use Window-Eyes 4.5 and Windows 98SE. I've been using Nero for almost 2 years (where did the time go!) Everything's working fine. Had a problem because the burner drive was running too fast for my Pentium II computer. I slowed it down to 32x and it corrected a problem of ev

Re: dial pad on skipe

2004-10-08 Thread Joy Tilton
It does not allow one to do that. It would be nice if this was allowed. But, apparently not. Yes, one can dial out no problem. But, I'm interested in being able to access the dtmf function for touch tone access to menues and such. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 10/8/2004 at 17

win dvd

2004-10-08 Thread Gordon and Kimberly
Where is the help menu in win dvd? I don't remember many of the hot keys, and I know there is a list of them in the help menu, but I'm not sure how to get to it. Thanks in advance for the answer. Gordon Mote ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archive

Re: win dvd

2004-10-08 Thread ptusing
Hi, Which Win DVD are you using and how does it work with JAWS? - Original Message - From: "Gordon and Kimberly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 5:49 PM Subject: win dvd Where is the help menu in win dvd? I don't remember many of the hot ke

Re: dial pad on skipe

2004-10-08 Thread Rob
why not use the num pad on the keyboard? - Original Message - From: "Joy Tilton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 4:30 PM Subject: dial pad on skipe Has anyone figured out how to access the dial pad on Skipe effectively? I was told when reading t

Re: piculiarity with a .asf file

2004-10-08 Thread Meared Reta
Hi, Windows Media Player plays the streaming audio with out any problem here on my system. I tried it both with WMP9 and 10. I'm using WinXP, Jaws V5.1 and IE V6. Kindest Regards: Reta. - Original Message - From: "Marty Rimpau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "pc-audio list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

dial pad on skipe

2004-10-08 Thread Joy Tilton
Has anyone figured out how to access the dial pad on Skipe effectively? I was told when reading the faq that one had to hold down the left click for two seconds on a 0+ button to make the 0 turn into a plus symbol thus acctivating the dtmf. owever, I do not see a 0+ button on here. Also, are

Help Request For Total Recorder

2004-10-08 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello list: I posted a couple of days ago, concerning "Total Recorder.:"" Just to quickly refresh everyone..what I'm trying to do is record things from the internet..or anything else that uses the soundcard..except for the least for now. I guess what I'm wondering it possibl

Re: DVS was Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread Dean masters
I think they may just have a list of dvd's that they have described. There are some more dvd's with dvs out there. About the only way I know to find out which have it is to get sighted help. on the wgbh site you can sign up for a weekly e-maiil that tells you what movies are being described so you

Re: Delta cards.

2004-10-08 Thread Jim Noseworthy
Hi Rocker: I have a Delta 66 card and find it awesome. along with the JFW scripts, you will also find the latest driver for the Delta Panel software. - Original Message - From: "Rocker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 08, 200

Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread doc
Yes, you will need a dvd rom. It uses a different lasar setup than cd-rom. Doc Wright If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why? then where does the learning start? - Original Message - From: "mimi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL

Re: DVS was Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread doc
go to they should have a list of dvd's with dvs. Doc Wright If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why? then where does the learning start? - Original Message - From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Audigy 2 sound card question.

2004-10-08 Thread doc
Mine doesn't and I'm not sure what their alternative is. Doc Wright If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why? then where does the learning start? - Original Message - From: "Jim Noseworthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC Audio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday,

Re: Delta cards.

2004-10-08 Thread Rocker
Thanks Jim, What is your opinion of the Delta 66 sound card? - Original Message - From: "Jim Noseworthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 9:14 AM Subject: Re: Delta cards. Hello Rocker: If you are using JAWS, you c

Re: Sound editors pound for pound?

2004-10-08 Thread Kevin Lloyd
Hi. With regards to your questions on Nero. Yes, the help documentation is accessible. Yes, you can make full use of the program as it is fully accessible. No, the help documentation doesn't cover accessibility options per say. However, there are many members of this list, including myself, that

Re: piculiarity with a .asf file

2004-10-08 Thread janet smith
i i am wondering the same thing cause when i go to and go to a listin link and click on it i get a dialoge box that says that i can't save the file or what ever and it is a .asks file or what ever it is and then it won't play. - Original Message - From: "Marty Rimpau"

Re: Delta cards.

2004-10-08 Thread Peter Scanlon
Have these scripts been updated for JFW 5.x and what if any improvements have been made? Peter S. At 12:14 PM 8/10/2004 -0300, you wrote: Hello Rocker: If you are using JAWS, you can obtain my Delta Control Panel scripts at the following address: You will find a list o

piculiarity with a .asf file

2004-10-08 Thread Marty Rimpau
Hi all, if you go to and press enter on the listen now link, windows media player comes up, but when you save target as, and try to play it, it says windows media player can't play the file type, and it might be incorrect, or corrupt, but the file plays fine from the site. I c

remote controls for PC Apps.

2004-10-08 Thread Jim Noseworthy
Hi Gang: While evaluating the USB Audigy 2 NX, I discovered a remote control unit with software to match. So, one can assign remote control buttens fo different software program actions. Does anyone know where one can purchase this stuff as a stand alone item? Thanks.

Re: Sound editors pound for pound?

2004-10-08 Thread shawn klein
Hi, welcome to the list. This list certainly covers all those topics. I can answer your question about gold wave. Just put your start marker at the beginning of the section you want to copy by pressing the left bracket, to the right of p. Then listen until you get to the end of what you want to cop

Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread fenderwal
Hi, Mimi. You can find out what the capabilities of the optical drive that came with your computer are by opening Windows Explorer using the Windows logo key plus E key combination and navigating down My Computer to your optical drive. If when you get there, you hear anything about DVD spoken,

Re: dvd question

2004-10-08 Thread Jarrod Jicha
I don't use power dvd, I use intervidia win dvd, and seem to like it much better. the one that I have, I can hit the letter r for rewind, and f for fast forward and page up and page down to jump back and forwards by chapters. HTH - Original Message - From: "Joe Bollard" <[EMAIL PROTECT

dvd question

2004-10-08 Thread Joe Bollard
i have just installed power dvd, but it is not working properly, it is not the software's fault, it's mine, if i want to skip through a video, in other words fast forward, how is it done? i recently picked up a dvd as a giveaway in a daily newspaper, when i tried to fast forward through it using w

Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread janet smith
i meme yes you have to have a dvd player and it comes with special software which i dont' use sence i use windows media player 10 so hope this helps. - Original Message - From: "mimi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 8

Sound editors pound for pound?

2004-10-08 Thread fenderwal
Hi, everybody. New list member here. I heard about this list from GW Micro. Is this list intended to help blind users cope with things the sound editing program manuals don't cover? For instance, how to select a portion of a wave file using accessibility keys, or, which of the sound editors, pou

Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread Gary Wood
Hi Mimi. You need to have a DVD player on your computer. In other words, the drive must be a DVD rom drive, and not just a CD rom drive. I hope this helps. - Original Message - From: "mimi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October

Re: DVS was Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread Gary Wood
Hi Dean. Thanks for that, but how does a blind person find this information out? - Original Message - From: "Dean masters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 11:19 AM Subject: DVS was Re: playing dvd? I read in a pc m

Re: Delta cards.

2004-10-08 Thread Jim Noseworthy
Hello Rocker: If you are using JAWS, you can obtain my Delta Control Panel scripts at the following address: You will find a list of things there. The name of the script should be self-explanatory. Cheers. "Rocker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. "

DVS was Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread Dean masters
I read in a pc magazine once that the box for each dvd has a code letting youknow what is available on each dvd. If it has descriptive video then it will either have DVS or a d with arcs looking like sound waves coming from the d where it lists the items on the dvd. Dean I personally know someone

Re: Delta cards.

2004-10-08 Thread Rocker
Hello, Do you know if the Delta 66 card is also accessible? How is if for the eliquents crackle issue? Any thoughts are of course welcome. I want to find that card that solves both the crackle and accessibility issues. Good sound quality is a must too. Cheers...rocker - Original Messag

Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread TerriStimmel
Hello everyone, I'm curious, how do you know if a DVD has audio descriptions or not? Is there certain information you can look for, when purchasing a DVD? I realize that not everything is going to be described, just as not every movie that's out on video is described. But I'd like to know of a way

Audigy 2 sound card question.

2004-10-08 Thread Jim Noseworthy
Hi Gang: Does any of the Audigy 2 soundcard series have midi ports? Thanks all over the place gang. ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Turtlebeach cards.

2004-10-08 Thread mimi
I agree on the lack of accessibility on the Sound Blaster cards. I guess manufacturers do not think blind people uses them. I don't know. Nobody really thinks of us, except the developers developing accessible software. Mimi - Original Message - From: "Rocker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To

Re: playing dvd?

2004-10-08 Thread mimi
Do you have to have a DVD player on your computer befrore you can play DVD's? Do you have to have special software to access it? I'm a Window-Eyes user, so just curious. What happens if you play a dvd in your computer straight? I mean, well, just put a disc into your cd-rom drive? I have Nero

Re: Yahoo college broadcast question...

2004-10-08 Thread Gordon and Kimberly
Hi there Tim. I didn't realize there was a popup blocker in add watch. My wife had to help me find it. Thanks for the information. Gordon Mote - Original Message - From: "Tim Grady" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004

Re: Yahoo college broadcast question...

2004-10-08 Thread Tim Grady
You have to disable any pop up blockers or the streams won't work. - Original Message - From: "Gordon and Kimberly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 6:35 PM Subject: Yahoo college broadcast question... I just installed add watch s e on my comput

Easy CD DA Extractor 7.1.3 is Available

2004-10-08 Thread Steve Pattison
Easy CD DA Extractor 7.1.3 is now available from Regards Steve, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Skype: steve1963 MSN Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsub

Re: Total Recorder playback volume

2004-10-08 Thread Jorge Mojica
what your doing is recording from your computers mic, so you can try increasing the volume of the mic. I'm not sure at the moment but doesn't tr have a increase volume feature? MSN [EMAIL PROTECTED] Everybody should believe in something - I believe I'll have another drink. - Original Messa

Re: Turtlebeach cards.

2004-10-08 Thread Joe Paton
Hi, At 10:44 07/10/2004 -0600, you wrote: I really wish card manufactures would make their control pannels accessible eh? Try M-audio delta 24/96 or m-audio delta 44 from midiman. Every check-box and every fader is accessible, you might need help to establish which control is being adjusted, b